FAQs about TestON

Could not connect to hosts machine during test?

  1. Carefully check the components in the .topo file. Check the correctness of component's log in information. See this example of a .topo file.
  2. Make sure you can SSH ,without password , to the test bench machine as well as the other machine in your test environment.
  3. It is possible that you did not specify the onos user in your cell file , by default, the onos user would be "sdn" so the host name in your onos machine should be named "sdn". In your cell file, you can add "export ONOS_USER = nameOfyourHostMachine" and "export ONOS_GROUP=nameOfyourHostMachine". Check your environment by executing "env" command.

Applying cell to environment could not execute?

  1. Normally you run the bash script to initialize your environment you can access the bash profile at onos/tools/dev/ directory. Copy and paste the bash_profile to your root directory and rename it to .bash_profile. Edit the .bashrc file in your root directory to execute the profile during log in to the machine by adding ". ~/.bash_profile" at the end of the file.
  2. The cell name may not get recognize by the machine, make sure you have the correct cell name in the .params file.