SRSwitchFailure at 15 May 2020 20:05:15

<img src="", alt="SRSwitchFailure", style="width:525px;height:350px;border:0">
commit 2325050b8bf9bf8b0819c2ed546c5fc71fa13c0e (HEAD -] master, origin/master, origin/HEAD)
Author: Andrea Campanella []
AuthorDate: Wed May 13 15:36:57 2020 +0200
Commit: Andrea Campanella []
CommitDate: Wed May 13 16:16:45 2020 +0000

[ONOS-8093] Purge Meter API
(cherry picked from commit 4e4084cd6ded060616a5afa7d3af427715cfc2d0)

Case 1: Switch Failure test with 2x2 Leaf-spine and 1 Onos - FAIL

Case 2: Switch Failure test with 4x4 Leaf-spine and 1 Onos - FAIL

Case 4: Switch Failure test with 2x2 Leaf-spine and 3 Onos - FAIL

Case 5: Switch Failure test with 4x4 Leaf-spine and 3 Onos - FAIL