Running multiple VMs that each run an ONOS instance is one way of running a multi-instance ONOS deployment. It is however not practical to do on my resource-constrained laptop. Using Linux Containers is a great alternative that achieves the same thing but uses way less CPU and memory.

Getting Started

I'm using VirtualBox as virtualization environment, but I see no reason why this shouldn't work on VMWare or other hypervisors.

The first step is to create a fresh install of Ubuntu 14.04.2 LTS server edition. I then installed Git, Apache Karaf, Apache Maven, and Oracle Java 8. You can find detailed instructions on how to do that here: ONOS from Scratch#2.Installrequiredsoftware

In the following, we'll first create a single container that is fully configured, and then clone the original as many times as needed.

Creating Your First Container

Installing LXC is as simple as running

sudo apt-get install lxc

You should run lxc-checkconfig to determine your system properly supports this technology.


Next we'll create a new container with a clean Ubuntu install. This command will download all kinds of dependencies so it might take a while to complete.

sudo lxc-create -n onos1 -t ubuntu


You can verify the container is now available on your system. Note the container is currently stopped.

sudo lxc-ls --fancy


Go ahead and start the container. The -d flag instructs LXC to daemonize the container, so we'll stay in our shell while the container runs in the background.

sudo lxc-start -n onos1 -d


Take a look at the output of lxc-ls again: note the container is now started and, if all has gone well, has received an IP address.


Customizing Your Container

You can ssh into the container by using the IP address you just saw; ubuntu is the default login and password.

You want to do two things: enable passwordless sudo for the ubuntu user, and install Java 8.


Run sudo visudo and add the following line to the end of the file:



Installing Java is done as follows:

sudo apt-get install software-properties-common -y
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:webupd8team/java -y
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install oracle-java8-installer oracle-java8-set-default -y

Container Clones


Cell Configuration

Containers are also very convenient since we can automatically obtain their IPs. This is what my cell definition looks like. You definitely want to verify if the ONOS_NIC variable corresponds to your system settings, and also OCN which points to the machine where Mininet is running. Feel free to customize the ONOS_FEATURES to your liking. Finally, you have to reload the cell if you create additional containers, so the new IPs get picked up.

# LXC-based multi ONOS instance & LINC-OE mininet box
export ONOS_NIC=10.0.3.*
for CONTAINER in $( sudo lxc-ls ); do
 IP=`sudo lxc-ls --fancy -F ipv4 $CONTAINER | tail -1`
 export OC${I}=${IP}
 let I=I+1
export OCI=$OC1
export OCN=""
export ONOS_FEATURES="webconsole,onos-api,onos-core,onos-cli,onos-openflow,onos-app-fwd,onos-app-optical,onos-gui,onos-rest,onos-app-proxyarp"
export ONOS_USER=ubuntu
export ONOS_GROUP=ubuntu


Additional Steps

Linux Bridge Configuration

I ran into the weird problem that the ONOS instances weren't discovering each other. This process is driven by Hazelcast and relies on IP multicast. It turned out that LXC uses Linux bridge for connectivity among the containers, and the bridge by default does not forward multicast traffic! This is easily solved by checking the Linux bridge documentation; here's an excerpt

IGMP snooping support is not yet included in bridge-utils or iproute2, but it can be easily controlled through sysfs interface. For brN, the settings can be found under /sys/devices/virtual/net/brN/bridge.


This option allows the user to disable IGMP snooping completely. It also allows the user to reenable snooping when it has been automatically disabled due to hash collisions. If the collisions have not been resolved however the system will refuse to reenable snooping.


This allows the user to forcibly enable/disable ports as having multicast routers attached. A port with a multicast router will receive all multicast traffic.

The value 0 disables it completely. The default is 1 which lets the system automatically detect the presence of routers (currently this is limited to picking up queries), and 2 means that the ports will always receive all multicast traffic.

Note: this setting can be enabled/disable on a per-port basis, also through sysfs interface (e.g. if eth0 is some bridge's active port, then you can adjust /sys/...../eth0/brport/multicast_router)

You may want to add this command to your startup scripts so your don't lose these settings when you reboot.

sudo echo 2 > /sys/devices/virtual/net/lxcbr0/bridge/multicast_router

Start Containers on Boot

If you would like your containers to be automatically started on boot, you'll need to add the following line to /var/lib/lxc/NAME/config, where NAME is your container's name. By the way, on my system the /var/lib/lxc directory is only accessible by root. = 1
Check using lxc-ls --fancy to verify your containers are in fact started on boot.

Port Forwarding

If you want to access the ONOS GUI from a browse on the host machine, you need to set up port forwarding on the VM. The following command forwards traffic on port 8181 to the first ONOS container ($OC1).

sudo iptables  -t nat -A PREROUTING -i eth1 -p tcp --dport 8181 -j DNAT --to $OC1:8181