USECASE_SdnipFunctionCluster at 06 Sep 2016 05:20:40

commit 16144ba3df1d268c84f493fdca11d0a332591ed1 (HEAD, origin/master, origin/HEAD, master)
Author: bobzhou []
AuthorDate: Fri Sep 2 17:34:16 2016 +0800
Commit: Gerrit Code Review []
CommitDate: Tue Sep 6 02:00:43 2016 +0000

[ONOS-5185] fix bug for VTN data synchronized failed in cluster mode

Case 101: Setting up ONOS environment - PASS

Case 100: Setup the Mininet testbed - PASS

Case 200: Activate sdn-ip application - PASS

Case 102: Load methods from other Python file and create tunnels - PASS

Case 1: Ping between BGP peers and speakers - PASS

Case 2: Check point-to-point intents - PASS

Case 3: Check routes and M2S intents to all BGP peers - PASS

Case 4: Ping test for each route, all hosts behind BGP peers - PASS

Case 5: Bring down links and check routes/intents - PASS

Case 6: Bring up links and check routes/intents - FAIL