OnosCHO at 23 Jun 2015 20:57:18

commit f502edd5217d01543b30865c332604f65f5ff863 (HEAD, origin/onos-1.2, onos-1.2)
Author: Brian O'Connor [bocon@onlab.us]
AuthorDate: Mon Jun 22 20:04:20 2015 -0400
Commit: Brian O'Connor [bocon@onlab.us]
CommitDate: Tue Jun 23 13:38:35 2015 -0400

Removing lxc cell due to conflicts

Case 40 Summary Att topology (Enable Reactive forwarding and Verify Ping all):

Case 60 Summary Att topology (Install 300 Host intents and verify ping all):

Case 70 Summary Att topology (Host intents - Randomly bring some core links down and verify pingall):

Case 80 Summary Att topology (Host intents - Bring core links Up that were down and verify pingall):

Case 90 Summary Att topology (Install 600 Point intents and verify ping all):

Case 71 Summary Att topology (Point Intents- Randomly bring some core links down and verify pingall):

Case 81 Summary Att topology (Point Intents- Bring core links Up that were down and verify pingall):

Case 41 Summary Chordal topology (Enable Reactive forwarding and Verify Ping all):

Case 61 Summary Chordal topology(Install 300 Host intents and verify ping all):

Case 72 Summary Chordal topology (Host intents - Randomly bring some core links down and verify pingall):

Case 82 Summary Chordal topology (Host intents - Bring core links Up that were down and verify pingall):

Case 91 Summary Chordal topology (Install 600 Point intents and verify ping all):

Case 73 Summary Chordal topology (Point intents - Randomly bring some core links down and verify pingall):

Case 83 Summary Chordal topology (Point intents - Bring core links Up that were down and verify pingall):

Case 42 Summary Spine topology (Enable Reactive forwarding and Verify Ping all):

Case 62 Summary Spine topology (Install 2278 Host intents and verify ping all):

Case 74 Summary Spine topology (Host intents - Randomly bring some core links down and verify pingall):

Case 84 Summary Spine topology (Host intents - Bring core links Up that were down and verify pingall):