Official Releases

The following links allow you to download the official ONOS releases.

NameVersionFile typesRelease NotesComments
Avocet1.0.0zip, tar.gzRelease Notes for 1.0.0First official ONOS release

Latest Builds

The latest builds are from the leading edge of main and are available on Jenkins.


The following links allow you to download materials for the ONOS tutorials.

TitleDescriptionFile typeComments
 Basic ONOS TutorialIntroductory tutorial for

Based on Avocet Release

User: tutorial1
Password: tutorial1

SDN-IP TutorialTutorial for the SDN-IP use case

Same tutorial VM with different user/password:

Username: sdnip
Password: sdnip

Distributed Tutorial

Building a distributed application

Username: distributed
Password: distributed