1. Environment Setup

If you already knew about ODTN emulators, you can directly go to step 1.1. Otherwise, you can read about ODTN emulators in this link: ODTN Emulators

1.1 Firstly, start two Cassini transponder emulator and one tapi-2.1 OLS emulator via Docker.

docker pull onosproject/tapi-2.1:0.01
docker pull onosproject/oc-cassini:0.21
docker run -it -d --name odtn-emulator_openconfig_cassini_1_1 -p 11002:830 onosproject/oc-cassini:0.21
docker run -it -d --name odtn-emulator_openconfig_cassini_2_1 -p 11003:830 onosproject/oc-cassini:0.21
docker run -it -d --name odtn-emulator_tapi_ols_1 -p 11000:1234 onosproject/tapi-2.1:0.01

Optionally, check if these three emulators run successfully.

We need to create a XML file named get-terminal-device.xml as below:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
  <get xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:netconf:base:1.0">
    <filter xmlns:td='http://openconfig.net/yang/terminal-device'>

And then use these three commands to test the emulators respectively.

netconf-console --host= --port=11002 -u root -p root --rpc=get-terminal-device.xml
netconf-console --host= --port=11003 -u root -p root --rpc=get-terminal-device.xml
curl http://localhost:11000/restconf/data/tapi-common:context

1.2 Secondly, start ONOS locally with application 'odtn-service' and 'roadm'

export ONOS_APPS=odtn-service,roadm,gui2
bazel build onos
bazel run onos-local -- clean

2. Topo discovery

2.1 device discovery

Create a JSON file named device.json as below:

  "devices" : {
    "netconf:" : {
      "basic" : {
      "netconf" : {
        "ip" : "",
        "port" : "11002",
        "username" : "root",
        "password" : "root",
        "idle-timeout" : "0"
    "rest:": {
      "rest": {
        "ip": "",
        "port": 11000,
        "protocol": "http",
        "manufacturer": "tapi-swagger",
        "hwVersion": "0",
        "swVersion": "2.1"
      "basic": {
        "driver": "ols"
    "netconf:" : {
      "basic" : {
      "netconf" : {
        "ip" : "",
        "port" : "11003",
        "username" : "root",
        "password" : "root",
        "idle-timeout" : "0"

And then use command "onos-netcfg localhost device.json" to push device info into ONOS.

2.2 link discovery

Create a JSON file named link.json as below:

  "links": {
    "netconf:": {
      "basic": {
        "type": "OPTICAL",
        "metric": 1,
        "durable": true,
        "bidirectional": true
    "rest:": {
      "basic": {
        "type": "OPTICAL",
        "metric": 1,
        "durable": true,
        "bidirectional": true

And then use command "onos-netcfg localhost device.json" to push link info into ONOS.

3 GUI2 View

Now open the home (topology) page of ONOS:

Then open the roadm custom view page:


Select the device "netconf:":

Click the icon on the top-right to see the port details (http://localhost:8181/onos/ui/#/roadm-gui/roadm-port-gui?devId=netconf:

On the TARGET POWER column, we can type in the power value to modify the power of specific port:

However, if the value is out of the available range, the alert appears: