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Welcome to the ONOS Guides!


The ONOS Guides provide comprehensive information, and are divided into several categories. It is highly recommended that you work through the Tutorials before taking a look at the ONOS guides to get the most out of the information here.

Conventions used

There are a few conventions that we use throughout these docs.

  • Unix shell commands begin with '$' or for superuser, '#' :

    $ sudo -s
    # id
    uid=0(root) gid=0(root) groups=0(root)
  • ONOS CLI commands begin with 'onos>' :

    onos> summary
  • Both shell and CLI commands are inlined in sentences in monospace font, e.g. ls or topology.
  • File names, directory paths, and keywords are in italic. 
  • User inputs and navigation of web pages are bold e.g. Ctrl-D and Browse > Pages. 
  • Italic and monospace terms may also be bolded to emphasize them.

Further conventions, if any, are described where relevant. 


We try our best to keep this wiki and documentation set up-to-date. Please refer to Contributing to ONOS Documentation if you're interested in helping out.

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