VPLSfailsafe at 01 Aug 2017 05:38:50

commit b0ac590548e9813ac6318291e1d36f9daf92dad9 (HEAD, origin/master, origin/HEAD, master)
Author: Jordan Halterman [jordan@opennetworking.org]
AuthorDate: Sun Jul 30 12:31:01 2017 -0700
Commit: Jordan Halterman [jordan@opennetworking.org]
CommitDate: Tue Aug 1 00:27:26 2017 +0000

[ONOS-6869] Move blocking DocumentTree to core primitives package and implement default methods for constructing blocking primitives

Case 1: Setting up test environment - PASS

Setup the test environment including installing ONOS, starting Mininet and ONOScli sessions.

Case 2: - PASS

Case 50: Check connectivity before running all other tests. - PASS

Case 100: Bring down one host at a time and test connectivity. - FAIL

Case 200: Bring down one switch at a time and test connectivity. - FAIL

Case 300: Stop one ONOS node at a time and test connectivity. - FAIL

Case 310: Kill one ONOS node at a time and test connectivity. - FAIL