Michele Santuari

Background / Bio

Michele Santuari received the Master degree on Telecommunications Engineering in 2014 from the University of Trento, with the thesis: "An OpenFlow architecture to improve traffic management in enterprise edge networks" developed in collaboration with CREATE-NET and Trentino Network S.r.l. 

In 2013, he joined CREATE- NET as a junior research engineer and software developer within the Smart Infrastructure application area. In 2016, he joined the Future Network area as a research engineer. He is focused on Software Defined Network, in particular on the Control Plane and Management development. He started to work with ONOS during the DREAMER project in 2014. 

Michele likes running, hiking and climbing.

Areas of expertise

  • ONOS Intent Framework architecture
  • ONOS Driver subsystem
  • ONOS General architecture


  • Speaker at ONOS Mini Summit, Berlin, 20 June 2016
  • Speaker at ONOS Build 2016, Paris, 2-4 November 2016


Michele Santuari
Personal information
ONOS/CORD specific informations
Wiki nickname:Michele Santuari
Mentor:Andrea Campanella
Miscellaneous Information
Personal website:Linkedin
Organization:FBK CREATE-NET
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