High level summary:
ONOS deployed in JGN-X (Japan testbed)
New VPLS application deployed in production in NCTU
New driver for Corsa DP2100 and fix for Corsa DP6410
ONOS + SDX-L2 deployed in GÉANT pilot
YANG Tools 2.0
All models kept in a single store
Common ancestor for all models; model-agnostic and model-specific access; friendly API for apps
YANG models can be introduced and compiled at runtime
RESTCONF & NETCONF adapters can be maintained separately
YANG tools, dynamic config manager and store are implemented in a modular fashion; they can be evolved and maintained independently from one another; generated classes are not tied to the dynamic config store
Extended ONOS Buck plugin to support embedded dependencies
Applications/Use Cases
Added packets/second mode to traffic monitoring
Dark theme reinstated
Regions/layouts enhancements - layouts can use grid or geo backgrounds for example
Packet Optical
OpenROADM device, network and service support
Full protection behaviour incl. hardware-based demonstration
Support for VLAN based virtual network provisioning
Unit tests and support of OpenStack Tempest API
Enable multiple FPM connections for HA
Added support for multiple control plane redirects for multiple Quagga routers
RESTCONF adapter for YANG
Intent Framework improvements
Intent framework and VPLS support for OFDPA pipeline (e.g. Accton switches)
New intent installer to let users create their own intent installer logic and plug them in at run-time
Domain intents: extension of Intent Framework to generate domain intents
Route subsystem enhanced to support multiple routes per prefix
Virtualization improvements
Support of flow objective and mastership services for virtual networks
Performance improvements
NETCONF adapter for YANG
Apache Mina library for NETCONF
OpenFlow 1.4 support
LISP subsystem enhancements for mapping services
QA Infrastructure
Performance white paper 2.0 - first update of performance since Blackbird release
New tests on Bandwidth Allocation
Tracked down several bugs affecting HA and clustering
Non-brigade contribution
[ONOS-5565]Implementation of QosConfig and QueueConfig(Frank Wang)
Deployment Brigade (Jimmy Ou, Jordi Ortiz, Luca Prete, Yi Tseng, Yoshihiko Kanaumi, Pier Luigi Ventre, Carolina Fernandez)
New intent installer to let users create their own intent installer logic and plug them in at run-time
Initial intent framework support for OF groups
VPLS refactoring: improved code modularity, higher stability, performance improvements, new VPLS status, visible in the VPLS CLI
Initial support for OF meters
Intent framework and VPLS support for OFDPA pipeline (i.e. Accton switch)
PoC: ONOS in a Box - ONOS working as OS directly on top of Accton switches
ONOS deployed in JGN-X (Japan testbed)
New VPLS application deployed in production in NCTU
New driver for Corsa DP2100
Fix for Corsa DP6410
ONOS + SDX-L2 deployed in GÉANT pilot
Network Virtualization Brigade (YoonSeon Han, Claudine Chiu, Harold Huang, Jovana Vuleta)
Support of flow objective and mastership services for virtual networks
Distributed stores for packet, flow rule, and flow objectives
Improved the performance for (de)virtualizing and packet and flow rules
Refactoring of legacy interfaces and logics
Support REST API for OFagent (the core part of OF is under development)
Dynamic Configuration Brigade
Huawei: Patrick Liu patrick.liu@huawei.com, Gaurav agrawal gaurav.agrawal@huawei.com, Vinod Kumar S (vinods.kumar@huawei.com), Sithara Punnassery Sithara.Punnassery@huawei.com, Sonu Gupta sonu.gupta@huawei.com, Henry Yu henry.yu1@huawei.com, Bharat Saraswal bharat.saraswal@huawei.com, Janani B janani.b@huawei.com, Vidyashree Rama Vidyashree.Rama@huawei.com, Adarsh M adarsh.m@huawei.com, Aruna kumar padhi aruna.padhi@huawei.com, Shankara (shankara@huawei.com), Rama Subba Reddy (Rama.Subba.Reddy.S@huawei.com), A U Surya (a.u.surya@huawei.com), Jin Gan
ON.Lab: Thomas Vachuska tom@onlab.us, Brian O’Connor bocon@onlab.us, Ray Milkey ray@onlab.us, Simon Hunt simon@onlab.us
Fujitsu: Aaron kruglikov aaron@onlab.us
YANG Tools 2.0
Ability to store data for all and any models in a single store
Common ancestor for all models; model-agnostic and model-specific access; friendly API for apps
YANG models can be introduced and compiled at runtime (e.g. from a device
RESTCONF & NETCONF adapters can be maintained separately
Allows use with or without the dynamic configuration store
YANG tools, dynamic config manager and store are implemented in a modular fashion; they can be evolved and maintained independently from one another; generated classes are not tied to the dynamic config store
DynamicConfig App and Distributed Store
GUI Brigade (Simon Hunt, Steven Burrows)
Nodes and links auto-scale with zoom in/out (retrofitted to classic topology view)
Added packets/second mode to traffic monitoring
Dark theme reinstated
Topology 2:
Added to navigation menu
Regions / Layouts configurable by scripted CLI commands
Layouts can use geo backgrounds (latitude/longitude) or grid backgrounds (Y/X) to provide specification of device/host/subregion locations on the view
Traffic monitoring augmented to allow aggregation of data over “synthetic” (e.g. region-to-region) links
Basic toolbar functionality implemented
Various bug fixes
Various extensibility and scalability enhancements applied to client-side code
gRPC Brigade (Aaron Kruglikov, …)
Brigade planning and organization completed
Build tools and services created (in master but unlikely to be included in K release)
Build and Package Infrastructure Brigade (Viswanath KSP)
Extended BUCK to support embedded dependencies - ONOS-6359
Experimented code disaggregation with REPO - demo planned with onos-app-samples
Fixed Gerrit patchset validation pipeline code
Documented existing Jenkins build process and experimented with Gitbook
Teaching Brigade (Abdulhalim Dandoush, David Boswell, Lefteris Manassakis, Alexis MUNYANDEKWE, Andrea Campanella, Timon Sloane, Elena Olkhovskaya, David Mahler, sachidananda sahu)
Brigade working days with concrete action points (recordings are available and the action points will be organized in jira tickets)
Document to reorganize and fill the content for Module 1.4 (intro to SDN)
Document to reorganize the fill the content for Module 1.5 (intro to ONOS)
Slides materials for some 1.4 (intro to SDN) sections
Feedback and broken elements about some wiki sections related to 1.5 (intro to ONOS)
Tutorials (i.e. installation, distributed ONOS, etc.)
Architecture guide
Security and Performance Analysis Brigade (Stefano Secci, Kamel Attou, Dung Chi Phung, Jian Li, José Sanchez, David Espinel, Dylan Smith)
Run first complete bundle failure test campaign.
Run LISP SBI performance tests.
Identified two security bugs.
QA (Jon Hall, You Wang, Pratik Parab, and Shreya Chowdhary)
Performance white paper 2.0 - first update of performance since Blackbird release
Docker test to pull images for released versions of ONOS
OF 1.5 feature list
New tests on Bandwidth Allocation
Improvements in Intent tests, NetConf, NetCfg and BGPLS
Tracked down several bugs affecting HA and clustering
Introduced Jenkins Pipeliner job for Scale and Performance tests
System level tests for the Distributed Work Queue API
Packet Optical use case (Marc De Leenheer, Yuta Higuchi)
OpenROADM device, network and service support
Full protection behaviour incl. hardware-based demonstration
OpenFlow 1.4 support (Murat Parlakisik, Jimmy Jin)
Improvements to ROADM App (Jimmy Jin, Mao Lu, Jimmy Yan)
Data center use case/OpenStack integration - SONA Project (Hyunsun Moon)
Added support of VLAN based virtual network provisioning
Added support of security group to openstack/networking-onos and SONA
Added methods to recover data plane
Added support of OVS connection tracking and NAT extension to onos-loxi and ONOS
Added unit tests and support of OpenStack Tempest API and scenario tests
Added SONA installed and activated ONOS Docker image to Dockerhub
LISP Subsystem support (Jian Li)
Implemented mapping management application
Implemented distributed and simple MappingStore, and MappingManagers
Modeled and implemented several mapping primitives
Provided abstractions for LCAF using ExtensionMappingAddress
Added CLI, REST, GUI to query mapping information
Provided a way to assess SBI performance
Improved the performance of MapServer and MapResolver
Gory Details
- [ONOS-5682] - Implement Virtual network related events
- [ONOS-5950] - Refactor application structure
- [ONOS-5951] - Remove security group support
- [ONOS-5952] - Refactor to cache network states
- [ONOS-6053] - Implement simple mapping store
- [ONOS-6054] - Implement distributed mapping store
- [ONOS-6055] - Define mapping store interface
- [ONOS-6073] - Implement MappingManager
- [ONOS-6201] - Add to existing VirtualNetworkFlowObjectiveManager unit tests
- [ONOS-6423] - Implement missing getOrDefault methods in primitive wrappers
- [ONOS-6425] - Improve logging for transactions
- [ONOS-6426] - Include tombstones in null comparisons in AtomixConsistentMapState
- [ONOS-4950] - SONA apps cannot get node COMPLETE event on start-up
- [ONOS-5683] - Intent throughput test regression
- [ONOS-5725] - [YMS-Integration] YANG schema registration error using buck-compiled YMS
- [ONOS-5784] - Empty latitude/longitude in ONOS Web UI
- [ONOS-5853] - FlowEntry: correctly rebuild permanent entries from devices
- [ONOS-5902] - Leaders Command Fails with Timeout
- [ONOS-5911] - Port removal after receiving OFPR_DELETE port status reason.
- [ONOS-5971] - [ONOS-YANG]Compilation issue occurred for notification feature.
- [ONOS-5978] - Set SDN-IP as required application for reactive-routing in BUCK
- [ONOS-5982] - Bad comparison of signed byte with 240
- [ONOS-6020] - NETCONF API regression
- [ONOS-6023] - Existence of BasicLinkConfig result in bogus latency value
- [ONOS-6031] - Unable to resolve behavior if it is not defined in onos-drivers.xml
- [ONOS-6041] - Deleting the device from onos making continuous loop of uncaught exceptions for multi-node cluster
- [ONOS-6047] - VirtualNetworkManager.get does not return existing service class
- [ONOS-6052] - Exception in DpiStatisticsListener
- [ONOS-6066] - bug fix for openstack node module
- [ONOS-6070] - Device which does not support MeterFeatureRequest get stuck during handshake
- [ONOS-6081] - Resource store throws exception when queried for non-registered continuous resource
- [ONOS-6098] - Port number used for SNAT does not return to the available port number pool after the SNAT rule expired
- [ONOS-6106] - Adding Missing Fields in the " get flows and get devices" rest api
- [ONOS-6114] - [ONOS-YANG-DEMO1]Issue after getting serializer registered
- [ONOS-6118] - FlowObjective intent throughput regression
- [ONOS-6120] - Demo1:Integration - node with demo1 namespace not found.
- [ONOS-6147] - Demo1: Integration - GET throws an exception
- [ONOS-6155] - issue in JSON parsing when node type is null
- [ONOS-6156] - Issue in JSON parsing when array size is zero
- [ONOS-6160] - Possible null pointer reference for Device object
- [ONOS-6161] - Possible null pointer reference on portchain-list object
- [ONOS-6172] - [ONOS-YMS-TEST] Ospf yang files is throwing error when space is present in enum.
- [ONOS-6182] - Demo1 Integration testing: Passive component testing
- [ONOS-6183] - NET L3VPN structure and store implementation
- [ONOS-6191] - NET L3VPN create operation support
- [ONOS-6195] - [ONOS_YANG_DEMO2] resource id for create bgp is not correct
- [ONOS-6196] - [ONOS_YANG_DEMO2] Class not registered exception
- [ONOS-6197] - [ONOS_YANG_DEMO2] RT value not correct for any to any
- [ONOS-6198] - [ONOS_YANG_DEMO2] RT value not correct for hub and spoke
- [ONOS-6199] - Huawei Driver implementation for device and ports discovery and L3VPN create
- [ONOS-6210] - RemoveDevice throws IllegalStateException if device is not reachable
- [ONOS-6211] - [ONOS_L3VPN_SERVICE] Accumulator and l3VPN svc delete
- [ONOS-6229] - KShortestPathsSearch cannot find other k-paths when the shortest path is 1 hop
- [ONOS-6239] - Flows are missing after mastership change if 'backupEnabled' is set to false
- [ONOS-6243] - [ONOS-YANG-DEMO1]Configurations are getting configured on only one device for multiinstance case.
- [ONOS-6244] - [ONOS-YANG-DEMO1]Device is getting disconnected and followed by time-out exception for get interface request(queried for updating port statistics)
- [ONOS-6261] - Topo2 - Node Dragging not always working as expected
- [ONOS-6265] - IntentManager unregister error
- [ONOS-6269] - Variable checked for null which is not needed
- [ONOS-6271] - Variable device dereferenced, it might be null
- [ONOS-6275] - Topo2 - Host icon needs to be increased to match original topo
- [ONOS-6276] - Topo2 - Port label and link highlighting not shown as expected
- [ONOS-6277] - Topo2 - Host label should default to "unknown"
- [ONOS-6278] - Topo2 - Host "added and updated" events don't contain ip address of the host
- [ONOS-6279] - Topo2 - Toolbar is creating a duplicated id error
- [ONOS-6280] - Topo2 - Hosts without lat and long cause error on click events
- [ONOS-6282] - Topo2 - UiModel backing elements should be retrieved via service
- [ONOS-6284] - Pointer passed to method where it is dereferened can be null
- [ONOS-6285] - Unused variable can be deleted
- [ONOS-6286] - metadata possible be null but not cosider
- [ONOS-6288] - releasing wrong tunnel id. leads to null pointer exception
- [ONOS-6291] - Topo2 - theme listener not removed when topo2 view goes out of scope.
- [ONOS-6292] - Topo2 - Clicking on instance panel - cannot read property 'classed' error
- [ONOS-6296] - NULL pointer dereference in GroupStore
- [ONOS-6298] - null pointer derefeference in defaultisisInterface.java
- [ONOS-6299] - null pointer dereference in linkConverter.java
- [ONOS-6302] - IntentInstaller did't update flow rule
- [ONOS-6303] - Incorrect traffic treatment from link collection intent compiler
- [ONOS-6305] - [ONOS-YANG-DEMO1]Null pointer exception when query for netconf session in multi-instance scenario.
- [ONOS-6307] - possible null pointer dereference in BandwidthManager
- [ONOS-6308] - Possible null pointer exception in accessing interfaceclass in yobutils
- [ONOS-6309] - generating null pointer exception in publish method of MQService
- [ONOS-6310] - NPE in Protocol TL1Controller disconnectDevice
- [ONOS-6323] - Juniper driver can generate port numbers, which can overlap
- [ONOS-6339] - Topo2 - Duplicate region links
- [ONOS-6347] - Topology scaling test regression
- [ONOS-6354] - CFG values and applied values are mismatching while trying to set a property with an invalid value
- [ONOS-6355] - incompatible string object and boolean object comparision
- [ONOS-6356] - invalid use of bytearray toString
- [ONOS-6370] - [ONOS_YANG_TOOLS]Compilation error in generated code of RPC if namespace is too lengthy
- [ONOS-6380] - Intent performance regression
- [ONOS-6397] - Fix incorrect filtering objective condition from Intent copmiler.
- [ONOS-6401] - ONOS nodes timeout when trying to connect to the cluster in vm test cluster
- [ONOS-6408] - NetconfAlarmProvider fails to parse eventTime, which contains milliseconds
- [ONOS-6410] - Transform TargetConfig into a Identifier class, etc.
- [ONOS-6412] - OpticalCircuitIntent leaves resource allocation behind after withdrawing
- [ONOS-6414] - LinkManager can throw NPE when BasicLinkConfig is getting updated
- [ONOS-6415] - NPE in Topo2Jsonifier
- [ONOS-6421] - invalid equals(), comparing different object types
- [ONOS-6430] - Topo2 - EdgeLink labels are still visible when hosts are hidden
- [ONOS-6431] - Suspicious reference comparison
- [ONOS-6432] - CheckStyle Issue fix
- [ONOS-6433] - NPE when deactivating org.onosproject.netcfglinksprovider
- [ONOS-6439] - Floating IP rules are not removed when it is removed without disassociation
- [ONOS-6444] - Floating IP rules are not set when it created with fixed IP configured and no association step
- [ONOS-6446] - ObjectiveTrackerService is not a public service
- [ONOS-6452] - Supplied Eth type value for MPLS_POP instruction not getting reflected in switch
- [ONOS-6462] - Intent stuck in WITHDRAWING state with FlowObjective intent compiler
- [ONOS-6468] - `stc smoke` test fails using updated onos-loxi
- [ONOS-6476] - It takes 20s to install 1000 FlowObjective intents
- [ONOS-6481] - Encapsulation intents add bandwidth allocations that don't get removed with the intent
- [ONOS-6486] - VPLS Configurations are not distributed to the whole cluster
- [ONOS-6488] - VPLS doesn't reinstall correctly
- [ONOS-6492] - Consistent Map Timeout in FlowObjective intent throughput test
- [ONOS-6493] - Any VPLS failure might affect other VPLS
- [ONOS-6505] - Incorrect Intent id generator from VPLS Intent test
- [ONOS-6509] - Incorrect VPLS state
- [ONOS-6510] - In FlowObjective intent test throughput drops to 0 after 20 sec
- [ONOS-6517] - NPE in network/configuration
- [ONOS-6528] - VPLS app does not delete a VPLS netowrk
- [ONOS-6595] - Allow TestON to run with non-default username/passwords
- [ONOS-1381] - Visualize more details on optical intents in the CLI
- [ONOS-2107] - System tests for distributed queue api
- [ONOS-2451] - System tests for Atomic Value
- [ONOS-4362] - Alarms for Calient
- [ONOS-4380] - Refactor AlarmId and Alarm Class
- [ONOS-4951] - Implement compute node delete
- [ONOS-5182] - Refactor SONA to cache virtual network states for performance
- [ONOS-5223] - UI for protection
- [ONOS-5353] - Test OpenROADM service/network/device methods through RESTCONF.
- [ONOS-5354] - Import and compile OpenROADM service/network/device models
- [ONOS-5364] - Separate configurations for netconf and netcfg tests into separate files so they can be easily changed
- [ONOS-5381] - Topo2 - Keyboard shortcut 'M' toggle offline devices
- [ONOS-5383] - Topo2 - Implement the Sprite Layer
- [ONOS-5390] - Topo2 - Implement the toolbar
- [ONOS-5416] - Restructure onos-sample-apps
- [ONOS-5450] - (OFAgent) Implement OFAgent manager
- [ONOS-5451] - (OFAgent) Implement virtual switch and controller connection handler
- [ONOS-5452] - (OFAgent) Implement OF channel pipeline and handler
- [ONOS-5453] - (OFAgent) Implement OF message encoder and decoder
- [ONOS-5503] - (OFAgent) Add CLIs to list, create, and remove OFAgent
- [ONOS-5504] - (OFAgent) Add REST APIs for OFAgent service
- [ONOS-5590] - Investigate host add latency test
- [ONOS-5649] - (vCore) Complete tunnel operations
- [ONOS-5667] - Device identification in ONOS NBI based on device YANG
- [ONOS-5668] - Internal application interface definition for interaction with device
- [ONOS-5828] - TL1 protocol should use DeviceKey service
- [ONOS-5840] - Docker test should also pull images for released versions of ONOS
- [ONOS-5841] - Record metrics for decisions made by Reactive Forwarding
- [ONOS-5881] - Update WIKI about multiple gateway nodes configuration
- [ONOS-5910] - Studying possible solution for conflicts in resource reservation
- [ONOS-5916] - Implement mapping management application
- [ONOS-5919] - (vCore) separate Intent store from virtual network manager
- [ONOS-5925] - Remove deprecated optical port descriptions from code base
- [ONOS-5932] - New FlowObjective compiler for LinkCollection Intent
- [ONOS-5934] - Reuse meterIds
- [ONOS-5937] - Type of Target Configuration as Enum
- [ONOS-5957] - Enhance meter commands output
- [ONOS-5958] - Meter Restoration
- [ONOS-5962] - YANG Runtime: ModelConverter's createModel implementation
- [ONOS-5963] - YANG Runtime: ModelConverter createDataNode implementation
- [ONOS-5966] - YANG Integration: Support for YRT, Model, YC integration related defect fixes
- [ONOS-5967] - Investigate VLAN mode support
- [ONOS-5968] - Investigate Kubernetes + Kuryr + SONA
- [ONOS-5969] - YANG Compiler: Testing of generated code.
- [ONOS-5970] - Provide a method to actively sync network states with Neutron
- [ONOS-5976] - Implement UiMessageHandler tailored to use JsonCodecs
- [ONOS-5977] - YANG Compiler: Optimization of YANG compiler
- [ONOS-5981] - PoC SNAT support with multiple gateway nodes
- [ONOS-5983] - Improve gateway node setup
- [ONOS-5984] - Improve SONA setup with containerized ONOS
- [ONOS-5986] - Investigate data plane validation tool support
- [ONOS-5989] - YANG based L3VPN: Provide the skeleton structure with L3SM model
- [ONOS-5990] - YANG based L3VPN: Internal device model to be added
- [ONOS-5997] - Select devices for which to develop alarm driver
- [ONOS-5998] - Decide story from NTT field trial
- [ONOS-6000] - Decide provisioning mechanism for intents
- [ONOS-6001] - Decide on additional device drivers for the power behavior
- [ONOS-6012] - Connect to Netconf Device via SSH Key.
- [ONOS-6016] - Enhance IntentInstaller for FlowObjective
- [ONOS-6018] - Netconf : Create Passive Netconf Translator
- [ONOS-6021] - Some class of Constraints should not be used for link cost evaluation.
- [ONOS-6022] - CLI to disable LLDP discovery
- [ONOS-6033] - Corsa pipelines should filter the clear deferred action
- [ONOS-6034] - Provide a method to purge and resync flow rules for the existing VMs
- [ONOS-6039] - Remove opesntackinterface application
- [ONOS-6043] - Allow configuration of MAX_METERS value within FullMetersAvailable behaviour
- [ONOS-6057] - Model converter : Object to data node conversion
- [ONOS-6059] - Enable OpenFlow device to define FlowRuleProgrammable
- [ONOS-6067] - Mask FlowRule sent to EDFA device
- [ONOS-6068] - Workaround for detecting packet-layer connectivity
- [ONOS-6071] - Color change for UI protection
- [ONOS-6072] - DeviceDescriptionDiscovery for Lumentum ROADM
- [ONOS-6076] - Move Device configuration portion of NETCONF/TL1 from /apps to /devices
- [ONOS-6078] - Netconf : Active component
- [ONOS-6079] - Netconf : Active and passive component integration
- [ONOS-6082] - Implement missing DistributedFlowRuleStore test
- [ONOS-6085] - Test Bandwidth allocation with intents
- [ONOS-6086] - Increase stability in Intent Functionality tests
- [ONOS-6088] - Investigate OF1.5 features
- [ONOS-6090] - Investigate on several performance issues related to white paper update
- [ONOS-6094] - Set out milestones for gRPC brigade and share on the wiki
- [ONOS-6103] - List up SONA feature test cases
- [ONOS-6104] - Investigate how to connect Kubernetes pod to SONA controlled OVS
- [ONOS-6107] - Polish Region Aware Topo to be ready for Demo
- [ONOS-6109] - Data plane wiring of rack
- [ONOS-6111] - Investigate Jenkins Pipeliner for ONOS builds
- [ONOS-6113] - bgp hold time expiry handling
- [ONOS-6142] - Implement various LISP extension addresses
- [ONOS-6150] - OpenstackNode application support creation of vlan interface on open vswitch
- [ONOS-6153] - Refactor intent reroute test
- [ONOS-6166] - Create SONA project on Github
- [ONOS-6167] - Move SONA related repositories to SONA project repo
- [ONOS-6168] - Implement multiple gateway nodes support for VLAN mode
- [ONOS-6169] - Implement codec for mapping address extension
- [ONOS-6170] - Implement codec for various mapping primitives
- [ONOS-6171] - Investigate Jenkins Pipeliner jobs for ONOS system tests
- [ONOS-6173] - Apparent Infinite loop
- [ONOS-6179] - Virtual Network Packet Propagate Issue
- [ONOS-6186] - Implement VLAN based virtual network provisioning and logical switching
- [ONOS-6187] - Implement logical routing for VLAN mode
- [ONOS-6208] - Implemention of onos and loxi for OVS NAT and connection tracking support
- [ONOS-6212] - Packet to optical path correlation for UI
- [ONOS-6225] - TopologyService should be able to give k-shortest path
- [ONOS-6231] - Update SONA wiki pages with the latest changes
- [ONOS-6235] - Implement ExtensionMappingAddressInterpreter
- [ONOS-6236] - retry to setup connection to device when error appears on socket
- [ONOS-6241] - (vNet) Can't find a virtual device Id
- [ONOS-6248] - VPLS application refactoring
- [ONOS-6253] - Add support for NETCONF device which does not support interleave feature
- [ONOS-6254] - Submit various bug fixes and patches from ONS
- [ONOS-6255] - Topo2 - Integrate Topo2 into Nav Menu
- [ONOS-6263] - Topo2 - Implement link labels
- [ONOS-6272] - Topo2 - Implement server-side filtering of model data for update events
- [ONOS-6274] - Topo2 - Host label should be permanently shown
- [ONOS-6281] - Topo2 - Device detail panel header should navigate to device view
- [ONOS-6283] - Topo2 - Key command 'H' should toggle hosts and connected links
- [ONOS-6289] - Revisit path computation in optical path provisioner
- [ONOS-6290] - Topo2 - with no topology, show "No devices are connected" message
- [ONOS-6293] - Topo2 - Device detail panel -- suppress blank long/lat properties
- [ONOS-6294] - Topo2 - Summary panel / Details panel interactions...
- [ONOS-6306] - Lambda allocation aware path computation
- [ONOS-6315] - create gRPC northbound Port Service
- [ONOS-6321] - NETCONF: Discuss about replacing ssh library
- [ONOS-6328] - Topo view detail panel: suppress empty latitude/longitude
- [ONOS-6348] - Intent Installer redesign
- [ONOS-6349] - Add CLI for querying mapping information from MappingService
- [ONOS-6352] - Add REST API for querying mapping information
- [ONOS-6358] - Further improve LISP control message processing speed
- [ONOS-6372] - Topo2 - Refactor "location" data to be consistent
- [ONOS-6375] - Add Web GUI for mapping subsystem
- [ONOS-6376] - Change Underlying NETCONF SSH library
- [ONOS-6377] - Support for chuncked NETCONF 1.1 message termination
- [ONOS-6382] - (vNet) a problem to remove virtual networks
- [ONOS-6389] - Topo2 - wiki doc: Using netcfg to configure regions / layouts
- [ONOS-6393] - Miscellaneous updates for Kingfisher performance white paper
- [ONOS-6395] - (vNet) Defining mastership service interface
- [ONOS-6398] - Investigate SDNIP test failures
- [ONOS-6399] - Investigate VPLS test failures
- [ONOS-6417] - YANG Tools: Generated code interfaces to be self sufficient and needn't rely on base objects
- [ONOS-6436] - Implement VLAN based Logical Routing
- [ONOS-6437] - List up valid Tempest API and scenario test cases for SONA
- [ONOS-6451] - Datapath type setting function for supporting OVS DPDK addBridge
- [ONOS-6467] - (vnet) remove tunnel operations