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ToolbarService is an Angular Factory in the Widget module with the name toolbar.js. It allows you to create a basic toolbar with controls and buttons. To use these functions, see the documentation on injecting Angular services.

An example of a toolbar is on the Topology View.


createToolbarCreate a toolbar basic toolbar.
destroyToolbarDestroy an already-created toolbar.

Function Descriptions


Creates a toolbar panel that returns an API to add functionality to it.

Example UsageArgumentsReturn Value
var toolbar = tbs.createToolbar(id, opts);

id - string of a globally unique ID for the toolbar

opts - an object that can overwrite default settings * for the toolbar

an object with an API that contains actions that can be performed on the toolbar
Returned API Example UsageArgumentsReturn Value
toolbar.addButton(id, gid, cb, tooltip);

This is a wrapper for ButtonService's button function. See the button service documentation for more information.

the button API object

creates a button and adjusts the toolbar's width to accommodate it

toolbar.addToggle(id, gid, initState, cb, tooltip);

This is a wrapper for ButtonService's toggle function. See the button service documentation for more information.

the toggle API object

creates a toggle and adjusts the toolbar's width to accommodate it

toolbar.addRadioSet(id, rset);

This is a wrapper for ButtonService's radioSet function. See the button service documentation for more information.

the radioSet API object

creates a radio button set and adjusts the toolbar's width to accommodate it



creates a div styled to look like a line that separates buttons


null if there are no elements in the current row of the toolbar

creates a new row in which to add buttons – call if you want another row other than the first one;cb - (optional) a function reference to execute when the toolbar is done animating the "show" transition


shows the toolbar

toolbar.hide(cb);cb - (optional) a function reference to execute when the toolbar is done animating the "hide" transition


hides the toolbar

toolbar.toggle(cb);cb - (optional) a function reference to execute when the toolbar is done animating either the "show" or "hide" transition


toggles the toolbar from shown to hidden or vice versa

* The default settings for the toolbar are as follows:

defaultSettings = {
    edge: 'left',        // edge of the window the toolbar is on
    width: 20,           // default width of the toolbar with no buttons
    margin: 0,           // gap between the toolbar and the edge of the window
    hideMargin: -20,     // how much of the toolbar should be shown when the toolbar is hidden
    top: 'auto',         // 'top' CSS style for positioning
    bottom: '10px',      // 'bottom' CSS style for positioning
    fade: false,         // boolean of whether the toolbar will fade in and fade out
    shown: false         // boolean of whether the toolbar is shown initially


Destroys the created toolbar. Should be called on clean up.

Example UsageArgumentsReturn Value
tbs.destroyToolbar(id);id - the string ID of the toolbar you want to destroynone
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