Our goal is to implement OPEN-TAM functionality.  It enables analyzing and monitoring various types of traffic associated with ONOS. It includes but not limited to the control and management traffic as well as user data traffic between hosts in ONOS networks. Our proposed OPEN-TAM functionality will eventually provide deep operational visibility of ONOS-based networks in real-time.


Taesang ChoiETRI, South Koreachoits@etri.re.kr
Chunglae ChoETRI, South Koreaclcho@etri.re.kr
Sangsik YoonETRI, South Koreassyoon90@etri.re.kr
Sejun SongUMKCsongsej@umkc.edu



Network traffic monitoring is a fundamental function that can be used to operate and manage network stably and efficiently. Many network management systems(i.e., Traffic Engineering System, Network Planning System, Performance & Fault Management System,  QoS Provisioning System, Charging & Billing System, etc.) requires accurate network resource status information in real-time. In order to provide such information in inexpensive but accurate way on ONOS environment, we propose adaptive flow monitoring subsystem with an efficient sampling algorithm and selective DPI (Deep Packet Inspection) subsystem in ONOS.  We are planning to develop our proposed subsystems in two phases for OPEN-TAM subproject.

   - Development Phase 1 : Adaptive(Efficient) Flow Sampling Service

   - Development Phase 2 : Open Selective-DPI Service


Development Phase 1 : Adaptive(Efficient) Flow Sampling Service (~Aug. 31)



Development Pahse 2 : Open Selective-DPI Service (~Oct.31)



ONOS OPEN-TAM Development Testbed Environment in ETRI SDN Research Lab (South Korea)


Technical Materials


Meetings and Minutes