SRHighAvailability at 25 Sep 2021 12:25:49

<img src="", alt="SRHighAvailability", style="width:525px;height:350px;border:0">
commit 7d13b59ecf0968dae20a3ccee7c59cad3f21f66d (HEAD -] master, origin/master, origin/HEAD)
Author: Jian Li []
AuthorDate: Fri Sep 24 15:08:53 2021 +0900
Commit: Jian Li []
CommitDate: Fri Sep 24 06:51:38 2021 +0000

Fix: make protocol field optional in kubevirt load balancer
(cherry picked from commit 70d491cba5689d69708568f693b92432ebe52ba5)

Case 1: High Availability tests - ONOS failures 2x2 leaf-spine topology - PASS

Case 2: High Availability tests - ONOS random failures 2x2 leaf-spine topology - PASS

Case 3: High Availability tests - ONOS failures 4x4 dual-homed leaf-spine topology - FAIL

Case 4: High Availability tests - ONOS random failures 4x4 dual-homed leaf-spine topology - FAIL

Case 5: High Availability tests - ONOS failures and Switch failures 2x2 leaf-spine topology - FAIL

Case 6: High Availability tests - ONOS random failures and Switch random failures 2x2 leaf-spine topology - FAIL

Case 7: High Availability tests - ONOS failures and Switch failures 4x4 dual-homed leaf-spine topology - FAIL

Case 8: High Availability tests - ONOS random failures and Switch random failures 4x4 dual-homed leaf-spine topology - FAIL