The segment routing use case is built on an older internal release of ONOS (v0.3.0). The following instructions do not apply to ONOS 1.0.0 (Avocet), and are meant only for the SPRING-OPEN project.


  1. Edit ~/ONOS/conf/

    If you create a new network configuration file, you need to specify the file in net.onrc.onos.core.configmanager.NetworkConfigManager.networkConfigFile field. In the example below, conf/sr-3node.conf file was specified.

    floodlight.modules = net.floodlightcontroller.core.FloodlightProvider,\
    net.onrc.onos.core.topology.TopologyPublisher, \
    net.onrc.onos.core.registry.ZookeeperRegistry, \
    net.onrc.onos.core.metrics.OnosMetricsModule, \
    net.onrc.onos.apps.websocket.WebSocketModule, \
    net.onrc.onos.core.main.config.DefaultConfiguration, \
    net.floodlightcontroller.restserver.RestApiServer.port = 8080
    net.floodlightcontroller.core.FloodlightProvider.openflowport = 6633
    net.floodlightcontroller.core.FloodlightProvider.workerthreads = 16
    net.floodlightcontroller.core.FloodlightProvider.cpqdUsePipeline13 = true
    net.floodlightcontroller.forwarding.Forwarding.idletimeout = 5
    net.floodlightcontroller.forwarding.Forwarding.hardtimeout = 0
    net.onrc.onos.apps.websocket.WebSocketModule.port = 8081
    net.floodlightcontroller.core.FloodlightProvider.cpqdUsePipeline13 = true
    # NOTE: Do NOT modify or remove the line below. This value will be overwritten by script.
    net.onrc.onos.core.datagrid.HazelcastDatagrid.datagridConfig = 
    # Uncomment and list all the ZooKeeper instances after localhost on multi-instance deployment.
    #net.onrc.onos.core.registry.ZookeeperRegistry.connectionString = localhost:2181,otherhost:2181
    # Specify a network configuration file to be used by the NetworkConfigManager
    net.onrc.onos.core.configmanager.NetworkConfigManager.networkConfigFile = conf/sr-3node.conf
  2. Edit network configuration file

    The following example (sr-3node.conf) shows the network configuration for the topology with three switches and three links (refer to figure below).

      "comment": " Segment routing topology description and configuration",
      "restrictSwitches": true,
      "restrictLinks": true,
                   { "nodeDpid": "00:01", "name": "Dallas-R1", "type": "Router_SR", "allowed": true,
                     "latitude": 80.80, "longitude": 90.10,
                     "params": { "routerIp": "",
                                 "routerMac": "00:00:01:01:01:80",
                                 "nodeSid": 101,
                                 "isEdgeRouter" : true,
                                 "subnets": [
                                             { "portNo": 1, "subnetIp": "" },
                        					 { "portNo": 2, "subnetIp": "" },
    					                     { "portNo": 3, "subnetIp": "" },
                                             { "portNo": 4, "subnetIp": "" },
                                             { "portNo": 5, "subnetIp": "" }
                   { "nodeDpid": "00:02", "name": "Dallas-R2", "type": "Router_SR", "allowed": true,
                     "latitude": 80.80, "longitude": 90.10,
                     "params": { "routerIp": "",
                                 "routerMac": "00:00:02:02:02:80",
                                 "nodeSid": 102,
                                 "isEdgeRouter" : false
                   { "nodeDpid": "00:03", "name": "Dallas-R3", "type": "Router_SR", "allowed": true,
                     "latitude": 80.80, "longitude": 90.10,
                     "params": { "routerIp": "",
                                 "routerMac": "00:00:07:07:07:80",
                                 "nodeSid": 103,
                                 "isEdgeRouter" : true,
                                 "subnets": [
                                             { "portNo": 1, "subnetIp": "" }
                    { "type": "pktLink", "allowed": true,
                      "nodeDpid1": "01", "nodeDpid2": "02",
                      "params": { "port1": 6, "port2": 1 }
                   { "type": "pktLink", "allowed": true,
                      "nodeDpid1": "01", "nodeDpid2": "02",
                      "params": { "port1": 7, "port2": 3 }
                    { "type": "pktLink", "allowed": true,
                      "nodeDpid1": "02", "nodeDpid2": "03",
                      "params": { "port1": 2, "port2": 2 }