HAscaling at 04 Mar 2021 21:22:48

<img src="https://jenkins.onosproject.org/view/QA/job/postjob-VM/lastSuccessfulBuild/artifact/HAscaling_master_20-builds_graph.jpg", alt="HAscaling", style="width:525px;height:350px;border:0">
commit 8c553eb3170163b85612e6fb01aa5de7ac08c074 (HEAD, origin/master, origin/HEAD, master)
Author: Jian Li [pyguni@gmail.com]
AuthorDate: Thu Mar 4 18:48:39 2021 +0900
Commit: Jian Li [pyguni@gmail.com]
CommitDate: Thu Mar 4 10:30:36 2021 +0000

Fix: resolve a NPE caused by empty name list input in kubevirt CLI

Case 1: Constructing test variables and building ONOS package - PASS

For loading from params file, and pull and build the latest ONOS package

Case 2: Assigning devices to controllers - PASS

Assign switches to ONOS using 'ovs-vsctl' and check that an ONOS node becomes the master of the device.

Case 8: Compare ONOS Topology view to Mininet topology - PASS

Compare topology objects between Mininet and ONOS

Case 21: Assigning Controller roles for switches - PASS

Check that ONOS is connected to each device. Then manually assign mastership to specific ONOS nodes using 'device-role'

Case 3: Adding host Intents - PASS

Discover hosts by using pingall then assign predetermined host-to-host intents. After installation, check that the intent is distributed to all nodes and the state is INSTALLED

Case 8: Compare ONOS Topology view to Mininet topology - PASS

Compare topology objects between Mininet and ONOS

Case 4: Verify connectivity by sending traffic across Intents - PASS

Ping across added host intents to check functionality and check the state of the intent

Case 5: Setting up and gathering data for current state - PASS

Case 14: Start Leadership Election app - PASS

Case 16: Install Primitives app - PASS

Case 17: Check for basic functionality with distributed primitives - PASS

Test the methods of the distributed primitives (counters and sets) throught the cli

Case 6: Scale the number of nodes in the ONOS cluster - FAIL

Case 6: Scale the number of nodes in the ONOS cluster - FAIL

Case 6: Scale the number of nodes in the ONOS cluster - FAIL

Case 6: Scale the number of nodes in the ONOS cluster - FAIL

Case 6: Scale the number of nodes in the ONOS cluster - FAIL