Brigade Leads:

Brigade Members:

Brigade Mailing List:

Brigade Status:

Active. Find here the JIRA epic we are currently working on:

Bi-weekly meetings:

Find here the next meeting time and agenda.

Contact the brigade:

For any information or to join the brigade please contact Carmelo Cascone ( or David Boswell (


P4 is a domain-specific language (DSL) designed to allow the programming of packet forwarding devices. P4 can be used to program different targets such as software switches, FPGA-based NICs or switches based on reconfigurable ASICs. P4 enables protocol-independent programmability at different levels, for example:

P4 allows programming of many devices in a target-independent manner, using high-level constructs. In principle, P4 programs should be portable. The same program, when compiled for different targets, should produce the same forwarding behavior. Finally, P4 allows for reconfigurability in the field. In other words, once deployed, devices can be reconfigured with a new P4 program to provide support for new forwarding capabilities. 

Why should ONOS care about a programming language?

In ONOS we are ultimately interested in the capabilities of networking devices and ways to ease the configuration and control of such capabilities. P4 is becoming the common language spoken by switch vendors and operators to agree on what the data plane can or should do. Indeed, P4 is meant as both a specification language, e.g. to formally specify how a fixed-function switch ASIC works, and a programming language. In its mission to ease the life of operators, and to promote faster innovation in the network, ONOS should be able to understand and potentially speak P4. Understand, to be aware of the capabilities of a given device and to expose higher-level APIs to control them. Speak, to deploy new capabilities, e.g. generating or modifying existing P4 programs, that can be later controlled to satisfy application needs.

Runtime control of P4 devices

P4 is not a protocol or device API for runtime control or configuration, i.e. once a P4 program is deployed to a device, P4 doesn’t tell us how that device can be controlled, for example, to add or remove entries in match+action tables, or to read the value of a counter. How can ONOS control a P4-enabled device? P4Runtime is an effort in the P4 community to create a standard control-plane API portable across targets, they propose a gRPC-based APIs (p4runtime.proto). The brigade will focus on P4Runtime as a southbound control protocol, however, different devices supporting P4 might expose different APIs. Similarly to how ONOS today deals with different flavors of OpenFlow, heterogeneity of control protocol/APIs is abstracted from applications.


Short-term focus:

Long-term focus:

Learn more:

Here are some pointers to learn more about the work of this brigade and current support for P4 in ONOS:

To learn more about P4Runtime:

How to get involved:

Support for P4 will affect the whole ONOS platform, from the southbound to the northbound. The P4 brigade is looking for members willing to contribute! Subscribe to the P4 mailing list and introduce yourself or contact Carmelo Cascone ( or David Boswell ( if you are interested.