<iframe src="https://onos-jenkins.onlab.us/job/HAClusterRestart/plot/Plot-HA/getPlot?index=0&width=500&height=300"noborder="0" width="500" height="300" scrolling="yes" seamless="seamless"></iframe>
Case 1: Setting up test environment - PASS
Setup the test environment including installing ONOS, starting Mininet and ONOScli sessions.
- 1.1 Applying cell variable to environment - No Result
- 1.2 Starting Mininet - PASS
- 1.3 Git checkout and pull master - No Result
- 1.4 Using mvn clean install - PASS
- 1.5 Creating ONOS package - PASS
- 1.6 Installing ONOS package - PASS
- 1.7 Checking if ONOS is up yet - PASS
- 1.8 App Ids check - PASS
Case 2: Assigning Controllers - PASS
Assign switches to ONOS using 'ovs-vsctl' and check that an ONOS node becomes the master of the device. Then manually assign mastership to specific ONOS nodes using 'device-role'
- 2.1 Assign switches to controllers - PASS
- 2.2 Assign mastership of switches to specific controllers - PASS
- 2.3 Check mastership was correctly assigned - PASS
Case 8: Compare ONOS Topology view to Mininet topology - PASS
Compare topology objects between Mininet and ONOS
- 8.1 Create TestONTopology object - PASS
- 8.2 Comparing ONOS topology to MN - No Result
- 8.3 Topology view is correct and consistent across all ONOS nodes - PASS
- 8.4 Checking ONOS nodes - PASS
Case 3: Adding host Intents - FAIL
Discover hosts by using pingall then assign predetermined host-to-host intents. After installation, check that the intent is distributed to all nodes and the state is INSTALLED
- 3.1 Install reactive forwarding app - PASS
- 3.2 Check app ids - PASS
- 3.3 Discovering Hosts( Via pingall for now ) - PASS
- 3.4 Uninstall reactive forwarding app - PASS
- 3.5 Check app ids - PASS
- 3.6 Add host intents via cli - PASS
- 3.7 Intent Anti-Entropy dispersion - FAIL