FUNCipv6Intent at 11 Nov 2020 00:07:22

<img src="", alt="FUNCipv6Intent", style="width:525px;height:350px;border:0">
commit 225e2b0f3a6767211f828f8480edf314058d4cb4 (HEAD, origin/master, origin/HEAD, master)
Author: alessio []
AuthorDate: Wed Oct 28 17:44:44 2020 +0100
Commit: Pier Luigi Ventre []
CommitDate: Thu Nov 5 14:48:24 2020 +0000

Extend EncapsulationConstraint to include a suggested value of the Identifier.

Case 1: Pull onos branch and build onos on Teststation. - PASS

For loading from params file, and pull and build the latest ONOS package

Case 2: Starting up 1 node(s) ONOS cluster - PASS

Set up ONOS with 1 node(s) ONOS cluster

Case 11: Start Mininet topology with OF 1.3 switches - PASS

Start mininet topology with OF 1.3 switches to test intents, exits out if topology did not start correctly

Case 12: Assign switches to controllers - PASS

Assign OF 1.3 switches to ONOS nodes

Case 13: Discover all hosts - PASS

Case 16: Balance mastership of switches - PASS

Case 1000: Host Intents Test - 1 NODE(S) - OF 1.3 - No Result