SRMulticast at 20 May 2019 09:47:40

<img src="", alt="SRMulticast", style="width:525px;height:350px;border:0">
commit bac68786045e673d6155c84a8253420e77aa6706 (HEAD -] onos-1.15, origin/onos-1.15)
Author: Jian Li []
AuthorDate: Tue May 14 17:45:54 2019 +0900
Commit: Jian Li []
CommitDate: Fri May 17 10:44:28 2019 +0000

Refactor external peer router store, fix NPE due to MAC is not ready

Case 1: Create a Multicast flow between a source and sink on the same dual-tor leaf - PASS

Case 2: Create a Multicast flow between a source and sink on different dual-tor leaves - PASS

Case 3: Create a Multicast flow between a source and sink on different leaves (sink on single-tor) - PASS

Case 4: Combines CASE1 and CASE2 - PASS

Case 5: Combines CASE2 and CASE3 - PASS

Case 6: Combines CASE1 and CASE3 - PASS

Case 7: Combines CASE1, CASE2 and CASE3 - PASS

Case 8: Use all of the four sinks - PASS

Case 101: Combines CASE8 with a link failure (link ingress-spine) - PASS

Case 102: Combines CASE8 with a link failure (link spine-engress-dt-leaf) - PASS

Case 103: Combines CASE8 with a link failure (link spine-engress-st-leaf) - PASS

Case 104: Combines CASE8 with a link failure (link spine-engress-st-leaf-2) - PASS

Case 105: Combines CASE8 with a link failure (link dt-leaf-sink) - PASS

Case 106: Combines CASE8 with a link failure (link dt-leaf-sink-2) - PASS

Case 201: Combines CASE8 with spine failure - PASS

Case 202: Combines CASE8 with ingress failure and recovery - FAIL