Results at a Glance:

The purpose of this page is to track performance trend and regression through the last 50 Jenkins nightly builds on a subset of the full performance evaluation metrics.  Child pages contain full result details on the latest build. Note that results in this tracking may fluctuate from build to build, due to various experiments and changes made in ONOS.

For test details, check out the test plans for Scale-Out and Performance.

Switch Latency: Last 50 Builds - "SwitchUp" and "SwitchDown" Latency Tests

Port Latency: Last 50 Builds - "PortUp" and "PortDown" Latency Tests

Intent Latency: Last 50 Builds - "IntentInstallLat", "IntentWithdrawLat", and "IntentRerouteLat" Tests

Intent Throughput: Last 50 Builds - "IntentEventTP" Test

Scale Topo Test: Last 50 Builds - "scaleTopo" Test

Flow Throughput: Last 50 Builds - "flowTP1g" Test

Cbench: Last 50 Builds - "CbenchBM" Test

Single Bench Flow Latency Test: Last 50 Builds - "SingleBenchFlow" Latency Test:

Host Add Latency: Last 50 Builds - "HostAddLatency" Test

Mastership Failover Latency: Last 50 Builds - "MastershipFailoverLat" Test