Nominee’s bio (and/or LinkedIn profile)

How long have been working in the ONOS community?

I've been a member of the core engineering team of ONOS since the beginning of the project.

What contributions have you made in the past to the ONOS community?

I have been driving the work on routing applications in ONOS, beginning with SDN-IP, which was one of the first applications used to showcase the ONOS platform. I’ve built on top of that work to create the BgpRouter application (now part of Atrium) and the vRouter application, as well as a number of other applications as part of the CORD use case.

I’ve contributed to the design and implementation of many of the core subsystems, including proxy ARP, the intent framework, the interface subsystem and more. I undertook the initial implementation of the EventuallyConsistentMap primitive which is now the base for many of the distributed stores in ONOS.

What are you actively working on in ONOS?

Most of my current work on ONOS is focussed on how ONOS integrates with the CORD project. CORD leverages ONOS for several different types of networking applications, from the leaf-spine fabric, to the virtual network overlay, to control of access devices like OLTs. There are several ONOS apps within CORD that I work on as well as working through deployment considerations for how ONOS gets deployed in a microservices environment like CORD.

Why do you feel you would be a good candidate for this position?

I have already served on the TST for 2 years and have a strong level of technical knowledge into many parts of the ONOS system.

Are there any changes you would like to bring to the community if elected into this position?

On the technical side I'm interested in how we evolve ONOS to be better suited to modern microservices environments, and how we continue to drive ONOS towards production deployments. Specifically I'm interested in ONOS roadmap items like codebase disaggregation, process disaggregation, gRPC interfaces for applications, and ISSU.