Welcome to the ODTN wiki space. All information on this wiki is publicly accessible. If you would like to contribute to this space, you will need an ONOS account: https://onosproject.org/register/
ODTN (Open and Disaggregated Transport Networks) is an ONF Exemplar Platform that leverages the ONOS SDN Controller. ODTN aims to rally service providers, hardware vendors and system integrators, to
- Build a reference implementation using (a) open source software, (b) open and common data models, and (c) disaggregated hardware devices.
- Perform lab and field trials using the reference implementation.
- Identify supply chain gaps and propose solutions.
The platform's scope covers:
1. Disaggregated DWDM systems, including but not limited to transponders and Open Line Systems, amplifiers, multiplexers, all-optical switches and ROADMs
2. Open source network operating system for control and configuration of the DWDM system
3. Open and common data models, APIs and protocols
Much of this information is captured in the platform charter document.
A high level overview of the ODTN platform can be found here.
Key People & Communication Channels
Interested in joining ODTN? Please contact Andrea Campanella, andrea@opennetworking.org
The Use Case Team defines use cases, test scenarios, and metrics for success. They also select APIs and models to pursue.
Mailing Lists
The mailing lists are the preferred way to get in touch with the project members. ODTN members can join these two ODTN lists.
- ODTN General
https://groups.google.com/a/opennetworking.org/forum/#!forum/odtn - ODTN Software
https://groups.google.com/a/opennetworking.org/forum/#!forum/odtn-sw - ONOS Dynamic Config Brigade
- Slack channel: #odtn https://onf-community.slack.com/archives/C8G0T0Y3B
- To join, please click here: https://join.slack.com/t/onf-community/shared_invite/zt-g2ed9rid-t9mAGa4Y2RrKfBWbY665tA
Project Weekly Call
The team meets bi-weekly on Monday from 8 to 9 am pacific, 5 to 6 PM CET on Zoom.
NOTE: this meeting is PUBLIC and RECORDED and the recording is typically uploaded to YouTube.
Interested in participating in ODTN development? Some of the tools we use require you to register for the overarching ONOS project, so we suggest you register first and then dig into the rest of the information, starting with the Developer Guidelines. Here are the key tools we use:
Issue Tracking
We use JIRA as our tool for issue tracking: jira.onosproject.org. Register for an account to view, comment on, and create issues.
TL;DR: ONOS Gerrit Repository (mirrored on GitHub; register here) - uses Apache License v 2.0
- All code contributions go into ONOS main repo. This implies no private repos, no closed source, etc.
- ONOS uses Git for version control, and Gerrit for reviews. Please refer to the ONOS wiki to get started developing for ONOS: https://wiki.onosproject.org/
- Code is uploaded, reviewed and merged using Gerrit: https://gerrit.onosproject.org/
- If you just want to browse the code, please use our GitHub mirror: https://github.com/OPENNETWORKINGLAB/onos
More Information
If you want to develop for ODTN, see Developer Guidelines then reach out to the ODTN Mailing List.
ODTN is an operator-led initiative and hosts an impressive selection of leading service providers, along with visionary equipment vendors.
Software companies and other institutions
We expect all ONF employees, member companies, and participants to abide by our Code of Conduct. If you have any questions or concerns, please notify a member of the ONF team or email conduct@opennetworking.org.
Having trouble getting started? First, reach out to the mailing list or Slack team. If you still have questions or concerns, please email help@opennetworking.org.