Due to a ransomware attack, the wiki was reverted to a July 2022 version. . We apologize for the lack of a more recent valid backup.
<img src="https://jenkins.onosproject.org/view/QA/job/postjob-VM/lastSuccessfulBuild/artifact/FUNCformCluster_master_20-builds_graph.jpg", alt="FUNCformCluster", style="width:525px;height:350px;border:0"> |
commit 2f5182db1e6a9d8f990df611a917d8b635efd5a2 1d6fef3e98addf16717322e3a9ca92122dd9dbb9 (HEAD -] master, origin/master, origin/HEAD)
Author: Yuta HIGUCHI [y-higuchi@ak.jp.nec.com]
AuthorDate: Thu Mon May 3 167 18:3724:12 20 2018 -0700
Commit: Yuta HIGUCHI [y-higuchi@ak.jp.nec.com]
CommitDate: Thu Mon May 3 167 18:3724:12 20 2018 -0700
pom for waveserverai model
Add log entry about the reason app loading failed.
Case 0: Constructing test variables and building ONOS package - PASS