Legacy ONOS GUI (aka GUI1) is the primary GUI for ONOS for all 1.x releases.

It still remains available in ONOS 2.x but is not started by default. GUI2 is started by default and should be disabled before GUI1 is started.

It is AngularJS 1.x based with Java backend - Web Sockets. Since Angular 1.x is now obsolete GUI2 was created to have the same look and feel as the legacy GUI where possible.


ONOS GUI2 was developed to replace the legacy ONOS GUI1. It is the default GUI for ONOS 2.x releases. 
It is Angular 7.x based with same Java backend and Web sockets
It has been divided in to Framework library, Topo Library and main app


Instead of adding material here to the Wiki, documentation is in README.md files in the project itself, at:




There is also an external documentation (in the form of Stack Overflow answer) to build a custom gui2 app using source code with two types of implementations. The link for the same is below :-



For creating a new GUI2 application inside ONOS - please use the ui2 archetype
General Instructions at https://wiki.onosproject.org/display/ONOS/Template+Application+Tutorial
and the UI2 archetype is at https://github.com/opennetworkinglab/onos/tree/master/tools/package/archetypes/ui2

ONF Connect 2019 presentation

A general overview of GUI2 is available in the slides here

with the accompanying video presentation from ONF Connect 2019 at