Trend Graphs - FUNC, HA, USECASE
Each test result (besides SCPF and PLATdockertest) is illustrated as a trend graph, displaying the results of the last 20 builds of the specific test.
The number of test cases executed is equal to the sum of passed and failed test cases. Therefore, tests may contain skipped test cases if the executed test cases (sum of passed and failed cases) do not equal the number of planned test cases.
Trend Graphs - SCPF
The trend graphs for SCPF display the result of a specific value over 50 builds.
SCPF Bar Charts
Each SCPF test contains detailed results about the variables measured during the test, which is illustrated using stacked and/or error bar graphs. Depending on the test, stacked bar graphs display latencies or throughput values, with the value at the top of the stack being the sum of all of the bars. Error bar charts display the top half of the error bars.