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Adarsh MHuawei Technologiesadarsh.m@huawei.com
Bharat SaraswalHuawei Technologiesbharat.saraswal@huawei.com
Gaurav Agrawal Huawei Technologiesgaurav.agrawal@huawei.com
Janani BHuawei Technologiesjanani.b@huawei.com
Sathish Kumar MHuawei Technologiessathishkumar.m@huawei.com
Suchitra H NHuawei Technologiessuchitra.hn@huawei.com
Vidyashree RamaHuawei Technologiesvidyashree.rama@huawei.com
Vinod Kumar SHuawei Technologiesvinods.kumar@huawei.com
ShankaraHuawei Technologiesshankara@huawei.com
Mahesh Poojary SHuawei Technologiesmahesh.poojary@huawei.com

Requirements for Hummingbird Release

Requested ByRequirementsSuggested Priority (high - Middle -Low)Current Status
Thomas Vachuska
Thanks for the demo of the YANG utilities at today’s TST meeting. While a lot of good work was done in the last release, I was a little bit surprised that the codec functionality was pushed off to the next release - and that NB-related concerns superseded SB-related ones. In my view, this is the basic value of using the YANG models - as it provides the ability to consume/produce XML payloads that are complaint with the model in a structured manner via Java API.
We have a set of use-cases for this to control/configure devices via NETCONF. Presently we have to accomplish this using hand-crafted XML and we were hoping to use the YANG tools-generated codecs for this. Consequently the SB use of YANG is of much more importance to us than the NB use of YANG - at least for the near-term.
In the Hummingbird release we need to be able to use the YANG tools generated artifacts together with our existing NETCONF sub-controller to produce driver implementations for several packet and optical devices. For this reason, I would like to request that this work be prioritized over anything else with respect to other YANG-related work. In order for that to happen, I think a number of other important questions will have to be answered and accounted for in the overall design of the YANG utilities:
  • Generated code for device models needs to be able to facilitate interactions with multiple devices that support the same model. This means that generated code should be stateless and avoid singleton service pattern. It should also take care not to intertwine transport concerns with encoding concerns (it should really only cover the latter).
  • Generated code should avoid commingling of code that is pure codec and not expected to be touched by humans versus RPC skeletal code whose innards are expected to be manually ‘implemented’ by humans and checked-in. This should simplify code re-generation as the model evolves
Ali Al-ShabibiJSON or JSON-Schema Intermediary Representation. It would be nice if we could go from YANG to JSON or JSON-Schema because from this IR format we can easily go to XML or JSON or some other format that another protocol may want to use. As you probably know, Netconf is only one of the southbound to deliver payloads other ones such as gRPC or REST can be used.medium 
Marc De Leenheer

Support for OpenROADM YANG models. The specification contains two parts, a service-level model (NB) and a device-level model (SB). The first phase has already started, we want to integrate the device model into ONOS by early Q3 2016. In Q4 we will do the service level models. This is high priority work in collaboration with AT&T.


Aihua GuoIn order to support the use of standard IETF YANG models as an NBI for hierarchical SDN control, it is expected that the following YANG data constructs be supported in the H releases: augment (partially supported in G release), identity, feature/if-feature, when, must, leafref, path, require-instance. These data constructs are defined by YANG 1.1, and most of the IETF YANG models contain those constructs written in YANG 1.1.high 


    YANG is a data modeling language used to model configuration & state data. Modeling languages such as SMI (SNMP), UML, XML Schema, and others already existed. However, none of these languages were specifically targeted to the needs of configuration management. They lacked critical capabilities like being easily read and understood by human implementers, and fell short in providing mechanisms to validate models of configuration data for semantics and syntax.

     YANG Utils are the basic building block to achieve the final goal of abstracting the language based Syntax/Semantics processing by APPs.


The YANG modeled interfaces need to be implemented by corresponding application component. There are 2 parts in implementing the interface:

  1. syntax/semantics processing of the request/response being exchanged.
  2. business logic to compute the request.

We intend to abstract the applications from syntactic processing of information encoding with external world.We intend to provide a framework in which the applications only need to implement the business logic and seamlessly support any interface language like REST, NETCONF etc.    

Steps to use YANG utils

Step1 : Create a test app and add YANG utils maven plugin to pom file’s build section


Step 2 : Add dependency to pom file’s dependency section


Step 3 : Plugin configuration supported in YANG utils 

  1. Create a folder structure as “src/main/yang” in the test app folder and place your YANG files in it. In case user want to give desired path for source YANG files and generated java files, the following configuration can be appended to the above pom.xml file.


Step 4 : Execution of application

Build using mvn clean install/ mvn install. Generated java code will be placed in default directory or in desired destination folder configured by user.

Code generated is as per ONOS coding guidelines.


YANG utils constructs support/plan

YANG ConstructSupported/Planned version
anyxmlNot planned
argumentNot planned


Enhancement in Hummingbird



Enhancement in Humminbird



Enhancement in Hummingbird

deviateNot planned
deviationNot planned
error-app-tagNot planned
error-messageNot planned
extensionNot planned


Enhancement in Hummingbird



Enhancement in Hummingbird

ordered-byNot planned


Enhancement in Hummingbird


Enhancement in Hummingbird
refineNot planned
require-instanceNot planned


Enhancement in Hummingbird




Enhancement in Hummingbird
uniqueNot Planned




Enhancement in Hummingbird

yin-elementNot Planned

Built-in YANG data types support/plan



Enhancement in Hummingbird


Enhancement in Hummingbird


Enhancement in Hummingbird

Generated JAVA Details

Common behavior


The identifier name of YANG constructs are taken, and are used in java by converting it to lower camel case. Identifier names are allowed to have three special characters such as “-”, ”_”, “.”. Whereas, in java, we cannot use these special characters. These characters will be removed during conversion. Conversion takes place by following the below rules of lower camel case.

  • The first letter of the identifier will be a small letter. If the three special characters occur alone or in group, they will be removed and the consecutive letter will be capitalized.

      • name-conversion will be mapped as nameConversion

      • yang-._constuct-generation will be mapped as yangConstuctGeneration

  • When identifier name has a special character followed by a number, the following letter from the digits will be capitalized.

      • yang_123construct will be mapped to yang123Construct

  • In java file, class name or attribute name cannot have java keyword or start with digits. During the conversion into java, we add prefix to the identifier “yangAutoPrefix”, by default.

      • _123date will be mapped to yangAutoPrefix123Date

      • const will be mapped to yangAutoPrefixConst

  • As per camelcase conversion rules, no two consecutive letters will have capitalization and the last letter will also not be capitalized. 

      • ca-l.e_nder will be mapped to caLeNder
      • tric-._k will be mapped to trick  
  • If users input has capital case, the following will be the conversion methods.

      • TESTNAME will be mapped to testname

      • TEST-NAME will be mapped to testName

      • TestName will be mapped to testName

      •  TEST3NAME will be mapped to test3Name

When the identifier has to be used as java class name, after the above conversion, the first letter will be capitalized and if consecutive capital letters are present, it will be corrected and assigned as java class name.



The namespace is a mandatory statement in the module. We define namespace for URL/URI and for folder structure of generated java code. Here in ONOS YANG plugin, namespace forms a folder structure which in turn will be the package name in java.

  • The package will have “org.onosproject.yang.gen.v1.” by default in it. The namespace will be added to the above and the folder structure will also be formed respectively. This becomes the parent package. The conversion from YANG namespace to the java package will take place as below.

  • When a node appears, with child node in it, a new package will be generated under the parent package, for that node. The new package is, parent package appended with the node name. The class for that node will be placed under this newly created package.

Input YANG file
File : acme-system.yang
module acme-system {
     namespace "http://acme.example.com/system";
     prefix "acme";
     organization "ACME Inc.";
     contact "joe@acme.example.com";
        "The module for entities implementing the ACME system.";
     revision 2007-06-09 {
         description "Initial revision.";
     container system {
         container login {
             leaf message {
                 type string;
                     "Message given at start of login session";

Generated Java files
File : System.java
package org.onosproject.yang.gen.v1.http.acme.example.com.system.rev20070609.acmesystem;
public interface System extends AugmentationHolder  {

File : Login.java
package org.onosproject.yang.gen.v1.http.acme.example.com.system.rev20070609.acmesystem.system;
public interface Login extends AugmentationHolder  {


Currently Java doc will be generated as per ONOS javadoc guidelines.

Here in wiki for the given examples for each YANG construct we have removed generated javadocs for documentation purpose. Code will contain all the default javadoc which we are providing in golden-eye release. Javadocs support will be enhanced in hummingbird release.


YANG statements



The primary unit of YANG is module. The module statement groups all the statements that belong to module together. The module statement argument is name of the module followed by sub-statements. 

JAVA mapping

Module statement is mapped to

  1. Service interface 
    It includes:
    a) java methods corresponding to the YANG RPC (Refer RPC section for more details)
    b) If module contains notification, generated service interface will extend listener service (refer notification for more details)
  2. Manager class
    It includes:
    a ) Activate/Deactivate methods
    b) If module contains child data nodes, getters and setters for those nodes will be generated for app developers to implement.
    c)If module contains notification, generated manager class will extend ListenerRegistry(refer notification for more details) .
    The manager class implements the service interface. The name of service interface and manager class is <module_name>Service.java and <module_name>Manager.java.
Input YANG file
File : network.yang
  module network {
     yang-version 1;
     namespace "urn:TBD:params:xml:ns:yang:nodes";
     prefix nd;

     organization "TBD";
       "This module defines a common base model for a collection
        of nodes in a network. Node definitions s are further used
        in network topologies and inventories.";

     revision 2014-03-09 {
         "Initial revision.";
       reference "draft-clemm-i2rs-yang-network-topo-04";
     list networklist {
       key "network-id";

       leaf network-id {
         type string;

       leaf server-provided {
         type boolean;
         config false;
Generated Java files
File : NetworkService.java
package org.onosproject.yang.gen.v1.urn.tbd.params.xml.ns.yang.nodes.rev20140309;

import java.util.List;
import org.onosproject.yang.gen.v1.urn.tbd.params.xml.ns.yang.nodes.rev20140309.network.Networklist;

public interface NetworkService {

    List<Networklist> getNetworklist();

    void setNetworklist(List<Networklist> networklist);

File : NetworkManager.java
package org.onosproject.yang.gen.v1.urn.tbd.params.xml.ns.yang.nodes.rev20140309;

import java.util.List;
import org.apache.felix.scr.annotations.Activate;
import org.apache.felix.scr.annotations.Component;
import org.apache.felix.scr.annotations.Deactivate;
import org.apache.felix.scr.annotations.Service;
import org.onosproject.yang.gen.v1.urn.tbd.params.xml.ns.yang.nodes.rev20140309.network.Networklist;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import static org.slf4j.LoggerFactory.getLogger;

@Component (immediate = true)
public class NetworkManager implements NetworkService {

    private final Logger log = getLogger(getClass());

    public void activate() {
        //TODO: YANG utils generated code

    public void deactivate() {
        //TODO: YANG utils generated code

    public List<Networklist> getNetworklist() {
        //TODO: YANG utils generated code
          return null;

    public void setNetworklist(List<Networklist> networklist) {
          //TODO: YANG utils generated code

Sub Module


The “submodule” groups all the statements that belongs to the submodule together. The "submodule" statement's argument is the name of the submodule, followed by a block of sub statements.

JAVA mapping

Submodule mapping to java is same as module and files with be generated in module’s namespace.

Input YANG files
File : acme-system.yang
module acme-system {
    namespace "http://yang-central.org/ns/example/acme";
    prefix acme;

    include "acme-types";
    leaf id {
        type string;
File : acme-types.yang
submodule acme-types {
    yang-version 1;
    belongs-to "acme-system" {
        prefix "acme";
    leaf access-timeout {
        type uint32;
    leaf retries {
        type uint8;
Generated Java files
File : AcmeSystemManager.java
package org.onosproject.yang.gen.v1.http.yang.central.org.ns.example.acme.rev20160526;

import org.apache.felix.scr.annotations.Activate;
import org.apache.felix.scr.annotations.Component;
import org.apache.felix.scr.annotations.Deactivate;
import org.apache.felix.scr.annotations.Service;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import static org.slf4j.LoggerFactory.getLogger;

@Component (immediate = true)
public class AcmeSystemManager implements AcmeSystemService {

    private final Logger log = getLogger(getClass());

    public void activate() {
        //TODO: YANG utils generated code

    public void deactivate() {
        //TODO: YANG utils generated code

    public String getId() {
          //TODO: YANG utils generated code
          return null;

    public void setId(String id) {
        //TODO: YANG utils generated code

File : AcmeSystemService.java
package org.onosproject.yang.gen.v1.http.yang.central.org.ns.example.acme.rev20160526;

public interface AcmeSystemService {

    String getId();

    void setId(String id);

File : AcmeTypesManager.java
package org.onosproject.yang.gen.v1.http.yang.central.org.ns.example.acme.rev20160526;

import org.apache.felix.scr.annotations.Activate;
import org.apache.felix.scr.annotations.Component;
import org.apache.felix.scr.annotations.Deactivate;
import org.apache.felix.scr.annotations.Service;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import static org.slf4j.LoggerFactory.getLogger;

@Component (immediate = true)
public class AcmeTypesManager implements AcmeTypesService {

    private final Logger log = getLogger(getClass());

    public void activate() {
        //TODO: YANG utils generated code

    public void deactivate() {
        //TODO: YANG utils generated code

    public long getAccessTimeout() {
        //TODO: YANG utils generated code
          return 0;

    public short getRetries() {
          //TODO: YANG utils generated code
          return 0;

    public void setAccessTimeout(long accessTimeout) {
        //TODO: YANG utils generated code

    public void setRetries(short retries) {
          //TODO: YANG utils generated code

File : AcmeTypesService.java
package org.onosproject.yang.gen.v1.http.yang.central.org.ns.example.acme.rev20160526;

public interface AcmeTypesService {
    long getAccessTimeout();

    short getRetries();

    void setAccessTimeout(long accessTimeout);

    void setRetries(short retries);



Prefix is used to define prefix associated with module. It is used as a hint to other module developers when they import our module.

JAVA mapping

There is no java mapping for prefix statement.

module dhcp {
  namespace "http://yang-central.org/ns/example/dhcp";
  prefix dhcp;

 import ietf-yang-types { prefix yang; }
 import ietf-inet-types { prefix inet; }

Note the prefixes above. In order to refer to the yang-module from now on, we use the prefix, e.g. the statement:

type yang:date-and-time;

refers to the date-and-time type defined in the yang-types module.

We use the prefix defined in the module itself, e.g. in the yang-types module, the prefix is defined as yang. You can use which prefix you want in your import, as long as it is unique within the module, but by using the prefix from the module, your module will be easier to read for others.



A module can import definitions from other module or submodule by using import statement. It takes an argument, the name of the module or submodule followed by sub statements prefix and revision statement. Multiple import statements may be specified to import from different modules. Prefix statement inside import is mandatory and its scope is within the imported module or sub-module.

JAVA mapping

When imported YANG file is used in any of the nodes in current YANG file, then Java code will genereted for imported YANG file. If it is imported YANG file is not used in any of the node in current YANG file then Java code for imported file will not be genereted.

Input YANG files
File : flow-classifier.yang
module flow-classifier {
    yang-version 1;
    namespace "sfc.flowclassifier";
    prefix "flow-classifier";
    import "ietf-yang-types" {
        prefix "yang";
    organization "ON-LAB";
    description "This submodule defines for flow classifier.";
    revision "2016-05-24" {
        description "Initial revision.";
    leaf id {
        type yang:uuid;

File : ietf-yang-types.yang
module ietf-yang-types {

     namespace "urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:yang:ietf-yang-types";
     prefix "yang";

      "IETF NETMOD (NETCONF Data Modeling Language) Working Group";

      "WG Web:   <http://tools.ietf.org/wg/netmod/>
       WG List:  <mailto:netmod@ietf.org>

       WG Chair: David Kessens

       WG Chair: Juergen Schoenwaelder

       Editor:   Juergen Schoenwaelder

      "This module contains a collection of generally useful derived
       YANG data types.

       Copyright (c) 2013 IETF Trust and the persons identified as
       authors of the code.  All rights reserved.

       Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or
       without modification, is permitted pursuant to, and subject
       to the license terms contained in, the Simplified BSD License
       set forth in Section 4.c of the IETF Trust's Legal Provisions
       Relating to IETF Documents

       This version of this YANG module is part of RFC 6991; see
       the RFC itself for full legal notices.";

     revision 2013-07-15 {
        "This revision adds the following new data types:
         - yang-identifier
         - hex-string
         - uuid
         - dotted-quad";
        "RFC 6991: Common YANG Data Types";

     revision 2010-09-24 {
        "Initial revision.";
        "RFC 6021: Common YANG Data Types";

     typedef uuid {
       type string {
         pattern '[0-9a-fA-F]{8}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-'
               + '[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[0-9a-fA-F]{12}';
        "A Universally Unique IDentifier in the string representation
         defined in RFC 4122.  The canonical representation uses
         lowercase characters.

         The following is an example of a UUID in string representation:
        "RFC 4122: A Universally Unique IDentifier (UUID) URN
Generated Java files
File : FlowClassifierManager.java
package org.onosproject.yang.gen.v1.sfc.flowclassifier.rev20160524;

import org.apache.felix.scr.annotations.Activate;
import org.apache.felix.scr.annotations.Component;
import org.apache.felix.scr.annotations.Deactivate;
import org.apache.felix.scr.annotations.Service;
import org.onosproject.yang.gen.v1.urn.ietf.params.xml.ns.yang.ietf.yang.types.rev20100924.ietfyangtypes.Uuid;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import static org.slf4j.LoggerFactory.getLogger;

@Component (immediate = true)
public class FlowClassifierManager implements FlowClassifierService {

    private final Logger log = getLogger(getClass());

    public void activate() {
        //TODO: YANG utils generated code

    public void deactivate() {
        //TODO: YANG utils generated code

    public Uuid getId() {
        //TODO: YANG utils generated code
        return null;

    public void setId(Uuid id) {
        //TODO: YANG utils generated code


File : FlowClassifierService
package org.onosproject.yang.gen.v1.sfc.flowclassifier.rev20160524;
import org.onosproject.yang.gen.v1.urn.ietf.params.xml.ns.yang.ietf.yang.types.rev20100924.ietfyangtypes.Uuid;

public interface FlowClassifierService {

    Uuid getId();

    void setId(Uuid id);

File : IetfYangTypesManager.java
package org.onosproject.yang.gen.v1.urn.ietf.params.xml.ns.yang.ietf.yang.types.rev20100924;

import org.apache.felix.scr.annotations.Activate;
import org.apache.felix.scr.annotations.Component;
import org.apache.felix.scr.annotations.Deactivate;
import org.apache.felix.scr.annotations.Service;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import static org.slf4j.LoggerFactory.getLogger;

@Component (immediate = true)
public class IetfYangTypesManager implements IetfYangTypesService {

    private final Logger log = getLogger(getClass());

    public void activate() {
        //TODO: YANG utils generated code

    public void deactivate() {
        //TODO: YANG utils generated code

File : IetfYangTypesService.java
package org.onosproject.yang.gen.v1.urn.ietf.params.xml.ns.yang.ietf.yang.types.rev20100924;

public interface IetfYangTypesService {

File : Uuid.java
package org.onosproject.yang.gen.v1.urn.ietf.params.xml.ns.yang.ietf.yang.types.rev20100924.ietfyangtypes;
import java.util.Objects;
import com.google.common.base.MoreObjects;

public final class Uuid {
    private String string;

    private Uuid() {

    public Uuid(String value) {
        this.string = value;

    public static Uuid of(String value) {
        return new Uuid(value);

    public String string() {
        return string;

    public int hashCode() {
        return Objects.hash(string);

    public boolean equals(Object obj) {
        if (this == obj) {
            return true;
        if (obj instanceof Uuid) {
            Uuid other = (Uuid) obj;
                 Objects.equals(string, other.string);
        return false;

    public String toString() {
        return MoreObjects.toStringHelper(getClass())
            .add("string", string)

    public static Uuid fromString(String valInString) {
        try {
            String tmpVal = (valInString);
            return of(tmpVal);
        } catch (Exception e) {
        return null;




A module uses a include statement to include sub-module that belongs to module. The argument is the name of sub-module. Modules are only allowed to include sub-module that belongs to module, as defined by belongs-to statement. When a module includes a submodule, it incorporates the contents of the submodule into the node hierarchy of the module.

JAVA mapping

There is no java mapping for include statement.


Please refer submodule example



   The "organization" statement defines the party responsible for this module.  The argument is a string that is used to specify a textual description of the organization(s) under whose auspices this module was developed.

JAVA mapping

 Organization will be used as javadoc in generated java code in Hummingbird release version. Currently it is not used in generated java code.


Please refer module example section



  The "contact" statement provides contact information for the module. The argument is a string that is used to specify contact information for the person or persons to whom technical queries concerning this  module should be sent, such as their name, postal address, telephone number, and electronic mail address.

JAVA mapping

 Contact information will be used as javadoc in generated java code in Hummingbird release version. Currently it is not used in generated java code.


Please refer module example section

Belongs to


The "belongs-to" statement specifies the module to which the submodule belongs.  The argument is an identifier that is the name of the module. A submodule must only be included by the module to which it belongs, or by another submodule that belongs to that module.

JAVA mapping

No java mapping for belongs to statement in generated code.


Please refer submodule example section.



A leaf is an atomic element in YANG. It has value, but does not have child. It is used for defining the scalar variable of a built-in type or a derived type.

Java mapping

In java leaf is converted to define variable with its respective java built-in type or derived type.

Input YANG file
File : acme-system.yang
module acme-system {
     namespace "http://acme.example.com/system";
     prefix "acme";
     organization "ACME Inc.";
     contact "joe@acme.example.com";
        "The module for entities implementing the ACME system.";
     revision 2007-06-09 {
         description "Initial revision.";
     container system {
            leaf host-name {
                type string;
                description "Hostname for this system";


Generated Java files
File: System.java
public interface System extends AugmentationHolder  {
    String hostName();
    interface SystemBuilder {
        String hostName();
        SystemBuilder hostName(String hostName);
        System build();

File : SystemBuilder.java
public class SystemBuilder implements System.SystemBuilder {
    private String hostName;

    public String hostName() {
        return hostName;

    public SystemBuilder hostName(String hostName) {
        this.hostName = hostName;
        return this;
    public final class SystemImpl implements System {
        private String hostName;
        public String hostName() {
            return hostName;



A leaf-list is also used for defining scalar variable, like leaf, but in an array of a particular type. The type of the variable can be either built-in type or a derived type.

Java mapping

In java leaf-list is stored in List, with respect to, java built-in type or derived type.

Input YANG file
File : acme-system.yang
module acme-system {
     namespace "http://acme.example.com/system";
     prefix "acme";
     organization "ACME Inc.";
     contact "joe@acme.example.com";
        "The module for entities implementing the ACME system.";
     revision 2007-06-09 {
         description "Initial revision.";
     container system {
             leaf-list domain-search {
                 type string;
                 description "List of domain names to search";


Generated Java files
File : System.java
public interface System extends AugmentationHolder  {
    String hostName();
    interface SystemBuilder {
        String hostName();
        SystemBuilder hostName(String hostName);
        System build();

File : SystemBuilder.java
public class SystemBuilder implements System.SystemBuilder {
    private List<String> domainSearch;

    public List<String> domainSearch() {
        return domainSearch;

    public SystemBuilder domainSearch(List<String> domainSearch) {
        this.domainSearch = domainSearch;
        return this;
    public final class SystemImpl implements System {
        private List<String> domainSearch;

        public List<String> domainSearch() {
            return domainSearch;



Container is a holder that can hold many nodes within it. It is used for logically grouping certain set of nodes.

Java mapping

In java, container acts as a class which can hold information contained within. A class of the container is formed only when container has nodes in it. In addition to that, container's parent holder will have container class’s information.

Container statement is mapped to java as                  

  1. Interface File
    It includes:
    a) Getters for the attributes. 
    b) Builder interface which contains getters/setters and build method.
  2. Builder Class File
    It includes:
    a) Builder class which is the implementation of builder interface defined in interface file.
    b) Impl class which is the implementation of interface file. 
    c) hashCode(), equals(), toString() methods overridden in it. 
Input YANG file
File : acme-system.yang
module acme-system {
     namespace "http://acme.example.com/system";
     prefix "acme";
     organization "ACME Inc.";
     contact "joe@acme.example.com";
        "The module for entities implementing the ACME system.";
     revision 2007-06-09 {
         description "Initial revision.";
     container system {
         container login {
             leaf message {
                 type string;
                     "Message given at start of login session";


Generated Java files
File : Login.java
public interface Login extends AugmentationHolder  {
    String message();
    interface LoginBuilder {
        String message();
        LoginBuilder message(String message);
        Login build();

File : SystemBuilder.java
public class LoginBuilder implements Login.LoginBuilder {
    private String message;

    public String message() {
        return message;

    public LoginBuilder message(String message) {
        this.message = message;
        return this;

    public Login build() {
        return new LoginImpl(this);
    public LoginBuilder() {
    public final class LoginImpl implements Login {
        private List<AugmentedInfo> augmentedInfoList = new ArrayList<>();
        private String message;

        public String message() {
            return message;

        public int hashCode() {
            return Objects.hash(message);

        public boolean equals(Object obj) {
            if (this == obj) {
                return true;
            if (obj instanceof LoginImpl) {
                LoginImpl other = (LoginImpl) obj;
                     Objects.equals(message, other.message);
            return false;

        public String toString() {
            return MoreObjects.toStringHelper(getClass())
                .add("message", message)
        public LoginImpl(LoginBuilder builderObject) {
            this.message = builderObject.message();

        public void addAugmentation(AugmentedInfo value) {

        public List<AugmentedInfo> getAugmentedInfoList() {
            return augmentedInfoList;

        public void removeAugmentation() {



List is also like container that can hold many nodes by logically grouping. The only difference is, list can have multiple instances whereas container has only one instance.

Java mapping

    In java, list acts as a class which can hold information contained within. A class of the list is formed only when list has nodes in it. In addition to that, list's parent holder will have list information by creating the list information in java List so that many instances of the class can be stored in it.

   The list statement mapping in java is as same as container for the generation of java (refer container to know what files are generated).

   In the below example the list holder is also a list with the same name. In such cases the complete path is defined for attribute in parent, in order to make sure that they are not referring to themselves. This case is same for any class generating YANG constructs.


Input YANG file
File : acme-system.yang
module acme-system {
    namespace "http://acme.example.com/system";
    prefix "acme";
    organization "ACME Inc.";
    contact "joe@acme.example.com";
        "The module for entities implementing the ACME system.";
    revision 2007-06-09 {
        description "Initial revision.";
    list login {
        key "name";
        list login {
            key "name";
            leaf name {
                type string;
            leaf full-name {
                type string;
            leaf class {
                type string;
        leaf name {
            type string;
Generated Java files
File : Login.java
public interface Login extends AugmentationHolder  {
    String name();
    String fullName();
    String addThisBeforeClass();
    interface LoginBuilder {
        String name();
        String fullName();
        String addThisBeforeClass();
        LoginBuilder name(String name);
        LoginBuilder fullName(String fullName);
        LoginBuilder addThisBeforeClass(String addThisBeforeClass);
        Login build();

File : LoginBuilder.java
public class LoginBuilder implements Login.LoginBuilder {
    private String name;
    private String fullName;
    private String addThisBeforeClass;

    public String name() {
        return name;

    public String fullName() {
        return fullName;

    public String addThisBeforeClass() {
        return addThisBeforeClass;

    public LoginBuilder name(String name) {
        this.name = name;
        return this;

    public LoginBuilder fullName(String fullName) {
        this.fullName = fullName;
        return this;

    public LoginBuilder addThisBeforeClass(String addThisBeforeClass) {
        this.addThisBeforeClass = addThisBeforeClass;
        return this;

    public Login build() {
        return new LoginImpl(this);
    public LoginBuilder() {
    public final class LoginImpl implements Login {
        private List<AugmentedInfo> augmentedInfoList = new ArrayList<>();
        private String name;
        private String fullName;
        private String addThisBeforeClass;

        public String name() {
            return name;

        public String fullName() {
            return fullName;

        public String addThisBeforeClass() {
            return addThisBeforeClass;

        public int hashCode() {
            return Objects.hash(name, fullName, addThisBeforeClass);

        public boolean equals(Object obj) {
            if (this == obj) {
                return true;
            if (obj instanceof LoginImpl) {
                LoginImpl other = (LoginImpl) obj;
                     Objects.equals(name, other.name) &&
                     Objects.equals(fullName, other.fullName) &&
                     Objects.equals(addThisBeforeClass, other.addThisBeforeClass);
            return false;

        public String toString() {
            return MoreObjects.toStringHelper(getClass())
                .add("name", name)
                .add("fullName", fullName)
                .add("addThisBeforeClass", addThisBeforeClass)
        public LoginImpl(LoginBuilder builderObject) {
            this.name = builderObject.name();
            this.fullName = builderObject.fullName();
            this.addThisBeforeClass = builderObject.addThisBeforeClass();

        public void addAugmentation(AugmentedInfo value) {

        public List<AugmentedInfo> getAugmentedInfoList() {
            return augmentedInfoList;

        public void removeAugmentation() {

Generated java files for list's holder(another list):

File : Login.java
public interface Login extends AugmentationHolder  {
    String name();
List<org.onosproject.yang.gen.v1.http.acme.example.com.system.rev20070609.acmesystem.login.Login> login();
    interface LoginBuilder {
        String name();
List<org.onosproject.yang.gen.v1.http.acme.example.com.system.rev20070609.acmesystem.login.Login> login();
        LoginBuilder name(String name);
        LoginBuilder login(List<org.onosproject.yang.gen.v1.http.acme.example.com.system.rev20070609.acmesystem
                .Login> login);
        Login build();

File : LoginBuilder.java
public class LoginBuilder implements Login.LoginBuilder {
    private String name;
    private List<org.onosproject.yang.gen.v1.http.acme.example.com.system.rev20070609.acmesystem.login.Login> login;

    public String name() {
        return name;

    public List<org.onosproject.yang.gen.v1.http.acme.example.com.system.rev20070609.acmesystem.login
            .Login> login() {
        return login;

    public LoginBuilder name(String name) {
        this.name = name;
        return this;

    public LoginBuilder login(List<org.onosproject.yang.gen.v1.http.acme.example.com.system.rev20070609
            .login.Login> login) {
        this.login = login;
        return this;
    public final class LoginImpl implements Login {

Grouping and uses


Grouping the nodes together, for reusing them at many places, can be done in YANG. Grouping the nodes is done by grouping statement and using those grouped nodes at different places is done by uses statement.

Java mapping

During YANG to java conversion, the contents of grouping is copied wherever uses statement is used and code will be generated for nodes inside grouping wherever it is used.

Input YANG file
module Test {
    namespace "http://test.example.com/";
    prefix "test";
    organization "ACME Inc.";
    grouping endpoint { 
        leaf address {
            type int32; 
        leaf port {
            type int8; 
    container connection { 
        container source {
            uses endpoint;
        container destination {
            uses endpoint;
Generated Java files
File : Connection.java
package org.onosproject.yang.gen.v1.http.test.example.com.rev20160718.test;

import org.onosproject.yang.gen.v1.http.test.example.com.rev20160718.test.connection.Source;

public interface Connection {

    Source source();

    interface ConnectionBuilder {

        Source source();

        ConnectionBuilder source(Source source);

        Connection build();

File : Source.java

package org.onosproject.yang.gen.v1.http.test.example.com.rev20160718.test.connection;

public interface Source {

    int address();

    byte port();

    interface SourceBuilder {

        int address();

        byte port();

        SourceBuilder address(int address);

        SourceBuilder port(byte port);

        Source build();


Choice and case


The choice statement defines a set of alternatives, only one of which may exist at any one time. The argument is an identifier, followed by a block of sub-statements that holds detailed choice information.

A choice consists of a number of branches, defined with the “case” substatement. Each branch contains a number of child nodes. The nodes from at most one of the choice's branches exist at the same time.
The case statement is used to define branches of the choice. It takes identifier as an argument, followed by a block of sub-statements that holds detailed case information.

JAVA mapping

Choice is mapped to interface(marker interface).

Case statement are mapped to the JAVA interfaces

It includes

  1. Interface file which extends choice marker interface

  2. Builder class which implements the builder interface and impl class which implements the interface

  3. Impl class includes overridden methods, hashcode, equals, toString methods.
Input YANG file
File : link.yang
module link {
    yang-version 1;
    namespace http://huawei.com;
    prefix Ant;

    container link {
        choice interfaceType {
            case ethernerType {
                leaf ethernet { type string; }
            case p2pType {
               leaf p2p { type string; }
Generated Java files
File : InterfaceType.java
package org.onosproject.yang.gen.v1.http.huawei.com.rev20160509.choicecasetest.link1;

import org.onosproject.yangutils.translator.tojava.AugmentationHolder;

public interface InterfaceType extends AugmentationHolder  {

File : EthernerType.java
package org.onosproject.yang.gen.v1.http.huawei.com.rev20160509.choicecasetest.link1.interfacetype;

import org.onosproject.yang.gen.v1.http.huawei.com.rev20160509.choicecasetest.link1.InterfaceType;
import org.onosproject.yangutils.translator.tojava.AugmentationHolder;

public interface EthernerType extends AugmentationHolder, InterfaceType  {

    String ethernet();

    interface EthernerTypeBuilder {

        String ethernet();

        EthernerTypeBuilder ethernet(String ethernet);

        EthernerType build();

File : EthernerTypeBuilder.java
package org.onosproject.yang.gen.v1.http.huawei.com.rev20160509.choicecasetest.link1.interfacetype;

import com.google.common.base.MoreObjects;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Objects;
import org.onosproject.yangutils.translator.tojava.AugmentedInfo;

public class EthernerTypeBuilder implements EthernerType.EthernerTypeBuilder {

    private String ethernet;

    public String ethernet() {
        return ethernet;

    public EthernerTypeBuilder ethernet(String ethernet) {
        this.ethernet = ethernet;
        return this;

   public EthernerType build() {
       return new EthernerTypeImpl(this);

   public EthernerTypeBuilder() {

   public final class EthernerTypeImpl implements EthernerType {

        private String ethernet;

        public String ethernet() {
            return ethernet;

        public EthernerTypeImpl() {

        public EthernerTypeImpl(EthernerTypeBuilder builderObject) {
                this.ethernet = builderObject.ethernet();



RPCs are modeled with RPC statement. The input statement is used to define input parameters to the RPC and output statement is used to define output parameters to the RPC.

JAVA mapping

Rpc statement is mapped to a method in module manager class and service interface.

The generated method will depends on the sub statements input and output. Input and Output will have there own java classes and RPC method will contain Output class's object as return type and Input class's object will be input for the method. If no output node is present , return type will be "void". Same way if no input is present , there will be no input parameter for the method.

Input YANG file
File: sfc.yang
module Sfc {
    yang-version 1;
    namespace http://huawei.com;
    prefix Ant;
    rpc SFP {
        input {
            leaf port {
                type string;
          output {
            leaf path {
                type string;
Generated Java files
File : SfcService.java

package org.onosproject.yang.gen.v1.http.huawei.com.rev20160526;

import org.onosproject.yang.gen.v1.http.huawei.com.rev20160526.sfc.sfp.SfpInput;
import org.onosproject.yang.gen.v1.http.huawei.com.rev20160526.sfc.sfp.SfpOutput;

public interface SfcService {
    SfpOutput sfp(SfpInput inputVar);
File : SfcManager.java
package org.onosproject.yang.gen.v1.http.huawei.com.rev20160526;

import org.apache.felix.scr.annotations.Activate;
import org.apache.felix.scr.annotations.Component;
import org.apache.felix.scr.annotations.Deactivate;
import org.apache.felix.scr.annotations.Service;
import org.onosproject.yang.gen.v1.http.huawei.com.rev20160526.sfc.sfp.SfpInput;
import org.onosproject.yang.gen.v1.http.huawei.com.rev20160526.sfc.sfp.SfpOutput;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import static org.slf4j.LoggerFactory.getLogger;

@Component (immediate = true)
public class SfcManager implements SfcService {

    private final Logger log = getLogger(getClass());

    public void activate() {
        //TODO: YANG utils generated code

    public void deactivate() {
        //TODO: YANG utils generated code

     public SfpOutput sfp(SfpInput inputVar) {
        //TODO: YANG utils generated code
        return null;

File : SfpInput.java
package org.onosproject.yang.gen.v1.http.huawei.com.rev20160526.sfc.sfp;

public interface SfpInput {

    String port();

    interface SfpInputBuilder {

        String port();

        SfpInputBuilder port(String port);

        SfpInput build();
File : SfpinputBuilder.java
package org.onosproject.yang.gen.v1.http.huawei.com.rev20160526.sfc.sfp;

import com.google.common.base.MoreObjects;
import java.util.Objects;

public class SfpInputBuilder implements SfpInput.SfpInputBuilder {

     private String port;

    public String port() {
        return port;

    public SfpInputBuilder port(String port) {
         this.port = port;
         return this;

    public SfpInput build() {
         return new SfpInputImpl(this);

    public SfpInputBuilder() {

    public final class SfpInputImpl implements SfpInput {

         private String port;

        public String port() {
            return port;

        public int hashCode() {
            return Objects.hash(port);

        public boolean equals(Object obj) {
             if (this == obj) {
                 return true;
            if (obj instanceof SfpInputImpl) {
                SfpInputImpl other = (SfpInputImpl) obj;
                     Objects.equals(port, other.port);
            return false;

        public String toString() {
                return MoreObjects.toStringHelper(getClass())
                   .add("port", port)

        public SfpInputImpl(SfpInputBuilder builderObject) {
                 this.port = builderObject.port();
File : Sfpoutput.java
package org.onosproject.yang.gen.v1.http.huawei.com.rev20160526.sfc.sfp;

public interface SfpOutput {

    String path();

    interface SfpOutputBuilder {

        String path();

        SfpOutputBuilder path(String path);

        SfpOutput build();
File : SfpOutputBuilder.java

package org.onosproject.yang.gen.v1.http.huawei.com.rev20160526.sfc.sfp;

import com.google.common.base.MoreObjects;
import java.util.Objects;
public class SfpOutputBuilder implements SfpOutput.SfpOutputBuilder {

     private String path;

    public String path() {
         return path;

    public SfpOutputBuilder path(String path) {
         this.path = path;
         return this;

    public SfpOutput build() {
         return new SfpOutputImpl(this);

    public SfpOutputBuilder() {

    public final class SfpOutputImpl implements SfpOutput {

         private String path;

         public String path() {
            return path;

         public int hashCode() {
            return Objects.hash(path);

         public boolean equals(Object obj) {
            if (this == obj) {
                     return true;
            if (obj instanceof SfpOutputImpl) {
                     SfpOutputImpl other = (SfpOutputImpl) obj;
                     return Objects.equals(path, other.path);
            return false;

         public String toString() {
            return MoreObjects.toStringHelper(getClass())
                .add("path", path)

         public SfpOutputImpl(SfpOutputBuilder builderObject) {
            this.path = builderObject.path();



The "notification" statement is used to define a notification.  It takes one argument, which is an identifier, followed by a block of substatements that holds detailed notification information.

JAVA mapping

Notification is mapped to events and event listeners in ONOS. Events are used by Managers to notify its listeners about changes in the network, and by Stores to notify their peers of events in a distributed setting. An Event is comprised of a event type and a subject built of model objects.

When notification statement is present in YANG, an event class , event subject class, event listener interface and notification interface  and builder will be generated.

When multiple notifications are present event class include the an enum with types of events for all notification  like DEVICE_ADDED, DEVICE_REMOVED and it extends AbstractEvent with event type and event subject class. It is used to notify EventListeners about the event.

Event Subject class will have all the objects of events for multiple notifications and getters and setters for the events.

Event Listener is interface which extends EventListener.

Manager Extends ListenerRegistry with event and eventListener.

Input YANG files
File : ospf.yang
module ospf {
    namespace "http://example.com/ospf";
    prefix "ospf";

    notification test {
           leaf event-class {
              type string;
           leaf severity {
              type string;
Generated Java files
File : OspfManager.java
package org.onosproject.yang.gen.v1.http.example.com.ospf.rev20160519;

import org.apache.felix.scr.annotations.Activate;
import org.apache.felix.scr.annotations.Component;
import org.apache.felix.scr.annotations.Deactivate;
import org.apache.felix.scr.annotations.Service;
import org.onosproject.event.ListenerRegistry;
import org.onosproject.yang.gen.v1.http.example.com.ospf.rev20160519.ospf.OspfEvent;
import org.onosproject.yang.gen.v1.http.example.com.ospf.rev20160519.ospf.OspfListener;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import static org.slf4j.LoggerFactory.getLogger;

@Component (immediate = true)
public class OspfManager
        extends ListenerRegistry<OspfEvent, OspfListener>
        implements OspfService {

    private final Logger log = getLogger(getClass());

    public void activate() {
        //TODO: YANG utils generated code

    public void deactivate() {
        //TODO: YANG utils generated code

File : OspfService.java
package org.onosproject.yang.gen.v1.http.example.com.ospf.rev20160519;

import org.onosproject.event.ListenerService;
import org.onosproject.yang.gen.v1.http.example.com.ospf.rev20160519.ospf.OspfEvent;
import org.onosproject.yang.gen.v1.http.example.com.ospf.rev20160519.ospf.OspfListener;

public interface OspfService
        extends ListenerService<OspfEvent, OspfListener> {

File : OspfEvent.java
package org.onosproject.yang.gen.v1.http.example.com.ospf.rev20160527.ospf;

import org.onosproject.event.AbstractEvent;

public class OspfEvent extends AbstractEvent<OspfEvent.Type, OspfEventSubject> {

    public enum Type {


    public OspfEvent(Type type, OspfEventSubject subject) {
        super(type, subject);

    public OspfEvent(Type type, OspfEventSubject subject, long time) {
        super(type, subject, time);

File : OspfEventSubject.java
package org.onosproject.yang.gen.v1.http.example.com.ospf.rev20160519.ospf;

public class OspfEventSubject {

    private Test test;

    public Test test() {
        return test;

    public void test(Test test) {
        this.test = test;

File : OspfListener.java

package org.onosproject.yang.gen.v1.http.example.com.ospf.rev20160519.ospf;

import org.onosproject.event.EventListener;

public interface OspfListener extends EventListener<OspfEvent> {

File : Test.java

package org.onosproject.yang.gen.v1.http.example.com.ospf.rev20160519.ospf;

import org.onosproject.yangutils.translator.tojava.AugmentationHolder;

public interface Test extends AugmentationHolder  {

    String eventClass();

    String severity();

    interface TestBuilder {

         String eventClass();

         String severity();

         TestBuilder eventClass(String eventClass);

         TestBuilder severity(String severity);

         Test build();

File : TestBuilder.java
package org.onosproject.yang.gen.v1.http.example.com.ospf.rev20160519.ospf;

import com.google.common.base.MoreObjects;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Objects;
import org.onosproject.yangutils.translator.tojava.AugmentedInfo;

public class TestBuilder implements Test.TestBuilder {

    private String eventClass;
    private String severity;

    public String eventClass() {
        return eventClass;

    public String severity() {
        return severity;

    public TestBuilder eventClass(String eventClass) {
        this.eventClass = eventClass;
        return this;

    public TestBuilder severity(String severity) {
        this.severity = severity;
        return this;

    public Test build() {
        return new TestImpl(this);

    public TestBuilder() {

    public final class TestImpl implements Test {

        private List<AugmentedInfo> augmentedInfoList = new ArrayList<>();
        private String eventClass;
        private String severity;

        public String eventClass() {
            return eventClass;

        public String severity() {
            return severity;

        public int hashCode() {
            return Objects.hash(eventClass, severity);

        public boolean equals(Object obj) {
           if (this == obj) {
               return true;
            if (obj instanceof TestImpl) {
                TestImpl other = (TestImpl) obj;
                return Objects.equals(eventClass, other.eventClass) &&
                       Objects.equals(severity, other.severity);
            return false;

        public String toString() {
            return MoreObjects.toStringHelper(getClass())
                    .add("eventClass", eventClass)
                    .add("severity", severity)

        public TestImpl(TestBuilder builderObject) {
            this.eventClass = builderObject.eventClass();
            this.severity = builderObject.severity();

        public void addAugmentation(AugmentedInfo value) {

        public List<AugmentedInfo> getAugmentedInfoList() {
            return augmentedInfoList;

        public void removeAugmentation() {



Augment means “make (something) greater by adding to it; increase.” in YANG augment adds some information in target node. Here in YANG, container, list, choice, case, input, output, or notification node can come as a target node.

As the child node of augment node only "container", "leaf", "list", "leaf-list", "uses", and "choice" can come. If augment comes under a module or submodule.

If a target node is a choice node the "case" statement, or a case shorthand statement can be come as a child node of augment node.

If a target node is from some other YANG file than a mandatory node which is is one of:

  • A leaf, choice, or anyxml node with a "mandatory" statement with   the value "true".

  • A list or leaf-list node with a "min-elements" statement with a value greater than zero.

  • A container node without a "presence" statement, which has at least one mandatory node as a child.

should not come as a child node of augment node.

A augment node can't add the same augmented info to an augmented node multiple times.


Java mapping

For a given augment node in the YANG file one interface file and one builder class file will be generated. Generated files will be having attributes, getters and setters for augment node's child nodes and leaf or leaf-list.

For augment we have given two interface named as “AugmentationHolder” and “AugmentedInfo” as part of YANG utils plugin.

File generated for augment node will be implementing AugmentedInfo class.

Node in data model tree which can be augmented as per the YANG rules, will be implementing AugmentationHolder class. We have given 3 api in AugmentationHolder class, which are :

addAugmentation(AugmentedInfo augmentedInfo);



these apis will be providing augmentation functionalities for augmented nodes. These class will be keeping a list of augmentedInfo , which is nothing but a list of augment nodes which are augmenting this node.

Input YANG file
File : Test.yang
module Test {
     yang-version 1;
     namespace "http://huawei.com";
     prefix Ant;
     description "Interval before a route is declared invalid";

     container interface {
          leaf ifType {
                type string;

     augment "/Test/interface" {
          leaf ds0ChannelNumber {
               type int16;
Generated Java files
File : AugmentedInterface.java

package org.onosproject.yang.gen.v1.http.huawei.com.rev20160428.test;
import org.onosproject.yangutils.utils.AugmentedInfo;

public interface AugmentedInterface extends AugmentedInfo  {
    short getDs0ChannelNumber();
    interface AugmentedInterfaceBuilder {
        short getDs0ChannelNumber();

        AgmentedInterfaceBuilder setDs0ChannelNumber(short ds0ChannelNumber);

       AugmentedInterface build();

File : AugmentedInterfaceBuilder.java
package org.onosproject.yang.gen.v1.http.huawei.com.rev20160428.test;
import java.util.Objects;
import com.google.common.base.MoreObjects;
import org.onosproject.yang.gen.v1.http.huawei.com.rev20160428.test.InterfaceBuilder.InterfaceImpl;

public class AugmentedInterfaceBuilder implements AugmentedInterface.AugmentedInterfaceBuilder {
   private short ds0ChannelNumber;

   public short getDs0ChannelNumber() {
       return ds0ChannelNumber;

   public AugmentedInterfaceBuilder setDs0ChannelNumber(short ds0ChannelNumber)  {
       this.ds0ChannelNumber = ds0ChannelNumber;
       return this;

   public AugmentedInterface build() {
       return new AugmentedInterfaceImpl(this);

   public AugmentedInterfaceBuilder() {

   public final class AugmentedInterfaceImpl implements AugmentedInterface {

       private short ds0ChannelNumber;

       public short getDs0ChannelNumber() {
           return ds0ChannelNumber;

       Public int hashCode() {
           return Objects.hash(ds0ChannelNumber);

       public boolean equals(Object obj) {
           if (this == obj) {
               return true;

           if (obj instanceof AugmentedInterfaceImpl) {
               AugmentedInterfaceImpl other = (AugmentedInterfaceImpl) obj;
                      Objects.equals(ds0ChannelNumber, other.ds0ChannelNumber);
           return false;

       public String toString() {
           return MoreObjects.toStringHelper(getClass())
               .add("ds0ChannelNumber", ds0ChannelNumber)

       Public AugmentedInterfaceImpl(AugmentedInterfaceBuilder builderObject) {
           this.ds0ChannelNumber = builderObject.getDs0ChannelNumber();
          InterfaceImpl interfaceImpl = new InterfaceBuilder().new InterfaceImpl();



The "type" statement takes as an argument a string that is the name of a YANG built-in type or a derived type, followed by an optional block of sub statements that are used to put further restrictions on the type.

Java mapping






Any binary data

To be implemented


A set of bits or flags

To be implemented


"True" or "false"



64-bit    signed decimal number

To be implemented


A leaf that does not have any value



Enumerated strings

Enum class will be generated


A reference to an abstract identity

To be implemented


References a data tree node



8-bit signed integer



16-bit signed integer



32-bit signed integer



64-bit signed integer



A reference to a leaf instance

The type of referenced leaf/leaf-list will be used


Human-readable string



8-bit unsigned integer



16-bit unsigned integer        



32-bit unsigned integer



64-bit unsigned integer



Choice of member types

Union  class will be generated

Input YANG file
leaf one {                         
    type string;

leaf two {                           
    type int32;

leaf-list three {
    type boolean;

leaf-list four {            
    type int16;
Generated Java file
private String one;

private int two;

private List<Boolean> three;

private List<Short> four;



Typedef is user defined type for his implementation. It has the base type which is must for typedef. To give more information about the typedef there should be sub statements to describe it. Unit statement is optional for typedef which give info about the unit of the type. Default is like a value which will be assigned to the typedef if no value is given.default value should follow all restriction defined for the base-type.

Java mapping

For a given typedef node one class file will be generated which will have an attribute with the base type of typedef. There will be a constructor and a getter method, of method and implementation of hashcode, equals and toString methods.

Input YANG file
File : test.yang

module test {

    yang-version 1;
    namespace "http://huawei.com";
    prefix "test";

    typedef percent {
        type uint8;
           description "Percentage";

    leaf completed {
        type percent;
Generated Java file
File : Percent.java
package org.onosproject.yang.gen.v1.http.huawei.com.rev20160526.test;

import java.util.Objects;
import com.google.common.base.MoreObjects;

public final class Percent {

    private short uint8;

    private Percent() {

    public Percent(short value) {
        this.uint8 = value;

    public static Percent of(short value) {
        return new Percent(value);

    public short uint8() {
        return uint8;

    public int hashCode() {
        return Objects.hash(uint8);

    public boolean equals(Object obj) {
        if (this == obj) {
            return true;
        if (obj instanceof Percent) {
            Percent other = (Percent) obj;
            return Objects.equals(uint8, other.uint8);
        return false;

    public String toString() {
        return MoreObjects.toStringHelper(getClass())
            .add("uint8", uint8)

    public static Percent fromString(String valInString) {
        try {
            short tmpVal = Short.parseShort(valInString);
            return of(tmpVal);
          } catch (Exception e) {
          return null;



Enum statement only can come when a leaf is of type enumeration. Each enum has one string then should be unique . The string must not be empty string and must not have white spaces. Enum can have sub statements, value statement will give the info about its value. If the enum statement in enumeration has no value statement then its value is considered as zero and subsequently incremented by one for next values.

Java mapping

For a given enumeration node one enum file will be generated which will have all the enum as its attributes. There will be a constructor and a getter method for the values.

Input YANG file
File: test.yang
module Test {

    yang-version 1;
    namespace "http://huawei.com";
    prefix Ant;
    description "Interval before a route is declared invalid";

    leaf  packetType {
         type enumeration {
             enum "unbounded";
             enum ZERO;
           enum two;
             enum four;
Generated Java files
File : PacketTypeEnum.java

package org.onosproject.yang.gen.v1.http.huawei.com.rev20160526.test;

public enum PacketTypeEnum {





    private int packetTypeEnum;

    PacketTypeEnum(int value) {
        packetTypeEnum = value;

    public static PacketTypeEnum of(int value) {
        switch (value) {
            case 0:
                return PacketTypeEnum.UNBOUNDED;
            case 1:
                    return PacketTypeEnum.ZERO;
            case 2:
                    return PacketTypeEnum.TWO;
            case 3:
                    return PacketTypeEnum.FOUR;
            default :
                    return null;

    public int packetTypeEnum() {
            return packetTypeEnum;

    public static PacketTypeEnum fromString(String valInString) {
            try {
                int tmpVal = Integer.parseInt(valInString);
                return of(tmpVal);
            } catch (Exception e) {
        return null;



Union is a built in type which represents its member types. Union can have multiple member types. To use union there must be a type statement. Except empty and leafref all types can come under union.

When a value comes for union , which can match to multiple member types of union, then in that case to whichever type value matches from the member types defined in union value, will be taken from union as the values type.

Java mapping

For a given union node one class file will be generated which will have all the an attribute with the type union is having. There will be a constructor , getter method, of method, fromString, HashCode, equals and ToString methods for the values.

Input YANG file
File : test.yang
module test {
    yang-version 1;
    namespace "http://huawei.com";
    prefix "test";

    typedef ip-address {
        type union {
            type int32;
            type uint32;
Generated java files
File : IpAddressUnion.java
package org.onosproject.yang.gen.v1.http.huawei.com.rev20160526.test.ipaddress;

import java.util.Objects;
import com.google.common.base.MoreObjects;

public final class IpAddressUnion {

    private int int32;
    private long uint32;

    private IpAddressUnion() {

    public IpAddressUnion(int value) {
        this.int32 = value;

    public IpAddressUnion(long value) {
        this.uint32 = value;

    public static IpAddressUnion of(int value) {
        return new IpAddressUnion(value);

    public static IpAddressUnion of(long value) {
        return new IpAddressUnion(value);

    public int int32() {
        return int32;

    public long uint32() {
        return uint32;

    public int hashCode() {
        return Objects.hash(int32, uint32);

    public boolean equals(Object obj) {
        if (this == obj) {
            return true;
        if (obj instanceof IpAddressUnion) {
            IpAddressUnion other = (IpAddressUnion) obj;
                 Objects.equals(int32, other.int32) &&
                 Objects.equals(uint32, other.uint32);
        return false;

    public String toString() {
        return MoreObjects.toStringHelper(getClass())
            .add("int32", int32)
            .add("uint32", uint32)

    public static IpAddressUnion fromString(String valInString) {
        try {
          int tmpVal = Integer.parseInt(valInString);
          return of(tmpVal);
        } catch (Exception e) {
        try {
          long tmpVal = Long.parseLong(valInString);
          return of(tmpVal);
        } catch (Exception e) {
        return null;
Generated Java files
File : FlowClassifierService.java
package org.onosproject.yang.gen.v1.sfc.flowclassifier.rev20160524;

import org.onosproject.yang.gen.v1.urn.ietf.params.xml.ns.yang.ietf.yang.types.rev20100924.ietfyangtypes.Uuid;

public interface FlowClassifierService {

    Uuid getId();

    void setId(Uuid id);

File : FlowClassifierManager.java
package org.onosproject.yang.gen.v1.sfc.flowclassifier.rev20160524;

import org.apache.felix.scr.annotations.Activate;
import org.apache.felix.scr.annotations.Component;
import org.apache.felix.scr.annotations.Deactivate;
import org.apache.felix.scr.annotations.Service;
import org.onosproject.yang.gen.v1.urn.ietf.params.xml.ns.yang.ietf.yang.types.rev20100924.ietfyangtypes.Uuid;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import static org.slf4j.LoggerFactory.getLogger;

@Component (immediate = true)
public class FlowClassifierManager implements FlowClassifierService {

    private final Logger log = getLogger(getClass());

    public void activate() {
        //TODO: YANG utils generated code

    public void deactivate() {
        //TODO: YANG utils generated code

    public Uuid getId() {
        //TODO: YANG utils generated code
        return null;

    public void setId(Uuid id) {
        //TODO: YANG utils generated code


File : IetfYangTypesService.java
package org.onosproject.yang.gen.v1.urn.ietf.params.xml.ns.yang.ietf.yang.types.rev20100924;

public interface IetfYangTypesService {

File : IetfYangTypesManager.java
package org.onosproject.yang.gen.v1.urn.ietf.params.xml.ns.yang.ietf.yang.types.rev20100924;

import org.apache.felix.scr.annotations.Activate;
import org.apache.felix.scr.annotations.Component;
import org.apache.felix.scr.annotations.Deactivate;
import org.apache.felix.scr.annotations.Service;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import static org.slf4j.LoggerFactory.getLogger;

@Component (immediate = true)
public class IetfYangTypesManager implements IetfYangTypesService {

    private final Logger log = getLogger(getClass());

    public void activate() {
        //TODO: YANG utils generated code

    public void deactivate() {
        //TODO: YANG utils generated code

File : Uuid.java
package org.onosproject.yang.gen.v1.urn.ietf.params.xml.ns.yang.ietf.yang.types.rev20100924.ietfyangtypes;
import java.util.Objects;
import com.google.common.base.MoreObjects;

public final class Uuid {
    private String string;

    private Uuid() {

    public Uuid(String value) {
        this.string = value;

    public static Uuid of(String value) {
        return new Uuid(value);

    public String string() {
        return string;

    public int hashCode() {
        return Objects.hash(string);

    public boolean equals(Object obj) {
        if (this == obj) {
            return true;
        if (obj instanceof Uuid) {
            Uuid other = (Uuid) obj;
                 Objects.equals(string, other.string);
        return false;

    public String toString() {
        return MoreObjects.toStringHelper(getClass())
            .add("string", string)

    public static Uuid fromString(String valInString) {
        try {
            String tmpVal = (valInString);
            return of(tmpVal);
        } catch (Exception e) {
        return null;



The leafref type is used to reference a particular leaf instance in the data tree. Path statement must be present for leafref type. The path under leafref must refer to existing leaf or leaf-list. The leaf or leaf-list with leafref will use the instance of the referred leaf or leaf-list.

If leafref comes under grouping and typedef, it will be resolved where it is used. It will not be resolved where it is defined.


Java mapping

The leaf or leaf-list with type leafref, will copy the type of referred leaf or leaf-list, during java file generation.

input YANG file
File : ietf-network.yang
module ietf-network {
    yang-version 1;
    namespace "urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:yang:ietf-network";
    prefix nd;

    container networks {
            "Serves as top-level container for a list of
        leaf network-id {
            type uint8;
            "Identifies a network.";
    container network-id {
            "Serves as top-level container for a list of
        leaf network-id {
            type leafref {
                path "/nd:networks/nd:network-id";
Generated java files
File : Networks.java
public interface Networks { 
    short networkId(); 
    interface NetworksBuilder { 
        short networkId();
        NetworksBuilder networkId(short networkId); 
        Networks build();

File : NetworkId.java
public interface NetworkId { 
    short networkRef(); 
    interface NetworkIdBuilder { 
        short networkRef();
        NetworkIdBuilder networkRef(short networkRef); 
        NetworkId build();



The identity is used to define a new globally unique, abstract, and untyped identity. Its only purpose is to denote its name, semantics, and existence. An identity can iether be defined from scratch or derived from a base identity. The base statement, which is optional, takes as an argument a string that is the name of an existing identity, from which the new identity is derived.

Java mapping

For a given identity one abstract class file will be generated.

input YANG file
File : ietf-network.yang
module ietf-network {
    yang-version 1;
    namespace "urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:yang:ietf-network";
    prefix nd;

    identity tunnel-type {
      description  "Base identity from which specific tunnel types are derived.";

Generated java files
File : TunnelType.java
public abstract class TunnelType {



The identityref type is used to reference an existing identity. Base statement, which is a substatement to the type statement,  must be present if the type is identityref. The base under identityref must refer to existing identity.

If identityref comes under grouping and typedef, it will be resolved where it is used. It will not be resolved where it is defined.

Java mapping

The leaf or leaf-list with type identityref, will referred to identity, during java file generation.

input YANG file
File : ietf-network.yang
module ietf-network {
    yang-version 1;
    namespace "urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:yang:ietf-network";
    prefix nd;

    identity tunnel-type {
      description  "Base identity from which specific tunnel types are derived.";

    container network-id {
        description "Serves as top-level container for a list of networks.";
        leaf leaf-network-id {
            type identityref {
                base tunnel-type;

Generated java files
File : TunnelType.java
public abstract class TunnelType {
File : NetworkId.java
public interface NetworkId { 
    TunnelType leafNetworkId(); 
    interface NetworkIdBuilder { 
        TunnelType leafNetworkId(); 
        NetworkIdBuilder leafNetworkId(TunnelType leafNetworkId); 
        NetworkId build();




The bits built-in type represents a bit set.  That is, a bits value is a set of flags identified by small integer position numbers starting at 0.

The "bit" statement, which is a substatement to the "type" statement, MUST be present if the type is "bits". It is repeatedly used to specify each assigned named bit of a bits type. It takes as an argument a string that is the assigned name of the bit. All assigned names in a bits type MUST be unique.

The "position" statement, which is optional, takes as an argument a non-negative integer value that specifies the bit's position.

Java mapping

Container BitSet is used to store bits during code generation.

input YANG file
File : test.yang
module Test {
    yang-version 1;
    namespace http://huawei.com;
    prefix Ant;
    typedef MyBits {
        type bits {
             bit disable-nagle {
                 position 0;
             bit auto-sense-speed {
                 position 1;
             bit Mb-only {
                 position 2;


Generated java files
File: MyBits.java
package org.onosproject.yang.gen.v1.http.huawei.com.rev20160718.test;
import java.util.BitSet;
import java.util.Objects;
import com.google.common.base.MoreObjects;
 * Represents the implementation of myBits.
public final class MyBits {
    private BitSet bits;
     * Creates an instance of myBits.
    private MyBits() {
     * Creates an instance of myBitsForTypeBits.
     * @param value value of myBitsForTypeBits
    public MyBits(BitSet value) {
        this.bits = value;
     * Returns the object of myBitsForTypeBits.
     * @param value value of myBitsForTypeBits
     * @return Object of myBitsForTypeBits
    public static MyBits of(BitSet value) {
        return new MyBits(value);
     * Returns the attribute bits.
     * @return value of bits
    public BitSet bits() {
        return bits;
    public int hashCode() {
        return Objects.hash(bits);
    public boolean equals(Object obj) {
        if (this == obj) {
            return true;
        if (obj instanceof MyBits) {
            MyBits other = (MyBits) obj;
                 Objects.equals(bits, other.bits);
        return false;
    public String toString() {
        return bits.toString();
     * Returns the object of myBits fromString input String.
     * @param valInString input String
     * @return Object of myBits
    public static MyBits fromString(String valInString) {
        try {
            BitSet tmpVal = new BitSet();
            valInString = valInString.replace('{', ' ');
            valInString = valInString.replace('}', ' ');
            valInString = valInString.trim();
            String[] bitsTemp = valInString.split(",", 0);
            for (String bitTemp : bitsTemp) {
                bitTemp = bitTemp.trim();
            return of(tmpVal);
        } catch (Exception e) {
        return null;




The binary built-in type represents any binary data, i.e., a sequence of octets.

A binary can be restricted with the "length" statement. The length of a binary value is the number of octets it contains.

Binary values are encoded with the base64 encoding scheme.

Java mapping

Byte array is used to store decoded binary during code generation.

input YANG file
File : test.yang
module Test {
   yang-version 1;
   namespace http://huawei.com;
   prefix Ant;

   typedef MyBinary {
      type binary {
         length "4";


Generated java files
File: MyBinary.java
package org.onosproject.yang.gen.v1.http.huawei.com.rev20160718.test;
import java.util.Objects;
import com.google.common.base.MoreObjects;
import java.util.Base64;
 * Represents the implementation of myBinary.
public final class MyBinary {
   private byte[] binary;

   * Creates an instance of myBinary.
   private MyBinary() {

   * Creates an instance of myBinaryForTypeBinary.
   * @param value value of myBinaryForTypeBinary
   public MyBinary(byte[] value) {
      this.binary = value;
   * Returns the object of myBinaryForTypeBinary.
   * @param value value of myBinaryForTypeBinary
   * @return Object of myBinaryForTypeBinary
   public static MyBinary of(byte[] value) {
      return new MyBinary(value);
   * Returns the attribute binary.
   * @return value of binary
   public byte[] binary() {
      return binary;
   public int hashCode() {
      return Objects.hash(binary);
   public boolean equals(Object obj) {
      if (this == obj) {
         return true;
      if (obj instanceof MyBinary) {
         MyBinary other = (MyBinary) obj;
         return Objects.equals(binary, other.binary);
      return false;
   public String toString() {
      return Base64.getEncoder().encodeToString(binary);
   * Returns the object of myBinary fromString input String.
   * @param valInString input String
   * @return Object of myBinary
   public static MyBinary fromString(String valInString) {
      try {
         byte[] tmpVal = Base64.getDecoder().decode(valInString);
         return of(tmpVal);
      } catch (Exception e) {
      return null;



The decimal64 type represents a subset of the real numbers, which can be represented by decimal numerals.

A decimal64 type can be restricted with the "range" statement.

The "fraction-digits" statement, which is a substatement to the "type" statement, MUST be present if the type is "decimal64".  It takes as an argument an integer between 1 and 18, inclusively. It controls the size of the minimum difference between values of a decimal64 type.

The Minimum and Maximum decimal64 value table for each fraction-digit value.

Java mapping

BigDecimal is used to store decimal64 value during code generation.



input YANG file
File : test.yang

module Test {
    yang-version 1;
    namespace http://huawei.com;
    prefix Ant;

    typedef MyDecimal {
        type decimal64 {
            fraction-digits 2;
            range "1 .. 3.14 | 10 | 20..max";
Generated java files
File: MyDecimal.java
package org.onosproject.yang.gen.v1.http.huawei.com.rev20160718.test;
import java.math.BigDecimal;
import java.util.Objects;
import com.google.common.base.MoreObjects;

 * Represents the implementation of myDecimal.
public final class MyDecimal {
    private BigDecimal decimal64;

     * Creates an instance of myDecimal.
    private MyDecimal() {

     * Creates an instance of myDecimalForTypeDecimal64.
     * @param value value of myDecimalForTypeDecimal64
    public MyDecimal(BigDecimal value) {
        this.decimal64 = value;

     * Returns the object of myDecimalForTypeDecimal64.
     * @param value value of myDecimalForTypeDecimal64
     * @return Object of myDecimalForTypeDecimal64
    public static MyDecimal of(BigDecimal value) {
        return new MyDecimal(value);

     * Returns the attribute decimal64.
     * @return value of decimal64
    public BigDecimal decimal64() {
        return decimal64;

    public int hashCode() {
        return Objects.hash(decimal64);

    public boolean equals(Object obj) {
        if (this == obj) {
            return true;
        if (obj instanceof MyDecimal) {
            MyDecimal other = (MyDecimal) obj;
                 Objects.equals(decimal64, other.decimal64);
        return false;

    public String toString() {
        return MoreObjects.toStringHelper(getClass())
            .add("decimal64", decimal64)

     * Returns the object of myDecimal fromString input String.
     * @param valInString input String
     * @return Object of myDecimal
    public static MyDecimal fromString(String valInString) {
        try {
            BigDecimal tmpVal = new BigDecimal(valInString);
            return of(tmpVal);
        } catch (Exception e) {
        return null;


Golden Eye Demo 

Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ipbu0x0LcDk

Presentation: YANG Demo.pptx


RFC6020 - https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6020


Adarsh MHuawei Technologiesadarsh.m@huawei.com
Bharat SaraswalHuawei Technologiesbharat.saraswal@huawei.com
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