ONOS Marketing Meeting 6/1



Agendas will be on Wiki page.

  1. Planning ONOS Summit later in the year

  2. Larry had asked question about bandwidth for CORD marketing/how this meeting can help with that

  3. Other agenda items? Open discussion


1. ONOS Summit


Guru: What we want to do, high level thinking, is a one-day summit for CORD in July. Half day for business leaders, talking about OSS projects, support for CORD. Other half-day spent on getting the distribution, tutorial for how to build on it for the benefit of the developers, architects, and get the community effort going.


Should we be doing an ONOS developer summit the following day? We’ve done tutorials, walk-thrus, but what is traditionally developer summit, we have not done that. Could do following day after the CORD launch.


David: Thanks for sharing your mission and vision for the summit, more than a program. What we’re trying to pull off.


William: We had a very informal brainstorm with Bill, Eva, David in April 2016 about ONOS developer summit to gather all developers worldwide working on ONOS and bring them under one roof.


Bill: There hasn’t been an event like this before. If you add hackathon, another day and a half. Could easily go multi-day with something like this.  


David: Potential goals…


Guru: That’s why I want to call it a developer summit. Idea is for developers to come together and work. What I want is to define summit objective. I also feel, on the other hand, urgent need for ONOS developers to come together based on feedback received from community. In the process of planning a grand developer summit, if it takes 3-4 months, doing that vs. a mini summit? Mini summit could bring in top 50 developers contributing to ONOS and see in the next month or so if they can connect, spend time together on specific roadmap items so they feel more connected and feel more productive.


David: For that mini summit idea, best to piggyback on event already taking place with folks in-town.


Guru: I know about the CORD summit, may be common developers between CORD and ONOS, but don’t know of any other event where ONOS developers will be coming into town. What would that be?


Bill: Yeah, we’d have to look for one, but all sorts of SDn and NFV events going on all the time.


Guru: Do developers actually go to those, and are they here in SV? What’s upcoming?


Bill/David: We can take this offline.


Bill: Our developers are super busy all through June. Limited bandwidth.


Guru: Difficult to pull off in July.


David: William is an expert at this, let’s compile proposal for him to look over.


Guru: Goals depending on timeframe (September vs. July).


Bill: Constant goals - get people together, up to speed, inform about ONOS use cases.


Guru: Actually, I think we’ve done a lot of ONOS use cases. I want top contributors to come together, and roadmap. This is the highest priority item. I’m not thinking about those unfamiliar with the project. Goal of developer summit is to get those who are already an ONOS contributor, look for opps to become more productive, understand more roadmap items, and contribute to them.


Bill: I see disconnect if they’re already participating, contributing.


David: Getting all of us on the same page and working towards the same end - let’s take the summer to get a solid roadmap and get everyone on the same page about what that vision is, then we can create action for here’s what you can do to help/take part.


Guru: Another thing, how quickly can we make a commitment that we’d host a summit like that and make it happen? Can we commit to doing it end of summer. Early September?


David: Let’s layout the goals and then have William who is an expert in events help recommend.


Guru: When is next press release?


Bill: Hummingbird will be end of August and we’ll do a planning session in early September.


Guru: That sounds like an ideal time to do it. David, are you confident ONOS developers also go to Java 1 conference?


David: Just throwing that out as an opportunity to piggyback on.


Adara: Our Java guys are different then our developers for ONOS. The ones most focused on ONOS and ONS would not go to a Java conference.


Guru: That’s my guess as well when looking at ONOS developers from networking companies, likely not the ones at Java. Piggybacking on another event is a good idea, but don’t want our timing dependent on that.


David: Let me restate the goals:


Guru: I like that, but want to be more specific. For example, roadmap has specific functionality we want to make progress on. How can we get community to make more progress and contribute to it? Top of my list:

Let’s sign up contributors for each of these areas.


David: How we contribute with the community to accomplish the tasks that we at ON.Lab don’t have bandwidth for. William will make a proposal, the team can respond in the next meeting (next week).




2. Agenda topic two: David talking with Larry for increased bandwidth for marketing efforts around CORD. Is the scope of this call specifically around ONOS, or CORD marketing as well?


Guru: Because CORD getting so much traction, I’ve been so focused on CORD I’ve ignored ONOS for a while. If we combine, I fear ONOS will get less attention, but with that yes of course we should help both projects in this meeting.


David: ONOS and CORD marketing efforts now, Larry can come to this group for help.


Guru: Can we split it with 30 mins dedicated to CORD, 30 mins dedicated to ONOS, better than going off of a need basis. Will help divide the focused.


David: Let’s add to agenda for next week how do we integrate CORD marketing discussions without locking out ONOS marketing discussions. We can make decision for how to do that when she is back next week.



3. Other agenda items?


Lillian: Eva will lead the next one - Adara will circle back next week to see what kind of events we can assist with. I’ll notify the developers about the upcoming summit. I’ll work with Lillian on marketing. Adara happy to help with the CORD summit.


Guru: Want to pose a question. Right now for CORD launch looking at July 19 or 20. ½ day of CORD summit on software release and getting people up to speed so they can contribute moving forward.


Sarah:What’s your goal for launching that project. Certain audiences most important to have attend that event?


Guru: Make CORD an official project under the LF. Spreading awareness and building community momentum.


Sarah: Could we have a webinar component where we can brief as many analysts as possible the day before the event, and potentially extend to press, influencers, for those unable to attend the event live.


Guru: Please put together proposal for how to launch CORD as an open source project. We’ll have a press release and promotion leading up to the event, and whichever way we can brief analysts so they can talk and write about it, is something we should plan to do.


Sarah: We will check dates for potential LF conflicts July 19 or 20.


Guru: FYI I’m unable to attend next call.
