Glyph Service

GlyphService is an Angular Factory in the SVG module with the name glyph.js. It provides an API to load and inject custom glyphs (SVG path data) to be used in the client-side application. To use this API, see the documentation on injecting Angular services.

What is a glyph?

A glyph is an abstraction of an HTML SVG. An example of a glyph is below.

The red bird is the glyph. Glyphs are used throughout the client-side GUI for decoration and helpful indicators. They are drawn using SVG path data and colored/styled using CSS.

See All Glyphs for a list of all glyphs and this defining your own custom glyph walk-through.

API Functions

clearClears the glyph library.
initInitializes the glyph library with default glyphs.
registerGlyphsRegister glyphs that each have their own custom viewbox.
registerGlyphSetRegister a set of glyphs that all share the same viewbox.
idsGet all of the glyph names/ids currently in the library.
glyphGet a specific glyph's path data.
loadDefsLoad a set of glyph symbols into a SVG <defs> element.
addGlyphAdd a defined glyph to a specified SVG element.

Function Descriptions


Clears the glyph library of all previously defined glyphs. This should only be used when cleaning up a session: use this sparingly!

Example UsageArguments


Initializes the glyph library with default glyphs. This should only be used when starting up a session: use this sparingly!

See all default glyphs below.

Example UsageArguments


Register glyphs that each have their own custom viewbox.

Note: all glyph data must be a single path. See the Adding a Custom Glyph tutorial for more information.

Example UsageArgumentsReturn Values
gs.registerGlyphs(data, overwrite);

data: an object that contains viewboxes and key-value pairings of name-path data for the custom glyphs

overwrite: boolean that indicates whether duplicate glyph names in the library should be overwritten. Truthy values overwrite duplicates.

true if there were no issues adding glyph

false if there was

  • a missing viewbox
  • a duplicate glyph id and overwrite was falsy


// Example data format
var data = {
	_foo: '0 0 10 10',              // viewbox for foo
	foo: 'M2,4h6v2h-6z',            // foo path data
	_bar: '0 0 110 110',            // viewbox for bar
	bar: 'M2.5,2.5h5v5h-5z'         // bar path data

The viewbox for a specific glyph should have the same name as the glyph, prefixed with an underscore ( _ ).


Register a set of glyphs that all share the same viewbox.

Note: all glyph data must be a single path. See the Adding a Custom Icon tutorial for more information.


Example UsageArgumentsReturn Values
gs.registerGlyphSet(data, overwrite);

data: an object that contains one viewbox and key-value pairings of name-path data for the custom glyphs

overwrite: boolean that indicates whether duplicate glyph names in the library should be overwritten. Truthy values overwrite duplicates.

true if there were no issues adding glyph

false if there was a duplicate glyph id and overwrite was falsy


// Example data format
var data = {
	_viewbox: '0 0 110 110',         // viewbox for foo, bar, and baz
	foo: 'M2,2.5a.5,.5,0,0,1z',      // foo path data
	bar: 'M2.5,2l5.5,3l-5.5,3z',     // bar path data
	baz: 'M9.5,4.2c0,0-3.8z'         // baz path data

The viewbox property must be prefixed with an underscore ( _ ).


Get all of the glyph names/ids currently in the library.

Example UsageArgumentsReturn Value
gs.ids();nonearray of the glyph IDs currently in the glyph library


Get a specific glyph's path data.

Example UsageArgumentsReturn Value
gs.glyph(id);id: the name (as a string) of the glyph whose path data you wantthe path data of the glyph id given


Load a set of glyph symbols into a SVG <defs> element.

This function should be called before using any glyphs.

Example UsageArgumentsDefault Params
gs.loadDefs(defs, glyphIds, noClear);

defs: d3 selection of a single <defs> element

glyphIds: an array of glyph IDs to load

noClear: boolean value of whether old glyph symbol elements should be removed. True means that old elements will be preserved upon loading the new definitions

glyphIds: if not specified (or contents are not an array), all glyphs currently in the glyph library will be loaded


Add a previously defined glyph to a specified SVG element.

Note: the element you want to add the glyph to has to be within an <svg> tag or the <use> tag won't work!

Example UsageArgumentsDefault ParamsReturn Value
gs.addGlyph(elem, glyphId, size, overlay, trans);

elem: d3 selection of the SVG element into which this glyph will go

glyphId: the name of the glyph you want to add

size: the size in pixels that the glyph will be (must be a number)

overlay: boolean of whether this glyph will overlay another glyph

trans: an array of (x,y) coordinates of translation

size: 40

overlay: false

trans: false

the d3 selection of the 'use' element just created for your glyph

All Glyphs

The ONOS GUI comes with several built in glyphs that you can use. Here are pictures and names of them all.