Due to a ransomware attack, the wiki was reverted to a July 2022 version. . We apologize for the lack of a more recent valid backup.
- for Test Plan see: Test Plan - Perf & Scale-out;
- ONLabTest script - https://github.com/opennetworkinglab/ONLabTest: LinkEventTP
Test Setup:
- RC2 - Commit# 20fa3a45f9e8b7429187473044c434bdeae80870
- Using Null Link Provider "flicker" to generate link event load:
- 40 Null Devices (linear topology) on each ONOS node;
- 32 effective flicker threads
- flicker eventRate varies from 4000 to 500.
- Bare-metal Servers: dual-Xeon E5-2670, 32GB DDR3 RAM, SSD, Cluster Network is 1Gbps
- JAVA_OPTS="${JAVA_OPTS:--Xms8G -Xmx8G}"
- "org.onosproject.net.topology.impl.DefaultTopologyProvider.cfg": maxEvents = 1; maxIdleMs = 0; maxBatchMs = 0
Test Procedure:
Combine flicker rate and # of Null Devices to generate a load until "Topology Graph Events m1" starting to trail behind "Topology Link Events m1" (> 0.01%)
Note @1-node, only run load generator to generate up to 56 K-Events/s - not limited by ONOS capacity.
Each scale test is run for 180sec

Result Discussions:
- Little "resistance" on "North-South" communication - standalone ONOS can process high rate of link and graph events - limit not tested;
- As cluster scale increases, "East-West" becomes the performance limiter.
- Additional works may apply here to reduce the performance limit as scaling out; however, the minimum 10K event/s ONOS cluster capacity should be sufficient for operating a large-scale network.