Starting up ONOS and your data network

After you've completed the prerequisites and built ONOS in the VM, you cam use Mininet and to start up a virtual ONOS cluster and data network:

cd ~/onos/tools/dev/mininet
sudo mn --custom --controller onos,1 --topo tree,2,2

(In this example, our "cluster" is a single node, but we will change that in a minute!)

You should see a bunch of output showing the startup of the control network and the data network.

After ONOS starts up and the switches connect, you should see the customized mininet CLI prompt:


At this point, you can enter mininet commands like pingall (all-to-all ping test) or help (to find out about Mininet CLI commands.)

You can also enter ONOS commands like onos:apps or onos:balance-masters and they should be invoked via karaf's client command on onos1.

You can also invoke the ONOS client using the onos command - press control-D to exit.

You can also connect to the ONOS GUI by following the instructions below.

To exit Mininet, use the exit command or press control-D.

Once you have verified that a single-node ONOS cluster and simple topology are working correctly, you can try a larger cluster (we recommend 3 nodes if you have configured your VM to use 6-12 GB of RAM) and a larger or more interesting topology (such as a 4x4 torus):

sudo mn --custom --controller onos,3 --topo torus,4,4

If things don't start up correctly, look carefully at any error messages or exceptions which may have been generated - usually they give you important information which will enable you to figure out what is going wrong and to fix the issue. Also check out the troubleshooting section.