Work-in-progress. Completed page will be linked into the Tutorials page.


ONOS Rabbit MQ application will be capture and parse the ONOS events and notifications. There by converting the below listed events into appropriate json schema and publish them on to MQ server. The interested ONOS and external applications can consume the published json messages.

MQ Supported ONOS event types

MQ Configuration

        To configure Rabbit MQ event notification from ONOS the following components needs to be configured:

Before proceeding to the following steps, see “wiki: Installing and Running ONOS” and “” for make it ready to run ONOS.

$ cd ~/onos/apps/rabbitmq
$ mci
$ export OC1=<ONOS running ipAddress>
$ onos-app $OC1 install ~/apps/rabbitmq/target/onos-app-rabbitmq-1.7.0-SNAPSHOT.oar
$ ok clean
$ app activate org.onosproject.rabbitmq  


MQ ONOS event json attributes, definitions and structures

For example device event message structure as below

"switch_id": "of:0000000000000001",
"infra_device_name": "SWITCH",
"event_type": "DEVICE_EVENT",
"sub_event_type": "DEVICE_UPDATED",
"hwVersion": "Open vSwitch",
"mfr": "Nicira, Inc.",
"serial": "None",
"sw_version": "2.5.0",
"chassis_id": 1,
"occurrence_time": "Tue Aug 23 15:40:59 IST 2016"

Please refer below attached document for complete set of json message structures, attributes and their definitions,


What next?

Enhance this application to support more ONOS events and publish them on to MQ server.