SROnosFailure at 24 Jun 2021 22:27:40

<img src="", alt="SROnosFailure-stratum", style="width:525px;height:350px;border:0">
commit fb7e787d47d59a1129f1bbd4f1f3d43b20c8af99 (HEAD -] master, origin/master, origin/HEAD)
Author: Wailok Shum []
AuthorDate: Fri Jun 18 17:30:08 2021 +0800
Commit: Pier Luigi Ventre []
CommitDate: Mon Jun 21 16:32:31 2021 +0000

[SDFAB-102] Backport changes required for policies to fabric.p4 (Redirect)

Case 1: ONOS Failure test with 2x2 leaf-spine topology - FAIL

Case 2: ONOS Failure test with 4x4 dual-homed leaf-spine topology - FAIL

Case 3: ONOS Failure test with single ToR - FAIL