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Simple Walk-through tutorials describes how to create VMs and shows that all VMs can ping each other. This tutorial explains how we can ssh to VMs from network node by adding an external network and router. We also use the horizon web interface to create networks and router.

  1. Create a external network for a router from System>Networks>Create Network button.

    Then, you can see that a network is added from the network list.

  2. Add a subnet in the external network by clicking the "Edit Network" button in the network list. We do not need to input information in subnet details.

    We can see that the subnet for the external network is created as below.

  3. Create a router using the external network created above.
    Project > Network > Routers > Create Router

    Then, the router is created as below.

    Set the gateway of the router using the external network by clicking the "Set Gateway" button in the router list.

    Then, the router information is changed as below.

    Click the router name in the router list above to see the router detail.

    Click the "Add Interface" button in the "Interfaces" tab above.

    Choose the subnet for the VMs as the Subnet click "Add Interface".
    If you did not create the subnet for the VMs, please create one following the Simple Walk-through wiki page.
    Now, you can ping to VMs from network node.

  4. Create a few VMs if you did not following the Simple Walk-through wiki page.

  5. Now you can see that two new ports are created in the network node.

    $ sudo ovs-vsctl show
        Manager "ptcp:6640"
        Bridge br-int
            Controller "tcp:"
                is_connected: true
            Controller "tcp:"
                is_connected: true
            Controller "tcp:"
                is_connected: true
            fail_mode: secure
            Port vxlan
                Interface vxlan
                    type: vxlan
                    options: {key=flow, remote_ip=flow}
            Port "qr-12ab8d3d-66"
                Interface "qr-12ab8d3d-66"
                    type: internal
            Port br-int
                Interface br-int
        Bridge br-ex
            Port br-ex
                Interface br-ex
                    type: internal
            Port "qg-ea233534-7b"
                Interface "qg-ea233534-7b"
                    type: internal

    The port "qr-xxx" is a port for router to VMs and the port "qg-xxx" is a port for gateway to external: you can see that "qr-xxx" port is created in the br-int bridge, and the "qg-xxx" port is created in the br-ex bridge.

  6. Also, you can see that a network namespace is created for the router. We use the network namespace to access the router.

    $ sudo ip netns
  7. Now we can ping to all VMs using the network namespace.

    $ sudo ip netns exec qrouter-79b62cd4-a332-4de3-9e29-e7a68bec1a97 ping
    PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
    64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=1.81 ms
    64 bytes from icmp_seq=2 ttl=64 time=0.731 ms
    64 bytes from icmp_seq=3 ttl=64 time=0.746 ms
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