OpenFlow Conformance Test

The OF switch used to support the Fabric has to support a number of data-plane operations such as MPLS encapsulation and others described below.

In order to guarantee conformance of the switches, we decided to create a few use cases using the OFTEST framework.

The OFTEST code can be found at

In this document we will describe how you can setup your own testbed as well as describe the test cases implemented.

OFTEST Overview

OFTEST framework consists of a testserver that connects to a target switch through an OpenFlow channel. The testserver also connects directly to the dataplane ports of the OFswitch. After programming the switch the testserver inserts packets in the dataplane and verify if the output is as expected.


We recommend using a server connected to a management network, a switch connected to the same management network, and then a minimum of 2 ports directly connected between the server and the switch. A few tests will fail if you have less than 3 ports.

To install OFTEST on ubuntu, type the following:

$ sudo apt-get install python 
$ sudo apt-get install python-pip -y
$ sudo apt-get install python-lxml
$ sudo pip install ncclient
$ sudo apt-get install python-ecdsa
$ git clone

Now let's configure the switch and point it to the testserver. Notice that we are pointing to port 6653 rather than 6633.

# cd /usr/bin/ofdpa-i.12.1.1/examples/
# ./client_cfg_purge
# brcm-indigo-ofdpa-ofagent -t

Now, assuming that you plugged the ports 12 and 24 of the switch to interfaces eth1 and eth2 of the server, respectively, then the following command can tell you if everything is working.

$ cd oftest
$ sudo ./oft -V1.3 --test-dir=ofdpa flows.PacketInArp -i 12@eth1 -i 24@eth2
WARNING: No route found for IPv6 destination :: (no default route?)
flows.PacketInArp ... ok
Ran 1 test in 4.044s

Segment Routing Tests

 The following tests were implemented

  1. Packet In Src Mac Miss
  2. Packet In UDP
  3. Arp and L2
  4. Packet In Arp
  5. L2FloodQinQ
  6. L2Flood Tagged 
  7. L2Flood Unknown Src 
  8. L2 Unicast Tagged 
  9. MTU 1500 
  10. MTU 4100
  11. L3 Unicast Tagged 
  12. L3VPNMPLS 
  13. L3 VPN_32 
  14. MPLS Termination
  16. L3 Mcast To L2
  17. L3 Mcast To L3