This is an archive of the ONOS 1.2 wiki. For the current ONOS wiki, look here.



  1. Enable OSGi/Java System Security


Step 1: KARAF-3400 temporary fix for Karaf version 3.0.3


Some versions of Apache Karaf do not support OSGi/Java security feature (KARAF-3400:


It looks like the cause of this issue is Felix Config Admin version 1.8.

Hence, install Felix Config Admin version 1.6.


$> wget

$> mv org.apache.felix.configadmin-1.6.0.jar $KARAF_HOME/system/org/apache/felix/org.apache.felix.configadmin/1.6.0


modify karaf configuration to load Felix Config Admin version 1.6.




mvn\:org.apache.felix/org.apache.felix.configadmin/1.6.0 = 10


Step 2: Install ONOS version of Felix Framework Security


In order to enable some key features of Security-Mode ONOS, we’ve slightly modified the source code of Felix Framework Security.


Fetch the code via Git and install it.

$ git clone

$ cd onos-felix/

$ git checkout onos

$ mvn clean install


Step 3: Configure Karaf to enable OSGi/Java Security


Edit karaf/etc/

Uncomment the following two lines as shown


# By default, only Karaf shell commands are secured, but additional services can be


# To enable OSGi security, uncomment the properties below,

# install the framework-security feature and restart.




  1. Enable Security-Mode ONOS


Edit ~/Applications/apache-karaf-3.0.3/etc/org.apache.karaf.features.cfg


featuresBoot = onos-security,…


  1. Policy File

Security-Mode ONOS leverages application subsystem(link) existing app.xml to specify security policy for each ONOS application.




  1. Permission Negotiation
  2. Future Work
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