Table of Contents


This document defines the NETCONF plugin on South bound interface of ONOS operating system. It defines high level architecture of the plugin which can be used to understand, develop and test the plugin.

What is ONOS?

ONOS is an open source SDN operation system.

It is used as a Central Network Management Controller to view, manage and program network devices. ONOS architecture is unique. It enables the operating system to modularize different components and also gives compatibility to add more protocols and user-defined data models in future.

One of the protocol which ONOS supports in South bound tier is NETCONF.

What is NETCONF?

Network Configuration Protocol, in short NETCONF is a standard protocol used by major network device providers in their devices. It allows network administrators to view, modify, delete and manage configurations on network devices.

NETCONF uses simple XML based data encoding and is used over a remote procedure call.

NETCONF plugin for ONOS

NETCONF support is added in to ONOS as a plugin.

This plugin in placed in the lower layer of ONOS architecture which communicates to ONOS using the southbound API and communicates to different network devices which support NETCONF protocol. This plugin is used by ONOS Applications to communicate with NETCONF enabled devices.

NETCONF Plugin Architecture



As part of Basic Architecture there are 3 main components that will define the functionality of NETCONF South Bound Plugin.



Capabilities List

Login Information (SSH Key)


Flow Diagrams

NETCONF Processor: NETCONF Device Provider

When the NETCONF Plugin comes up, it will try to fetch the device details like, username, password, hostIp and port information from the configuration file and for each device information it will build a NetconfDevice Object and send a Hello Message to the device. The same NetconfDevice object will receive the response from the device, retrieve Capability list and persist the same in the Plugin Store.Once the NETCONF capabilities are successfully discovered, the Provider will use ‘deviceConnected’ api to persist the information on the core.The corresponding flow is shown in the diagram below:

NETCONF Service: Executing NETCONF Operations

Whenever Application tries to execute standard NETCONF Operation, it will notify NetconfProvider through ‘NetconfService’.NetconfService component is part of NETCONF Provider. NetconfService will expose listeners to ONOS for executing NETCONF Operation. ‘NetconfService’ will build ‘XML’ request using JNC client library and it will also exceute given operation using JNC’s ‘sendRequest’ api.Before going to actual device, listerner will search NETCONF plugin store, for the data. The corresponding flow is shown in the diagram below:


Coding Framework

ONOS interacts with the underlying NETCONF device using 'Providers'. Each sub-systems of ONOS, which includes 'device', 'link', 'host', 'packet' and 'flow', should have a separate modules helping the interaction between ONOS and NETCONF devices. ONOS wiki provides a set of instructions to create new Provider module:

Project Skeleton setup 

 Each Provider implementation should be placed under ${ONOS_ROOT}/providers/. The layout for one of the provider, NetconfDeviceProvider, can be summarized as below:

${ONOS_ROOT}/providers/pom.xml (provider parent POM file)
                      /netconf/pom.xml (netconf providers POM)
                           /link/pom.xml (provider-specific POM)
                                /src/main/java/org/onosproject/provider/netconf/device/impl/NetconfDeviceProvider .java (the provider)
                                    |                                                |
                                    |                                                / (optional package-wide documentation/annotations)
                                    /test/java/org/onosproject/providers/netconf/device/impl/ (Unit tests should go here)


Add and edit POM files

As part of adding a new provider we need to modify 3 important POM files:

Class Hierarchy

All the provider implementations, including NetconfDeviceProvider class, should implement Provider interface. The implementation for provider-id is already part of ‘AbstractProvider’, so our new ‘NetconfDeviceProvider’ will be extending to get the default implementation for ‘Provider-Id’.
