VPLSfailsafe at 28 Aug 2017 05:56:37

commit f257a96b21e46c596c07284d536b053fd6445dc9 (HEAD, origin/master, origin/HEAD, master)
Author: Simon Hunt [simon@opennetworking.org]
AuthorDate: Fri Aug 25 18:58:47 2017 -0700
Commit: Simon Hunt [simon@opennetworking.org]
CommitDate: Mon Aug 28 02:25:25 2017 +0000

ONOS-6332: Flows: bad parsing of EXTENSION:of:0000nnnn identifier

Case 1: Starting up 3 node(s) ONOS cluster - PASS

Set up ONOS with 3 node(s) ONOS cluster

Case 2: - PASS

Case 50: Check connectivity before running all other tests. - PASS

Case 100: Bring down one host at a time and test connectivity. - FAIL

Case 200: Bring down one switch at a time and test connectivity. - FAIL

Case 300: Stop one ONOS node at a time and test connectivity. - FAIL

Case 310: Kill one ONOS node at a time and test connectivity. - FAIL

Case 400: Bring down one link at a time and test connectivity. - FAIL