ONOS runs a continuous integration (CI) job whenever a change set is merged into the master branch and whenever a gerrit review request or rebase is done.  The CI job will do a build from scratch, run all of the unit tests and run static analysis tools to check that the submitted change follows the ONOS coding standards.

Continuous Integration Tool Chain


ONOS uses the Jenkins system for running and monitoring continuous integration (CI) jobs. When a change is made, Jenkins starts a job to build and test the source tree. Jenkins also launches a nightly build for SonarQube. You can monitor the status of Jenkins jobs using the Jenkins console at jenkins.onosproject.org.


Checkstyle is a static analysis tool that scans java source code and checks it for compliance with a set of coding standards. It checks for things like white space usage, naming, placement of braces and other code style issues.  Checkstyle is run as part of every maven build of ONOS, and checkstyle violations will fail the build.
