VPLSfailsafe at 07 Mar 2021 15:51:37

<img src="https://jenkins.onosproject.org/view/QA/job/postjob-BM/lastSuccessfulBuild/artifact/VPLSfailsafe_onos-2.2_20-builds_graph.jpg", alt="VPLSfailsafe", style="width:525px;height:350px;border:0">
commit 29572ba0ec3a556587d04932da136654ee1391b9 (HEAD -] onos-2.2, origin/onos-2.2)
Author: Jian Li [pyguni@gmail.com]
AuthorDate: Fri Mar 5 12:21:50 2021 +0900
Commit: Jian Li [pyguni@gmail.com]
CommitDate: Fri Mar 5 12:21:50 2021 +0900

Fix: allow to obtains the added or removed internal on router event

Case 1: Starting up 3 node(s) ONOS cluster - PASS

Set up ONOS with 3 node(s) ONOS cluster

Case 2: - PASS

Case 50: Check connectivity before running all other tests. - PASS

Case 100: Bring down one host at a time and test connectivity. - FAIL

Case 200: Bring down one switch at a time and test connectivity. - FAIL

Case 300: Stop one ONOS node at a time and test connectivity. - FAIL

Case 310: Kill one ONOS node at a time and test connectivity. - FAIL

Case 400: Bring down one link at a time and test connectivity. - FAIL