CST Meeting Notes (North America)

Date: Tuesday 5 May, 2015 @ 16:00 UTC



Community Survey

Patricia - doing survey and report for the community partners and collaborators

She will be sharing the results soon

Format - keep doing, stop doing, start doing (new)

Ambassador program

William not on call - holiday in France (as usual :)

David/William working on an official launch of ambassador program

Identified some of the initial ambassadors in different geo regions

Start putting content on wiki, will eventually have a portal for ambassadors


Metrics in progress, no update



Eva - Need for speakers at OPNFV summit  Berlin June 20th - call for proposals is open now to speak at mini summit, details can be found here:


Events page here


A lot of traction in Asia pacific region

Need to start focusing on South America - looking for volunteers to help in this geography


Governance - nothing new this week


Infrastructure - intern joining soon to help with community infrastructure

William and David have done some planning around the community infra

How do we have a profile system or way to let people introduce themselves to the community - in progress with David/William



Eva suggested introducing the interns in the community / on the marketing channels


Additional community steering meeting

First week we are having 2 meetings to cover geographies - moved this meeting to 9AM PDT, added meeting 1AM PDT Friday


Community planning document

William, David putting together a document for planning their work



ONOS Community momentum and growth blog

Blog has been posted this morning



South America community

David to follow up with Alfonso for community ideas in South America

Miguel also offered to share perspective with a follow up


Patricia outreach update

Dyong Kyun Kim - (she is inviting people to send information to CST) - he sent PD info on packet-optical collaboration with KREONET-S


DKK is giving presentation on his work with ONOS

Domenico is also doing packet optical work, will be good to share information



Community Articles

Discussing articles about communities at these meetings - latest one



Community values

Need for a location that shares our community values - we should review this at the next meeting and we should share it more widely with the community

Bill offered to lead a discussion on community values at the next meeting


ONS demo videos now available on our youtube channel - really great videos (thank you Huawei)

Bill send ACORD email contact to Eva

Question - Domenico - how to have a better time for Europe to be a part of TST meetings - need to have an overall audit of community meetings - David has action to review the time zone issues of meetings

CST Meeting Notes (Europe/Asia)

Date: Friday 6 May, 2016 @ 08:00 UTC


Introductions of attendees

William, Yuta, Henry, Ben, Xushiping, Vijay

General Project updates 

See general project updates above - no Asia-specific ones 

Ambassador Program Update

China-friendly resources