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Dimitris MavrommatisON.Lab /
Foundation for Research and Technology - Hellas (FORTH),
Institute of Computer Science, INSPIRE group
Lefteris ManassakisFoundation for Research and Technology - Hellas (FORTH),
Institute of Computer Science, INSPIRE group

Engineering Supervisor /
Secondary Developer

Vasileios KotronisFoundation for Research and Technology - Hellas (FORTH),
Institute of Computer Science, INSPIRE group

Research Supervisor /
Secondary Developer

Overview and Goals

Prefix hijacking is a common phenomenon in the Internet that often causes routing problems and economic losses [13]. ARTEMIS [1,10] is a tool that enables network administrators to detect in real-time and automatically mitigate prefix hijacking incidents against their own prefixes, employing self-monitoring on the AS level. ARTEMIS is based on the real-time monitoring of BGP data in the Internet and can completely mitigate a prefix hijacking within a few minutes (e.g., 5-6 mins in the initial experiments with the PEERING testbed [2]) after it has been launched. This fast response time enables legitimate ASes to quickly counter the hijack based on data they observe themselves at the control plane.

The goal of this project is to implement the ARTEMIS system as a multi-module application running on top of ONOS [9], using the prior work and code-base of the SDN-IP project [3,8], as well as test the system over a real BGP testbed such as PEERING [2]. The final objective is to have an open-source implementation of ARTEMIS running on top of a popular production-grade Network Operating System. This implementation will then enable researchers and operators to test miscellaneous BGP prefix mitigation strategies over real-world testbeds and production networks, and extract results that are relevant to today’s ISP operations; such results would be otherwise not possible to produce.

ARTEMIS: System Description

System Architecture


ARTEMIS consists of three components: a detection, a mitigation, and a monitoring service as shown in Fig. 1.
The detection service runs continuously and combines control plane information from the AS itself, Periscope [7] (an LG API), the streaming services of RIPE RIS [4] and BGPstream [6], as well as BGPmon [5], which return in near real-time BGP routes/updates for a given list of prefixes and ASNs. By combining multiple sources, the delay of the detection phase is the minimum of the delays of these sources. The system can be parameterized (e.g., selecting LGs based on location or connectivity) to achieve tradeoffs between monitoring overhead and detection efficiency/speed.

When a prefix hijacking is detected, ARTEMIS launches the mitigation service, which changes the configuration of BGP routers to announce the de-aggregated sub-prefixes of the hijacked prefix. Therefore, ARTEMIS assumes permissions for sending BGP advertisements for the owned prefixes from the BGP routers of the network. This can be effectively accomplished by running ARTEMIS as an application-level module (or set of modules), over a network controller that supports BGP, like ONOS [9]. Prefix de-aggregation is effective for hijacks of IP address prefixes larger than /24, but it might not work for /24 prefixes, as BGP advertisements of prefixes smaller than /24 are filtered by some ISPs.

Despite the fact that ARTEMIS was first tested in a non-SDN environment with the basic mitigation strategy of automatic prefix de-aggregation in mind, it can support several extensions related to its monitoring, detection and mitigation modules due to its modular design. These extensions, e.g., employing anycast and/or remote peering in order to attract the hijacked traffic back to its legitimate owner during the mitigation phase, will also be researched as extra modules built over the ONOS platform.

In parallel to the mitigation, a monitoring service is running to provide real-time information about the mitigation process. This service uses again data from Periscope, RIPE RIS, BGPstream and BGPmon to monitor/visualize the mitigation.

JSON Configuration File

The following code block shows an example of the JSON configuration format for Artemis which is used in the Demo Topology.

"org.onosproject.artemis" : {
	"artemis" : {
    	"prefixes" : [ 
            	"prefix" : "",
                "paths" : [ 
                    	"origin" : 65004,
                        "neighbor" : [
                            	"asn" : 65002,
                                "neighbor": [ 65001 ]
                "moas" : [ ]
        "frequency" : 3000,
        "monitors" : {
        	"ripe" : [ ],
        	"exabgp": [ "" ]

Fields Explanation

Note: The demo configuration also includes configuration for the SDN-IP and the Reactive-Routing application. It specifies where the BGP Speaker is located and which are our local prefixes.

Demo Topology

The picture that follows shows the topology that is setup from the file inside the tutorial folder. The BGP Speakers are Quagga routers and the route collector is an ExaBGP router running a custom script to replicate the behavior of a ripe route collector.

Screen Shot 2017-07-13 at 2.12.25 PM.png 

Running the Demo

Install ExaBGP by doing these steps: 

$ cd ~
$ git clone
$ cd exabgp; git checkout 3.4
$ echo 'export PATH=$PATH:~/exabgp/sbin' >> ~/.bashrc
$ source ~/.bashrc


Install Quagga suite through apt-get:

$ sudo apt-get install quagga -y

Download and install mininet:

$ cd ~
$ git clone
$ cd mininet; git checkout 2.2.2
$ ./util/ -fnv

Install java 8 (needed by ONOS next):

$ sudo apt-get install software-properties-common -y
$ sudo add-apt-repository ppa:webupd8team/java -y
$ sudo apt-get update
$ echo "oracle-java8-installer shared/accepted-oracle-license-v1-1 $ select true" | sudo debconf-set-selections && \
$ sudo apt-get install oracle-java8-installer oracle-java8-set-default -y

Download ONOS from GitHub and add the bash profile:

$ cd ~
$ git clone
$ echo '. ~/onos/tools/dev/bash_profile' >> ~/.bashrc
$ source ~/.bashrc

Install pip3, python packages and fix the configuration used by ExaBGP: 

$ sudo apt-get install python3-pip -y
$ sudo pip3 install -r ~/onos/tools/tutorials/artemis/requirements.txt
$ nano ~/onos/tools/tutorials/artemis/configs/exabgp.conf (you must put the absolute path at run command, e.g., /home/onos/onos/tools/tutorials/artemis/

Run ONOS (first time will take some time):

$ buck run onos-local -- clean

When ONOS is loaded run the mininet topology:

$ cd /onos/tools/tutorials/artemis
$ sudo ./

Note: You should disable networking in order to avoid interfaces swapping IP addresses!
Pass the network configuration with onos-netcfg and login to the onos CLI

$ onos-netcfg localhost ~/onos/tools/tutorials/artemis/configs/network-cfg.json
$ onos localhost

Run artemis inside CLI:

onos> app activate org.onosproject.reactive-routing
onos> app activate org.onosproject.artemis

Check if bgp-routes are completed (should include,, and; if not you should restart the topology. It takes some time (~1-2min)):

ONOS> bgp-routes

Now that the topology is running; through the mininet CLI you can connect to the hosts to check connectivity and also to the BGP speakers. To hijack the prefix of our protected AS:

1. Connect to BGP speaker named R3: 

mininet> xterm R3 (opens a new window on R3 node)
R3> telnet localhost bgpd

2. Announce the prefix:

R3> sdnip (this is the password)
R3> enable
R3# configuration terminal
R3(conf)# router bgp 65003
R3(conf-bgp)# network

Now the hijacker with attract all the traffic from AS65001 but in parallel the ExaBGP speaker will send the BGP update of the hijack to the ONOS instance which is going to detect the hijack. Inside the logs you will see that the attack is detected and the deaggregation mechanism has successfully defended the attack. After the BGP converges the traffic of AS65001 returns to our protected AS.

Demo video


ONOS Technical Steering Team Presentation