This is an archive of the ONOS 1.4 wiki. For the current ONOS wiki, look here.

Test Cases

IDTitleTest ENVPreparationTestStepsExpectedResult
ONOS_ONOSFW_NBI_1Create Network


Single ONOS

1.ONOS running well.

2.Install feature onos-app-vtnrsc.



1.Create a network:post http://{ip}:8181/onos/v1/networks,input the JSON format message net_json1.Check the return number and return value.

2.List the network:get http://{ip}:8181/onos/v1/networks.Check the return number and return value.

3.List the network:get http://{ip}:8181/onos/v1/networks/{id}.Check the return number and return value.

4.Show networks on ONOS.

1.The return number is 200(OK) and the return value is the same as net_json1.

2.The return number is 200(OK) and the return value is the same as net_json1.

3.The return number is 200(OK) and the return value is the same as net_json1.

4.ONOS shows correct network.

ONOS_ONOSFW_NBI_2Update NetworkSingle ONOS

1.ONOS running well.

2.Install feature onos-app-vtnrsc.

1.Create a network with net_json1,then update the network:put http://{ip}:8181/onos/v1/networks/{id},input the JSON format message net_json2.

 Check the return number.

2.List the network:get http://{ip}:8181/onos/v1/networks.Check the return number and return value.

3.Show networks on ONOS.

1.The return number is 200(OK).

2.The return number is 200(OK) and the return value is the same as net_json2.

3.ONOS shows correct network.

ONOS_ONOSFW_NBI_3Delete Network

Single ONOS

1.ONOS running well.

2.Install feature onos-app-vtnrsc.

1.Create a network with net_json1,then delete the network:delete http://{ip}:8181/onos/v1/networks/{id}

 Check the return number.

2.List the network:get http://{ip}:8181/onos/v1/networks.Check the return number and return value.

3.Show networks on ONOS.

1.The return number is 200(OK).

2.The return number is 200(OK) and the return value is none.

3.ONOS shows no network.



ONOS_ONOSFW_NBI_4Create SubnetSingle ONOS

1.ONOS running well.

2.Install feature onos-app-vtnrsc.

1.Create a network with net_json1,then create a subnet:post http://{ip}:8181/onos/v1/subnets,input the JSON format message subnet_json1.

   Check the return number and return value.

2.List the subnet:get http://{ip}:8181/onos/v1/subnets.Check the return number and return value.

3.List the sunbet:get http://{ip}:8181/onos/v1/subnets/{id}.Check the return number and return value.

4.Show subnets on ONOS.

1.The return number is 200(OK) and the return value is the same as subnet_json1.

2.The return number is 200(OK) and the return value is the same as subnet_json1.

3.The return number is 200(OK) and the return value is the same as subnet_json1.

4.ONOS shows correct subnets.



ONOS_ONOSFW_NBI_5Update SubnetSingle ONOS

1.ONOS running well.

2.Install feature onos-app-vtnrsc.

1.Create a network with net_json1 and create a subnet with sub_json1,then update the subnet:get http://{ip}:8181/onos/v1/subnets/{id},

  input the JSON format message subnet_json2.Check the return number.

2.List the network:get http://{ip}:8181/onos/v1/subnets.Check the return number and return value.

3.Show subnets on ONOS.

1.The return number is 200(OK).

2.The return number is 200(OK) and the return value is the same as subnet_json2.

3.ONOS shows correct subnets.



ONOS_ONOSFW_NBI_6Delete SubnetSingle ONOS

1.ONOS running well.

2.Install feature onos-app-vtnrsc.

1.Create a network with net_json1 and create a subnet with sub_json1,then update the subnet:get http://{ip}:8181/onos/v1/subnets/{id},

  input the JSON format message subnet_json2.Check the return number.

2.List the network:get http://{ip}:8181/onos/v1/subnets.Check the return number and return value.

3.Show subnets on ONOS.

1.The return number is 200(OK).

2.The return number is 200(OK) and the return value is none.

3.ONOS shows no subnet.




1.ONOS running well.

2.Install feature onos-app-vtnrsc.

1.Create a network with net_json1 and create a subnet with subnet_json1,the create a virtualport:post http://{ip}:8181/onos/v1/virtualports,

  input the JSON format message port_json1.Check the return number and return value.

2.List the port:get http://{ip}:8181/onos/v1/virtualports.Check the return number and return value.

3.List the port:get http://{ip}:8181/onos/v1/virtualports/{ip}.Check the return number and return value.

4.Show ports on ONOS.

1.The return number is 200(OK) and the return value is the same as port_json1.

2.The return number is 200(OK) and the return value is the same as port_json1.

3.The return number is 200(OK) and the return value is the same as port_json1

4.ONOS shows correct port.




1.ONOS running well.

2.Install feature onos-app-vtnrsc.

1.Create a network with net_json1 and create a subnet with subnet_json1 and create a virtualport with port_json1,then update the port:put http://{ip}:8181/onos/v1/virtualports/{id},input the JSON format message port_json2.Check the return number.

2.List the port:get http://{ip}:8181/onos/v1/virtualports.Check the return number and return value.

3.Show ports on ONOS.

1.The return number is 200(OK).

2.The return number is 200(OK) and the return value is the same as port_json2.

3.ONOS shows correct port.




1.ONOS running well.

2.Install feature onos-app-vtnrsc.

1.Create a network with net_json1 and create a subnet with subnet_json1 and create a virtualport with port_json1,then delete the port:delete http://{ip}:8181/onos/v1/virtualports/{id}.Check the return number.

2.List the port:get http://{ip}:8181/onos/v1/virtualports.Check the return number and return value.

3.Show ports on ONOS.

1.The return number is 200(OK).

2.The return number is 200(OK) and the return value is none.

3.ONOS shows correct port.





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