SRSwitchFailure at 01 May 2020 20:01:58

<img src="", alt="SRSwitchFailure", style="width:525px;height:350px;border:0">
commit 59a9605ced9d4e2f2e4ffa28be4b34add89978a4 (HEAD -] master, origin/master, origin/HEAD)
Author: Jian Li []
AuthorDate: Thu Apr 30 12:00:13 2020 +0900
Commit: Jian Li []
CommitDate: Thu Apr 30 04:21:07 2020 +0000

Fix: correctly broadcast ARP MAC and IP reply for fake gateway
(cherry picked from commit aec1b136f6f908b67a19c5e58cd8cbbeaf37769e)

Case 1: Switch Failure test with 2x2 Leaf-spine and 1 Onos - FAIL

Case 2: Switch Failure test with 4x4 Leaf-spine and 1 Onos - FAIL

Case 4: Switch Failure test with 2x2 Leaf-spine and 3 Onos - FAIL

Case 5: Switch Failure test with 4x4 Leaf-spine and 3 Onos - FAIL