Charles Chan

Background / Bio

Charles started his career at ON.Lab since 2015. His works mostly focus on development and deployment of ONOS/C­ORD projects. He contributed the first community-driven ONOS feature - IPv6 and found several security vulnerabilities in ONOS. On account of his outstanding contribution, Charles has been elected as an ONOS module owner and privileged to maintain certain parts of ONOS codebase such as Segment Routing, Reactive Forwarding, Flow subsystem, and Flow Objective subsystem.

Charles designed and implemented most of the features in CORD fabric, including bridging, routing and multicast. He also involved in ONOS global deployment and initiated an SDN test site in NCTU, Taiwan that connects to several research networks in the world. In addition, he is a member of ONOS/CORD ambassador steering team who establishes relationship and provides necessary assistance to the community all around the world.

Charles is a Ph.D. candidate of Computer Science and Engineering.

Areas of expertise

  • ONOS
    • Flow / Flow Objective Subsystem
    • Segment Routing
    • IPv6
  • CORD
    • Trellis - CORD Network Infrastructure
    • Residential CORD


  • CORD Tutorial, IEEE Conference of Network Softwarization, Seoul, Korea, June 10, 2016
  • ONOS/CORD Workshop, Hsinchu, Taiwan, June 3, 2016
  • SDN Developer Society, Taipei, Taiwan, May 28, 2015


Charles Chan
Personal information
City:Menlo Park, CA
ONOS/CORD specific informations
Wiki nickname:Charles Chan
Miscellaneous Information
Personal website:
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