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System Test Setup Overview
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Components in this Setup:
- Jenkins CI system (Optional - if you need to have automated build job set up; else, all the test cases can be driven from TestStation.);
- Wiki (Atlassian Confluence), or other publishing services (Optional - if you don't need to publish test results);
- Gerrit Repo - gerrit.onosproject.org; this is the git repository for both onos and OnosSystemTest;
- TestStation - runs "OnosSystemTest/TestON"; optionally onos Bench and Mininet. Required: "OC" environment variables are configure in the host to run test scripts.
- ONOS cells - each cell is a node running ONOS - the number of cells needed depending on your test cases;
- SDN network - this is either a Mininet-emulated network, or physical network.
Example Test Setup Procedure:
This procedure assume TestStation is running OnosSystemTest, onos bench, and Mininet; Host[1~7] are running onos cell OC[1-7]. All hosts are running Ubuntu14.04.
- Setting up on TestStation ONOS test bench according to the "getting started" guide in "ONOS for Newcomers";
- Install Mininet on TestStation - http://mininet.org/download/
- Clone "OnosSystemtest" to TestStation: "git clone https://gerrit.onosproject.org/OnosSystemTest";
- Configure environment variables on the TestStation with OC[1-7], OCN, OCI to assigned the correct IPs per your environment; Important: these env variables are used by TestON in the init step to create (ssh) handles to all the component systems; they have to be set according to the specific test suites in order for the test to run.
- Run the sample case from OnosSystemTest/TestON/bin: "./cli.py run SAMPstartTemplate" (This case requires to have 3 onos cells).