FUNCovsdbtest at 23 Nov 2015 15:07:58

commit 3203557e6b0725b505f14135c6f15ebd48c5e1fb (HEAD, origin/master, origin/HEAD, master)
Author: Satish K []
AuthorDate: Sun Nov 22 14:49:14 2015 +0530
Commit: Gerrit Code Review []
CommitDate: Mon Nov 23 19:45:29 2015 +0000

tenant network review fix

Case 1: Setting up test environment - PASS

Setup the test environment including installing ONOS, start ONOS.

Case 3: Test default br-int configuration and vxlan port - FAIL

onos create default br-int bridge and vxlan port on the ovsdb node

Case 4: - FAIL

Case 2: Test ovsdb connection and teardown - PASS

Test ovsdb connection create and delete over ovsdb node and onos node

Case 5: - PASS

Case 6: Configure Network Subnet Port - PASS

Configure Network Subnet Port Verify post is OK

Case 7: - FAIL

Case 8: - FAIL