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This page explain how to use the SR cli. The example used in the example uses sr-3node.conf configuration file, which is explained in the Configuration ONOS section <LINK>

Show switch information

show switch : show the switches connected to the controller (NOTE: any switch not configured in the config file is not shown)

onos-vm# sh link 
# Src Switch DPID                     Src Port Dst Switch DPID                     Dst Port Type
1 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:01 (Dallas-R1) 7        00:00:00:00:00:00:00:02 (Dallas-R2) 3        packet
2 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:02 (Dallas-R2) 1        00:00:00:00:00:00:00:01 (Dallas-R1) 6        packet
3 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:03 (Dallas-R3) 2        00:00:00:00:00:00:00:02 (Dallas-R2) 2        packet

show switch <switch DPID> : shows the detail of the switch

onos-vm# sh switch 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:01 
# Switch DPID             Alias     Connected Since              Connected At      Type   Controller
1 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:01 Dallas-R1 Wed Dec 03 16:06:40 PST 2014 packet onos-vm

show switch <switch DPID> table <acl/ip/mpls> : shows the specific table  of the switch

onos-vm# sh switch 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:01 table acl
# Bytes Packets Dur(s) Cookie Priority In Port Src MAC Dst MAC EthType Src IP Dst IP Protocol Src Port Dst Port Instructions
1 0     0       525    0      0        *       *       *       *       *      *      *        *        *

onos-vm# sh switch 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:01 table ip
# Bytes Packets Dur(s) Cookie Priority Dst IP         Instructions
1 0     0       423    0      65535 {goto: {tableid: acl}, write: {dec_nw_ttl, group: 1}}
2 0     0       423    0      65535 {goto: {tableid: acl}, write: {group: 2}}
3 0     0       423    0      49104     {goto: {tableid: acl}, write: {group: 2}}
4 0     0       444    0      0        *              {goto: {tableid: acl}, write: {output: controller}}
onos-vm# sh switch 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:01 table mpls
# Bytes Packets Dur(s) Priority MPLS Label MPLS BOS MPLS TC Instructions
1 0     0       426    65535    102        false    *       {goto: {tableid: acl}, write: {pop_mpls: 0x8847, copy_ttl_in, group: 1, dec_mpls_ttl}}
2 0     0       426    65535    102        true     *       {goto: {tableid: acl}, write: {pop_mpls: 0x800, dec_nw_ttl, copy_ttl_in, group: 1}}
3 0     0       426    65535    103        true     *       {goto: {tableid: acl}, write: {group: 1, dec_mpls_ttl}}
4 0     0       426    65535    103        false    *       {goto: {tableid: acl}, write: {group: 1, dec_mpls_ttl}}
5 0     0       426    65535    101006     true     *       {goto: {tableid: acl}, write: {pop_mpls: 0x800, dst_mac: 00:00:02:02:02:80, dec_nw_ttl, src_mac: 00:00:01:01:01:80, output: 6, copy_ttl_in}}
6 0     0       426    65535    101006     false    *       {goto: {tableid: acl}, write: {dec_mpls_ttl, pop_mpls: 0x8847, dst_mac: 00:00:02:02:02:80, src_mac: 00:00:01:01:01:80, output: 6, copy_ttl_in}}
7 0     0       426    65535    101007     true     *       {goto: {tableid: acl}, write: {pop_mpls: 0x800, dst_mac: 00:00:02:02:02:80, dec_nw_ttl, src_mac: 00:00:01:01:01:80, output: 7, copy_ttl_in}}
8 0     0       426    65535    101007     false    *       {goto: {tableid: acl}, write: {dec_mpls_ttl, pop_mpls: 0x8847, dst_mac: 00:00:02:02:02:80, src_mac: 00:00:01:01:01:80, output: 7, copy_ttl_in}}
9 0     0       447    0        *          *        *       {goto: {tableid: acl}, write: {output: controller}}

show switch <switch DPID> port : show the port information of the switch

 onos-vm# sh switch 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:01 port
# OF Port #     Status Rcv Bytes Rcv Pkts Rcv Errs Rcv Dropped Rcv CRC Rcv Overruns Rcv Frame Errs Xmit Bytes Xmit Pkts Xmit Errs Xmit Dropped Collisions
1 1 (s1-eth1)   up     480       6        0        0           0       0            0              2948       44        0         0            0
2 2 (s1-eth2)   up     558       7        0        0           0       0            0              2948       44        0         0            0
3 3 (s1-eth3)   up     558       7        0        0           0       0            0              2948       44        0         0            0
4 4 (s1-eth4)   up     558       7        0        0           0       0            0              2948       44        0         0            0
5 5 (s1-eth5)   up     558       7        0        0           0       0            0              2948       44        0         0            0
6 6 (s1-eth6)   up     3015      45       0        0           0       0            0              2948       44        0         0            0
7 7 (s1-eth7)   up     3015      45       0        0           0       0            0              2948       44        0         0            0
8 8 (s1-eth8)   up     3015      45       0        0           0       0            0              2948       44        0         0            0
9 65534 (local) up     0         0        0        0           0       0            0              0          0         0         0            0

show switch <switch DPID> group : show the group information of the switch

onos-vm# sh switch 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:01 group 
# Group Type Group Id Pkts Bytes Bucket Pkts Bucket Bytes Set Src Mac       Set Dst Mac       Push Mpls Set Bos COPY TTL Dec Mpls TTL Outport Group
1 SELECT     1        0    0     0           0            00:00:01:01:01:80 00:00:02:02:02:80                                         6
2 SELECT              0    0     0           0            00:00:01:01:01:80 00:00:02:02:02:80                                         7
3 SELECT     2        0    0     0           0            00:00:01:01:01:80 00:00:02:02:02:80 103       true    True     True         6
4 SELECT              0    0     0           0            00:00:01:01:01:80 00:00:02:02:02:80 103       true    True     True         7


show link: show the links discovered by the controller (NOTE: any link not configured in the config file is not shown)

onos-vm# sh link 
# Src Switch DPID                     Src Port Dst Switch DPID                     Dst Port Type
1 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:01 (Dallas-R1) 7        00:00:00:00:00:00:00:02 (Dallas-R2) 3        packet
2 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:02 (Dallas-R2) 1        00:00:00:00:00:00:00:01 (Dallas-R1) 6        packet
3 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:03 (Dallas-R3) 2        00:00:00:00:00:00:00:02 (Dallas-R2) 2        packet

watch <any command> : repeats the command every two second. It is useful to see any statistics changes

onos-vm# watch sh switch 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:01 port 
# OF Port #     Status Rcv Bytes Rcv Pkts Rcv Errs Rcv Dropped Rcv CRC Rcv Overruns Rcv Frame Errs Xmit Bytes Xmit Pkts Xmit Errs Xmit Dropped Collisions
1 1 (s1-eth1)   up     1880      22       0        0           0       0            0              5651       80        0         0            0
2 2 (s1-eth2)   up     600       8        0        0           0       0            0              4531       68        0         0            0
3 3 (s1-eth3)   up     558       7        0        0           0       0            0              4531       68        0         0            0
4 4 (s1-eth4)   up     558       7        0        0           0       0            0              4489       67        0         0            0
5 5 (s1-eth5)   up     558       7        0        0           0       0            0              4489       67        0         0            0
6 6 (s1-eth6)   up     5144      74       0        0           0       0            0              5101       73        0         0            0
7 7 (s1-eth7)   up     5046      73       0        0           0       0            0              4999       72        0         0            0
8 8 (s1-eth8)   up     4556      68       0        0           0       0            0              4489       67        0         0            0
9 65534 (local) up     0         0        0        0           0       0            0              0          0         0         0            0
Executing sh switch 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:01 port  
# OF Port #     Status Rcv Bytes Rcv Pkts Rcv Errs Rcv Dropped Rcv CRC Rcv Overruns Rcv Frame Errs Xmit Bytes Xmit Pkts Xmit Errs Xmit Dropped Collisions
1 1 (s1-eth1)   up     2076      24       0        0           0       0            0              5847       82        0         0            0
2 2 (s1-eth2)   up     600       8        0        0           0       0            0              4531       68        0         0            0
3 3 (s1-eth3)   up     558       7        0        0           0       0            0              4531       68        0         0            0
4 4 (s1-eth4)   up     558       7        0        0           0       0            0              4489       67        0         0            0
5 5 (s1-eth5)   up     558       7        0        0           0       0            0              4489       67        0         0            0
6 6 (s1-eth6)   up     5242      75       0        0           0       0            0              5203       74        0         0            0
7 7 (s1-eth7)   up     5144      74       0        0           0       0            0              5101       73        0         0            0
8 8 (s1-eth8)   up     4556      68       0        0           0       0            0              4489       67        0         0            0
9 65534 (local) up     0         0        0        0           0       0            0              0          0         0         0            0

show policy : show the policy information created by operators (NOTE: Configuring switches section describe how to create a policy)

onos-vm(config)# sh policy 
# Policy Id Policy Type Priority Dst Mac Src Mac Ether Type Dst IP     IP Protocol Src IP      Dst TcpPort Src TcpPort Tunnel Used
1 p1        TUNNEL_FLOW 10000    *       *       0x2048 *  *           *           t1

show tunnel : show the tunnel information created by operators (NOTE: Configuring switches section describe how to create a tunnel)

onos-vm(config)# sh tunnel 
# Id Policies Tunnel Path [Head-->Tail] Label Stack [Outer-->Inner]
1 t1          [101, 102, 103]           [[103]]


Configuring Tunnels and Policies

configure: enter configuration mode

mininet-vm> enable
mininet-vm# configure 

tunnel <tunnel ID> : Create a tunnel for a tunnel-flow policy. Specify the node SID of all routers of the tunnel, following node keyword.  If you want to suspend creating the tunnel, you can type end. It will suspend creating the tunnel and exit the configuration mode.

onos-vm(config)# tunnel t1
onos-vm(config-tunnel)# node 101
onos-vm(config-tunnel)# node 102
onos-vm(config-tunnel)# node 103
onos-vm(config-tunnel)# exit

policy <policy ID> policy-type <policy type>: Create a specific type of policy. Only tunnel-flow type is supported now. flow-entry, tunnel, and priority must be specified. IP, TCP, and UDP are supported as the flow-entry type. The first subnet ( in the example) is the source, and the second subnet ( in the example) is the destination.

onos-vm(config)# policy p1 policy-type tunnel-flow 
onos-vm(config-policy)# flow-entry ip
onos-vm(config-policy)# tunnel t1
onos-vm(config-policy)# priority 10000
onos-vm(config-policy)# exit 

no policy <policy ID>: remove the policy with the policy ID.

onos-vm(config)# sh policy 
# Policy Id Policy Type Priority Dst Mac Src Mac Ether Type Dst IP     IP Protocol Src IP      Dst TcpPort Src TcpPort Tunnel Used
1 p1        TUNNEL_FLOW 10000    *       *       0x2048 *  *           *           t1
onos-vm(config)# no policy p1
onos-vm(config)# sh policy 

no tunnel <tunnel ID>: remove the tunnel with the tunnel ID. If the tunnel is being used by any policy, then it is not removed.

onos-vm(config)# sh tunnel 
# Id Policies Tunnel Path [Head-->Tail] Label Stack [Outer-->Inner]
1 t1          [101, 102, 103]           [[103]]
onos-vm(config)# no tunnel t1
onos-vm(config)# sh tunnel 
  • No labels