ONOS Marketing Call Notes 6/15/2016

In attendance:


Walk through the marketing messaging methodology - Greg (5 mins)

Review the current state of ONOS messaging and discussion - Mike

Updates on Community Spotlight (Meredith, Sarah, David)

Update on OPNFV summit (Eva, William, Meredith)

Review of William's ONOS Summit proposal (David)

Review of "Call to Action" paragraph and google doc (Eva, David)

How to use website discussions (Carolyn)

Shall we rotate the meeting chair person? How about next week's meeting

Open discussion

1. Marketing Methodology/2. Current state of ONOS messaging

Greg Whelan presented on messaging exercise. Suggest to make the master messaging more powerful/less technical (e.g., the future of access).

David agrees that it can get too technical.

Greg suggests framing around the outcome, rather than the technology that gets you there. Start with concept of the future of access, and then as the discussion unfolds with different stakeholders you can drill down into the specific technical messages relevant to each audience.

Mike agrees with that approach.

Sarah added discussion around what our proof points would be under those key messages to add another layer of granularity for reporters that want to dig in.

Eva noted recent conversation around performance, and depending on who you’re talking to and the numbers/white paper they reviewed, different understanding. Need data points to serve as proof points for technical analysis. Suggest community to come together for collaborative efforts to produce data points.

Greg agrees that is important, but those are always evolving need to be careful that a competitor can’t easily top that claim week over week.

Mike discusses challenge of initial marketing around ONOS with strong claims.

Bill noted we’re not going to step away from that. Bill would be surprised if others could replicate those claims; we spent years with Amazon and other stakeholders to ensure this would be the most scalable, cluster-based system. Others unlikely to duplicate tests completed a year ago; have not yet.

Sarah inquired about OPNFV WG to provide the testing for industry benchmarking; Eva noted that’s likely specific to OPNFV.

Eva encourages leveraging existing organizations to collaborate to improve code base testing and notes more resources may be available.

Bill noted we run the same benchmarks we published for every build test. We publish the results of this continually on the website. The only thing I think we could use is an independent test of the same type of functionality/criteria if we feel that’s important to have a proof point. For example, the latency of response from network, number of requests you can handle from the network, etc. We’re the only ones that look at it in this comprehensive of a way. That’s what the control is there for.

Eva this is helpful insight to ensure we’re promoting the right messaging.

Greg noted Bill’s points are good; there’s an opp to drive narrative agenda. Come up with a parameter that you’d define as the benchmark. Industry would benefit from more tangible, meaningful metrics. Good opp for ONOS to drive that for the industry.

Bill suggests doing another push around the white paper a year ago. We shouldn’t be shy about our claims around performance, HA, scalability.

Mike: It’s our job to promote that, as others don’t realize that. Find ways to promote what we’ve already done.

Greg: set a parameter relevant to customers’ day to day life.

David: David will take action of putting that on the wiki page and circulate to community alias for team to take Greg’s suggestion of developing roll up high level messaging, one level below that, and make sure we have proof points for each of those messages.

Greg: Could have access > and themes of performance, availability, scalability, for example.

Sarah: To capture user testimonial experience, rather than just quotes in press release, like research sighted in Moor Insights. Could work well and get more play with media, analysts for user spotlights, community spotlights, going more in depth than a long lineup of supporting quotes in PRs.

3. Updates on Community Spotlight

David shared overview about the community spotlight series that Meredith volunteered to drive. See link here for share document to track activity worth profiling: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1awPl-nsYbqLm2xcp5oc7ZzyWgFx-qtAX9i4IRP-NJsU/edit

Sarah noted both community and users are worth profiling, but good to know which we’re working on to help differentiate the questions used. We’ll uncover as we dig into them.

Eva suggests, Luca helping ensure deployments added to wiki, and China Unicom deployments is a good example of one to promote as proof point for maturity of project. If we add that to the community series, will get more visibility than on the wiki.

David, my angle for the series is to focus on community recognition, but interesting that it could also serve for proof point examples.

4. Update on OPNFV summit  

Eva prepared deck for Huawei with update. Three main onsite activities include Monday June 20 ONOS + CORD Mini Summit with full speaking agenda, booth exhibition -- demo -- Dynamic Clustering and Scaling for ONOS and SDN tutorial LF training, SDN tutorial by ODL, ONOS and OPNFV. Linux Foundation to issue a media alert on Friday, June 17.

5. Review of William's ONOS Summit proposal

David gave an update on William’s behalf. This is informed by the discussion on Monday to ensure the ONOS Developer Summit attendees get value out of the event. Ensure it’s light on presentations and heavy on interaction.

Proposal outline: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ykUEXSmcfLk3B3LxL0vOtgTBYqts_tIWPYlGzsliF0U/edit#heading=h.x50b0ezgi002 

Exploring ways for people to participate remotely. Sarah suggested recording the session, if budget available. David noted facilitator posing the questions the remote attendees share on Slack.

William estimates event end of September, beginning of October.

Agreement that the strategy William built is great.

6. Review of "Call to Action" paragraph and google doc

Eva created call to action for community to submit the ONOS-related activities they’re aware of to this link so we can all be apprised of what’s going on: https://docs.google.com/a/onlab.us/forms/d/1tzFPjAWhzWrSibaVjcM2_oNzry_C7bWAjzdVzcnIlf0/viewform

Eva: Please comment and let’s freeze this by next marketing meeting.

Consensus that CORD can be added to this as well. Eva will add.

7. How to use website discussions

Carolyn, Corsa, to cover this during next week’s agenda/discussion.

8. Shall we rotate the meeting chair person? How about next week's meeting

Eva proposed rotating responsibility of moderating the weekly call. Eva is out next week for OPNFV Summit.

David will drive next week’s call.

David will add a moderator column in the wiki.

9. Open discussion

CORD to be main focus of next week’s call. Invite Guru and Larry to attend. In the meantime, Linux will ask these questions over email.