Mininet is a container orchestration system for network emulation. 

If you are using Mininet in a VM or on a physical server, it is easy to use to start up a complete emulated ONOS network, including ONOS cluster, modeled control network, and data network.

Note: This is work in progress - if you wish to try it now, you will need to get from the following patch:

First, make sure that you have built ONOS using buck:

cd ~/onos
buck build onos

Next, use Mininet and to start up a virtual ONOS cluster and data network:

cd ~/onos/tools/dev/mininet
sudo mn --custom --controller onos,3 --switch onosovs --topo torus,4,4

What does this do?

--custom uses to extend Mininet with new controller and switch types

--controller onos,3: tells Mininet to start up an ONOS controller cluster with 3 ONOS nodes

--switch onosovs: this is currently necessary to enable Mininet to automatically connect to a controller with multiple IP addresses (you can also just use --switch onos)

--topo torus,4,4: tells Mininet to use a 4x4 torus topology for the data network

How can I get more information on Mininet?

For more information on Mininet, please check out

How can I specify the apps for ONOS to load?

For now, try using ONOS_APPS or connecting to the karaf console and using ONOS CLI commands.

In the future, it will be an option to --controller onos and/or ONOSCluster().

How are IP addresses of the ONOS cluster specified?

ONOSCluster takes an ipBase option; default is

Can I ssh into the ONOS cluster?

Not directly with this version, since the nodes are not running ssh by default. However, you can attach to it using mininet/util/m:


How can I connect to the karaf console using ssh?

ssh -p 8101 karaf@

How can I connect to the ONOS GUI?

One way is to use ssh tunneling with port forwarding, e.g.

ssh -L 8101: mininet-vm

Another way is to run a browser such as Firefox or Chromium in your VM or server.

firefox &

We hope to make it easier and more automatic in the future.